Rate the name of the person above you! #8


Maskakuruk sounds pretty tribal, which is fitting for a HM CowBoy, but does not sound like a Tauren name for me.

Tobunar Ironfire

It’s interesting that often orcs and dwarves have very interchangeable cultural names. Tobunar likewise sounds appropriate for sure. 9/10


Awesome, fitting, Troll-ish
 Love it. 10/10

Gor’kamp Axefang

Yep, that’s an orcish name if ever I heard one. Solid 10!

Minnie Pinchpenny

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Minnie Pinchpenny!

Proud and perfect for a Goblin Rogue! A warning (pinchpenny) as well as hiding your worth behind the concept of being Minnie (tricks of the trade)! True rogue name.


Vogue Venomblade

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I dislike the first name.
It feels like you just put a V in the R’s place in “rogue” and went with it.
As for the last name, it depends if it’s your character’s maiden name or one she chose for herself later in life.

If it’s her original name, then 0 points for creativity, but it sounds kinda elven, so you can get a 3/10, but if that’s a name she chose for herself, then it’s fine, really, with a 6/10.

Tyreathion Runeblood

I like it. Would be better if it was Tyrathion or Tyrethion instead of both a and e but it sounds pretty cool.


Eridu Bloodtotem

Eridu, Eridu the Moose. Very cheerful name for a Tauren. Your Tribal name on the other hand. Bitter feelings. Overall Id give you 7/10.

Fythramar Moonshadow

Very elvish. Very rogueish. Fythramar sounds a bit too masculine in my opinion, though. 7/10

Laurenn Coldshade!


I’ve given that a lot of thought, actually. I wanted to go with just an A at first, but how I wanted it to be pronounced didn’t really fit it. Could have gone for just an e too, but it felt off, looked a bit like it’d be a silent letter or pronounced more as an a.

I’m a bit on the fence regarding your name, Laurenn. The first name feels a bit too human to fit an Elf, then again High (/Blood/Void) Elves have been in contact with humans since forever so it’s not impossible for Elven parents to give their child a human name. Coldshade is solid. It’s not too Tolkienesque and it’s, thankfully, not a variation of dark/void/etc.

Solid 7/10

  • Abigail Dangerbeard

To be honest. It’s more like a title or a family name than a first name, and for that it’s quite good for a dwarf. I guess.

Okay, quite a 
 powerful name. There’s something very, very, VERY voidy about it.
and stuff. Cough cough
I’ll rate this with 10/10; creative and with a good meaning, leaves one thinking if it’s based off of Old Gods and fits a Void Elf perfectly!

Sounds fairly dang Thalassian to me, so that’s a check.
Ethanar reminds me of Ether, which is a higly flammable liquid, fitting for a rogue vial perhaps.

This gets a “BIG WOW” from me.

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Meromel does sound like something only eccentric gnome parents would come up with.

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brb, putting that in my trp info

For Malaficus;
Very elf-y! Solid 10 from me.

  • Minnie Pinchpenny

I always found “Minnie” to be a really cute name, especially for a short girl. Also “Pinchpenny” is a fitting goblin name, but a bit generic.
-7.5 / 10

  • Zeal’Thael (Say it somewhat like “Zeal - Tha - L”)

Zeal’Thael rolls off the tongue quite nicely and I find it fitting for an elf. I do wonder what your character’s last name is though. 9/10

  • AstĂ©ri (Ah-steer-ee) Nightflower


Zeal got exiled becouse he tried to protect his younger brother, my old Belf mage from WotlK. When he was exiled for practicing Void magic, Zeal’thael followed. My mage’s last name was “Morningsky”, therefor it should be Zeal’thael’s last name too, even if i did not wanted to give him a proper last name when I created him.
Nowdays, on the street, he goes by the name: “Zeal’thael Cursebane” becouse he has a talent of solving problems involving abused magic and curses. He dislikes this name tho’ just as all of the extravagant and “edgy” titles and names.
Zeal’thael is fine for him, Just Zeal for his friends.

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