Rare mounts

As someone who run weekly raid routes on at least two characters, I think this is good decision. Mounts like these are not prestigious in any way, it’s just a collectibles at this point, and having dozens of 1% drop mounts to farm is not healthy, especially how obnoxious it’s to farm them sometimes (Dragon Soul, I’m looking at you). It’s borderline casino, considering the content is now 10 years old, and I’m really glad they’re fixing it by giving players alternative ways to farm them (Remix and Timewalking raid drops for previous expansions).

There most “prestigious” mounts are always unobtainable ones, others are just like pokemon cards. You have them for your collection, but that’s it.

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i farmed Reins of the Heavenly Onyx Cloud Serpent for 14 years, never dropped same with ashes of al’ar, it cheapens the game that everyone has access to everything now with no effort, same with trading post giving away old items

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I like rare mounts being rare. I still remember seeing a player on the Astral Cloud Serpent for the first time when I was a noob and thinking how awesome it looked. It was one of the first old-content mounts I farmed, and I was so happy when it dropped. Having said that, I was never going to farm the Panda world boss mounts as I just cba hanging around for one-shotted bosses with super low drop rates.

I’m fine with things being rare as long they are challenging to obtain like the hivemind. Because there actually are some challenging steps like puzzles to it, oreven how you obtained the lama mount at the end of bfa in uldum where you got to find and feed it about 7 times .

But mounts wich need to be farmed by one shotting old bosses 100000 times and then waiting ages for it respawn like the sha is not fun or even challenging its just tedious.

And mounts like the brutosaur shouldnt be limited time. Just keep such mounts as a gold sink and adjust prices of it to gold inflation so you still got to be pretty rich to buy it. After all for people who want to show it off it still has gravitas to show off to others because it costs so much

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Sooner or later most mounts will end up in Trading post.
If not, they most likely end up in shop. :dracthyr_shrug:

There are a selective few mounts that I use. I don’t need anything else as of now.
So I woudn’t really mind about such.

Mixed bag but at the end of the day I’m happy that I have them. Like someone else earlier said I’m glad for my collection.

They are not unique skins regardless, so it shouldn’t matter.

Some of the best looking mounts in the game (in my opinion) are just farmable by either doing challenging content or buying it for a decent chunk of gold.
Sure mounts like Jaina’s water elemental and Invincible are extremely iconic but sadly these are an exception. Most ‘elite’ mounts get a recolor the same expansion anyway, often times more than one.

Don’t care. The rare mounts I’ve wanted was because the mounts were cool and a desire to ride/fly around on them, not because of their rarity or to add +1 to some collection. I was really happy when I got the Sha mount but don’t care if others get it as well regardless of how. I don’t see it used much when the novelty wears out, so it still seems rare enough on my character.

Prestige is fleeting and often illusionary. How many people really care about what other players have? Do you ever think “wow, that person is so cool, they’re so prestigious!” if someone obnoxiously AFKs by the mailbox on their rare mount? It’s more likely that people just think “wow, that person is really pathetic!”.

If you’re upset about something losing its “prestige” in a video game, use it as an opportunity to critically reflect on your mindset and how/why you play the game.

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I used to feel this way… I came back mid Legion after having stopped before Wrath… Back then riding the Blue Skeleton Horse mount, looked cool, because it actually got peoples attention… Or the Tiger / Raptor…

But it seems over the years Blizzard has gone completely crazy with it… Instead of making a handful of new, unique mounts, they throw 8 new Cranes, 10 Serpents, 5 scorpions, 20 flying Bugs… All of them just a recolor of each other… And then they make 90% of them easy to obtain and lock the last 10 behind either a tedious grind or a super low drop chance… For me THIS cheapens mounts…

The mounts that are actually unique are being given either through 6-month sub or directly in the store

So at the end of the day, I bet a lot of people don’t even know that the whatever recolor we use are rare or not… Because they may not have the Orange one, but they will probably have 5 other colors in their collection

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I will never understand the logic behind spending countless of hours. days and weeks of my time to farm something that i’m even gonna USE. xD

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buT ThiNk of tHe SatISfActiON!!


Prestige? I don’t see it, is luck simple as that. In an era where you can buy almost anything with boosts or carry, the term “prestige” or “rare” has no relevance at all…

I think Remix was an excellent idea, not only for those of us who didn’t have all those mounts, but also for new players to enjoy Pandaria.
I hope they continue to bring more events like this. It is more encouraging to play doing several things and know that at the end of the day you will be able to get a mount.

Not everyone has the time or possibility to farm mounts on a daily basis and I say that as someone who farmed Invincible and Ashes for almost a decade. I got Invi but never use it, Ashes never dropped but now I don’t have the time anymore.

I don’t care if it’s a mount I get simply by doing quests, if I like it I’ll be using it. The mount does not give you status or make you better than anyone else. It’s a pity that people think that.


I got these mounts because the drop rates were buffed. Not because of remix.

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I think some rare drop mounts are okay, but over the years there’s just far too many with a ridiculously low drop rates. There shouldn’t be more than a handful of those and it should be the classics like Invincible or Ashes. The rest should either be not as low on the drop rate or be obtainable eventually in a deterministic way.

Nobody cares…

they are mounts that you either got lucky with or didnt.

Now if they did the same to rare achievement mounts like high level PVP or mythic then it would be a different story.

Equally the hivemind is useless for most people that did it together, none of the people I did mine with even play those characters any more. Some don’t even play the game now.

Thats true, but the way to get it is interesting and makes it word staying rare. I wish rare mounts would be more obtainable like that.

What is so prestigious about getting lucky with an abysmal drop chance?

Do you think anyone clicks on me while flying on Al’ar thinking I’ve achieved something insane for killing Kael’thas once? :smile:
At most they’d ask where it came from as it looks amazing.


u farmed the heavenly during wotlk ? because thats 14 years ago. mop was 10

i got my dates wrong, but so did u mop was 12 years ago