Rare mounts

Got my Thundering Onyx Cloud Serpent… Poggers!

Thanks Blizz.

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Mounts have become so bloated that they have become meaningless. There’s just too many for any of them to really matter. Ground mounts are like relics now, nobody ever uses them.

Its a sign of the game overall I feel. Just bloat. Its all seemingly meaningless to me now… Maybe I am just getting old.

Except bg players.

I believe that Lucid Nightmare should become more widely available, but not for free. The steps, which are hidden, should become a lengthy questline, so players who do not yet have it will still get to experience it fully. Of course, I don’t know how that would work with the maze part.

Lucid Nightmare is also different than other mounts (and rewards) in the sense that if you do the sequence properly, then you 100% get it. With the various mounts from raids and world bosses and what not it’s purely a chance.

I was thinking that ever since the Appearance, Mounts, Toys and Pets tabs were implemented, there should be bonuses to having as many as possible. For example:

  • Chance for rare mounts to drop from raids for the player increased by x% where x% is the amount of mounts the player has unlocked against total amount of mounts available in-game.
  • Chance for rare toys to drop from enemies/bosses increased by x% where x% similar to above
  • Chance to encounter rare quality pet (or even rare pets) increased by x% where x% similar to above
  • Transmogrification costs reduced by x% where x% similar to above

This would give collectors a small but tangible reward for their effort and help them complete their collections faster, while non-collectors aren’t affected at all.

Maybe once upon a time I’d have been miffed that somebody got something for less effort, and would have thought they didn’t earn it. But nowadays I’m just happy for them that they got something that brings them pleasure. No skin off my nose either way.


Yeah i feel the same, except for some players they would think you have to earn it the way they did and it would lose prestige. i don’t understand this way of thinking.

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Being lucky with rare items and mounts is not the same as being prestigeous.

Prestige would be if the items are/were made unobtainable. For example the Scarab Lord title and Black Qiraji Batttle Tank that came with the title; Gladiator mounts; realm first titles and achievements; Legion Mage Tower appearances etc are prestigeous because they are not obtainable anymore. You might feel jealously or envy over not recieving or missed them due to various reason at the time when they were still obtainable. But the fact remains that not everyone has them due to them being unobtainable, making them prestigeous.

they should make everything available to achieve. i never understood why they would take stuff out of the game. some people may have missed it due to some reasons. i would never feel jealous about such things but i would really want to get a shot at some mage tower appearances just for the mog.

I don’t think any mounts (apart from Black AQ war bettle tank maybe) have significant prestige anymore.

I wish they’d improve mount farming in raids a little. I’ve been doing Dragon Soul for years (I posted a thread on here in '22 about this and still at it). Some kind of Bad Luck Protection is needed. A skip would be nice. A +0.1% in drop chance after every kill (100 kills would add 10%) would be good. Anything.

Yeah, there are so many BG players its a fight to get a game first… Wake up my guy.

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