Rate the monk transmog above you

You seem more like a great rogue than a Monk, but still loved it overall.
Like I said, is good but lacks the Monk synergy.


I like it, not sure on the gloves but the profile pose doesnā€™t help with that. 9/10

Not my favorite, but decent 6/10

I mean, Iā€™m really sorry, but 6/10 because nipples.

Cover up man, thereā€™s no dignity in showing your pasty blue pecks.

8/10, loving the theme, and the fan is awesome. The blue head & shoulders donā€™t work all that well for me, though.

I like the Gnomish take on the monk theme. Combining the clothy panda look with the mechanical Gnome look works out. The only personal opinion I donā€™t like is that it is very ā€¦ ā€œPriestā€ looking. Nothing wrong with that of cause, but Iā€™m just not a fan of the whole ā€œholy themeā€ that Palladins and Priests have :slight_smile:

I really like it ā€¦ but it fits more the KT theme :confused:

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9/10 I like it very mistweaver!

Feel free to skip me I wanted to tag the post so I can easily keep track for ideas :stuck_out_tongue:

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8/10 - not keen on the big shiny shoulders, but an interesting take on a blue mog that isnā€™t yet another Stormwind soldier.

Like the simple style , dont like the weapons. Still a solid 8-

Nice one 8/10

PS. Not really a monk mog, but i am a monk in service of the Lord of Light (GoT throwback because I miss the show) Also my enchantment should be fiery, idk why sometimes it looks odd in armory

I like that more than Iā€™d have thought. Some flash, but not too much, and reasonable coordination amongst the browns. Iā€™m giving that a 9/10 because Iā€™m not sure if there is a better vest (maybe a shirt?) to go with it.

^ Accidentally posted from my other toon.
6.5/10. Itā€™s good but very simplistic for my taste. :stuck_out_tongue:

Drop the blindfold. Other then that some amazing colors and well combined items.

Hey Bogfu where did you get the armour pieces for that mog?

Hands, shoulders and boots are Horde PvP set from season one, probably can get then next XPac for marks of honor.

You look like a stormwind guard ā€¦ i just know im gonna get roasted so hard by this thread

I feel like the set is put together in a very good way, but my subjective view is that it doesnt fit Draenei. So it will be a 6/10

Interestingā€¦ giving the vibe of an Alliance soldier who took a chance to retrain as a monk. Iā€™d say 9/10 for colour coordination, but 7/10 on looking like a monk. Overall 8 :slight_smile:

(I grew tired of being randomly pumpkinned in Boralus so I picked out a new ensemble that sort of works with it when it happensā€¦)

I see you went for a more realistic leather look which is how I usually prefer MOGing too :wink: Although personally Iā€™m not a fan of too ā€œvanillaā€ looking sets, but again thatā€™s just personal preference :slight_smile: Besides that I love how you managed to mix in the ā€œmonkā€ look.
8/10 :slight_smile:

On mine I went a more vampyric/demon route, which I usually donā€™t do because I donā€™t like fel :sweat_smile:

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