Rate the tmog above you💃 (v3.0)

8.5 personally I think


8/10 You look like a high level mage, who looks wise and strong! A Outfit that really shows your experience in being a Mage! :slight_smile:

(Note for me: Wasn’t sure if I wanted to do my PvE or PvP Transmog. In the end, I decided on my PvE.)

you look like a berserker squirrel ready to defend his stach of nuts.


Time Out!
That’s the perks of being a Fury Warrior after all! LOL XD
Ok, Time in.

Since Your mog was not rated, i’d rate it: 8,5/10

Not really my style, but: it’s consistent, the colors mostly match (coattails a bit too bright, but their design fits the mog, so i understand the choice), it’s lore firendly (which is a huge bonus for me).

I really do think You should consider adding some shoulders though. My suggestion would be to try some Legion ones, like Moonshatter Pauldrons (wowhead comments here: https://www.wowhead.com/transmog-set=2532/broken-shore-plate-recolor#comments will tell You how to get them, if You’d want to follow my advice).

Offtopic, but I just need to push this idea:
Blizzard, please add the option “hide when sheated” as a transmog for weapons!

8/10 for my taste, cause I void elves use blue cold mogs.

Generally A 10/10 for the theme, that I really love.

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Well…nothing special here. Looks like a whole set to me exept boots and helm. Weapon doesnt really fit as well. Overall 4.5/10.

8.5/10. Colors fits together.

Looks verry purple its not something i would use but ill give it a 7 because it all fits togheter well.

i like it. the hood is good with this mog 8.5

Simple and easy. Not really a challenge to match tho since some pieces are barely visible or existing, 7/10 :blush:

5/10 your monk looks like a rogue had a child with a warrior

7/10,You have tryed something red,but the chest is more like green,doesn’t really fit,I am sure Ventyr have something red that really fits to youre red tatoos.

Very frosty, most matches, not sure aboout the helmet, solid 7/10

Set looks smooth and clean. You are like some disguised red dragonflight professor in magic academy. I would even confuse you with a real NPC. Based only on how clean it is I would give it 10/10. But somehow idea is a bit boring so 7,5/10 :sunglasses:

9/10…you look like a villain in Dr Who or Star Trek (although Im assuming the staff just needs to be mogged too!).

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Yeah, I was just farming epic staff and didn’t want to spend double on tmog :smile: :sweat_smile:
( I am just responding, rate the person above me pls :point_up_2:)

@Yinghei since i wear something similar atm i will vote it at 9/10 :wink:
I love to try to make a set which a hunter would wear to blend into nature. You did really well <3

Very nice, simple but solid hunter set, not to flashy but not lacking personality. 8/10 :deciduous_tree: :deciduous_tree:

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Not my thing but i appreciate the looks, 7/10

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