Rare mounts

Hello! I have a question for mount farmers. How do you feel about pandaria super rare mounts loosing their prestigue? I mean sha, galleon and others? Before evoker glitches , ive heard People was farming these for years and years, know with remix you can get previously One of the rarest mounts in 2 days for like 2 hr gameplay. Will this be the case for other rare mounts too, it wont be interesting that there are less and less super rare mounts.

I am as mount farmer very happy that super rare mounts become available in other way than years of endless farm. I’m very happy these mounts now in my collection. And I don’t care how many others have them, are those mounts “prestige” or not. I only care about my collection.


This pretty much.


Did you not know about the situation with Evokers?

When evokers were introduced to the game they messed up and they had guaranteed drops of the world boss mounts in Pandaria. As a result of this they hotfixed it not only so that evokers didn’t get a guaranteed drop but also as a consolation increased the drop rate for all those bosses for everyone else.

I’d already farmed all of them before Remix. I had two of them before the Evoker mistake, afterwards I collected the rest in a couple of months.

I don’t care about the change as a result of the evokers nor the ability to buy mounts in Remix. There will be people like me that already had everything and just bought the recolour mounts and there will be others who finally get to buy mounts they’ve been missing. There will even be some who don’t care about mounts at all.

I would love to see them do this with more expansions another time when WoW is in downtime at the end of an expansion. It’s been super fun to take part in, there is no meta rubbish (or at least not beyond what is the strong meta gem), just go and blast, have fun collect bronze and spend.



I don’t use mounts so I don’t care.

Mounts are like the WoW version of cars to me.

I’m very happy I finally got all the MoP world boss mounts after farming them (almost) weekly since they were introduced.

Im happy, i already had oondasta mount. the drops rates before evoker were dumb behond belief, if you went on droprate for all of them and only used 1 character per week it averaged out to like 76 years of farming.


Finally free of the chore - whether the freedom comes from a lucky drop or else doesn’t matter in the end as long as it arrives; that’s how I’d see it too, if I’d bother in the first place.


I’ll certainly be angry if Lucid Nightmare goes to trading post or becomes easily obtainable, it will lose the sense of pride of riding that mount completely.

Especially because I’ve done the hunting and puzzles without reading guides.


I wouln’t care. All those ppl would buy it and use it for a few days, like its usully the case with new store mounts; and then stop caring and use some other mount - while I’ll still be using mine because the mount actually means something to me, together with the few other peope who REALLY wanted it but couldn’t for one reason or another. No loss for me, only a win for them.

Hoping Legion mounts will become available like that soon; would have liked one of the char hounds for my DH because of story reasons; ran the raid a few times with alts - it didn’t drop; but my char needed his mount NOW, so I just chose an alternative. RNG just lowered my enjoyment or the role play.


Prestige :dracthyr_hehe_animated:
It’s old content, mate.

I’m happy with it, since some of these drop rates are way too low for that old content.
In the end it was also a fun event, started off rough and it can use some improvements but aside from the bugs and things being character based instead of account based it was some good fun.

The drops I go for are for me, not to show around for others… that mindset I always found sad and a bit childish.
So if others have an easier time getting some things I spend too much time at: good, its just another game after all.

If you’d really care… (I doubt) wouldn’t you be angry already? Most that got it just used a guide. Its not an uncommon mount. One just needs to get around to it, that’s all it requires. :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

If anything, the journey you’ve gone through is more worth than the reward it gave you. If the not using guides is true.


I like that they made the mounts more accessible, when initially the “grind” was ultimately an RNG fest…

I don’t feel prestigious afking for 15-20 mins daily on multiple alts for years hoping I get a mount… Likewise, I wouldn’t feel it either if I got it first try…

Everytime I’ve heard people say “I have the Sha mount”, the response has 99% of the time been “Damn you’re lucky” because that’s what it boils down to.

I also have TLPD and that I wouldn’t mind either being nerfed in some way… At the end of the day, I care for mounts for myself, and I have characters which use standard “easy to obtain” mounts because it fits the tmog… I collect for my own sake, and if someone else gets to enjoy the mount I have, why not? It’s a game we’re hopefully all here to enjoy the game :smiley:


I never was happy about the extremely low drop rate tbh, the last 2 mount I got (nalak oondasta) I hot them after 8 years of farm and that’s too much.

Also now those skin are old nobody really care anymore,I also almost never use them beside galleon one and rarely Sha one.


They are over a decade old.

If people have been farming them with any regularity over that time the game was broken and a “fix” was overdue.

There was no prestige in having those mounts, just luck. It’s not the same thing.


They’re a decade old… no one cares about you owning them at this point.

Let their “rarity” exist for the current and prior expansion.

There are enough super rare mounts left in the game . I already had farmed most cloud serpents from pandaria before like Sha , Nalak etc except the raid one the astral one . Had all worldboss dropped ones incl terrohorns , except Galleon but i am happy i could buy all raid ones now. That many other players could buy them now with lower effort does not affect my playstyle. I never really used my superrare mounts because i did not want to make others feel bad they havent the luck or can´t effort the time or show them they are to lazy . for me It would be ok If they haden´t brought it in the game because i had nearly all but it´s also ok for new gamers that they could get it without spending years of nighttime doing it while watching youtube^^. i farmed them all late at night when nothing other was up in the game and all Worldbosses where ready to die when i went there . With one or two chars once a week. The only point what is a bit unfair is that they have made them to cheap so that everyone who plaed Panaria Remix for just a few hours could buy them all .

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I once hated myself enough to bother farming mounts. Then I learned to love myself and everything got better. Good luck on your journey. <3


I actually did, I play every game without guides, I really enjoy figuring out things on my own.
The only thing I sometimes do with WoW is copy builds from Icy Veins ^^


very good, i never have to step foot in mop again (and i havent) i guess downside is ppl NOT farming it as old content anymore cuz we got everything in 3 months? idk