Rate the tmog above you💃 (v3.0)

Terrible news, everyone! The former transmog thread was closed 5 days ago. :disappointed_relieved:

But great news everyone! A new one shall raise from its ashes, like a phoenix reborn.

I’ll continue from where the former one ended:

His leggings are slightly off, a blueish themed pants would have been better, but the rest are something my own DK too would wear - a proper deathbringer look.

6.7/10 overall.

Take it away, me hearties!


:sob::sob: as much as I don’t want to do bad ratings I don’t like it… shoulders are as old as pac man probably I can count the pixels, the weapon doesn’t match the color of the theme… 3/10.

you look like a great murder hobo. 6/10

I like it a lot, great job 10/10

I enjoy yours, but a weapon with a blue glow would fit better with the glow of your armor.

6/10 decent could be better

Could have been 10/10 but the ugly tabard, ugly cloak and the weapon that doesn’t match, killed it for me, so 6/10

Doesn’t match? Thought it worked with the colours tbh. One good mog this season

6/10 it works just too purple

Aren’t we supposed to only type once in this thread?

Anyway, I’ve counted 8 Blood Knight pieces, it’s pretty much a full set which puts the rating down a lot for me. The weapon is a bit off, the tabard is completely off and I’m not a fan of the head piece either because it’s cloth on a very plate set.


You can, assuming you don’t spam the thread.

The crown and the weapon are too bright, rest checks out, 5/10.

Look like a new DK with their Starting set. :stuck_out_tongue:


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I’ve been told the same for mine :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

Yours is a 7/10… that mask is odd for the theme.

A very solid mog, id try & add a headpiece tho.

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10/10 i love the style



Looks like a sand soldier out of an older RPG.


( For my taste - Because vulpera 1/10 :rofl:)

Trash, boring human. dont even wanna look at it. 1/10

Garbage, belf soy boy, looks like an NPC



-10/10, Worst nightier elf addict boii I have ever seen, stealing the superior belf looking armor cus u so bad <3

A blood elf with a blood elf bandit mask. How original 2/10.


7/10. I don’t really like that hammer on a priest and the eyes should have been red, not blue :smiley:

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