Rate my Tmog 0/10 Give feedback :)

https://imgur.com/qIg34lF https://imgur.com/xawqBnM

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You might’ve missed it but there’s a whole thread dedicated to rating eachothers mogs:

That said, never seen yours before and quite like it! 8/10


reddit /roastme would be better

Thank you for the rating and thanks for telling me there is a thread for this, i had no idea, i will use it next time :slight_smile:

nah im joking, transmog looks good

Yep, was buried a week or two ago, could use a bump :pleading_face:

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0, Zero, zilch, Nada.

I’ll be honest, I really don’t like it. I think zero is harsh and given that a couple of things match in terms of theme, I’ll give it 2/10.

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