Rate the tmog above youšŸ’ƒ (v3.0)

I donā€™t like Vulpera personally but I think your mog looks good so I give you 10/10.
I like it.


not a fan of demon hunters, but love the colors, 9/10


Really cool Demon hunter set. It gives me Sinā€™dorei version of the Wardens vibes with the shoulder blades and its hits the class fantasy of Demon hunters with a new twist too look at. Not generic at all. 10/10 (Unlike stinky Skullfox :unamused:

I see an aspiring Vulpera druid in this one. And it matches what an Apprentice would look like. Your held back by being a warrior. But otherwise its a cool mog! 7/10!

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I like vulperas. And i really like raptor king helmet. Everything fit nice. 8/10

4/10 its almost a full set but looks cool tho


  • Turban
  • Cool shoulder guards
  • matching eyes :wink:

Cons -

  • The green on the staff :face_vomiting:

I mean, itā€™s kind of just a full set, yeah it looks nice but I will take point for originality lacking, sword looks good though


Skirt :face_vomiting:
instant 3/10

Not bad! Needs a skirt though :wink:

Simple and effective: 8/10

I see that you still follow the old teachings!

Looks great 10/10!

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SKIP ME This is just a reply.

Thanks! Yeah I wanted my DID to be old skool and be a worshipper of Ragnaros.
Yours is great too, btw.

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Rating Chrimo: I like it, though the various greys mismatch a little bit (I know itā€™s quite difficult to match them), so Iā€™d say 8/10.
I think there could be some pieces to improve it a little!

Vandalino here anyway, Iā€™m trying to cobble together some sort of air trooper transmog but Iā€™m not quite sure of the result. Iā€™ve always wanted to play some sorts of steampunk soldier, and now that in war within the new mechanical customizable mount will arrive, I will finally be able to pierce together some sort of aircraft. I canā€™t wait!

Anyway, suggestions are appreciated! :heart:

Apart from the misfitting belt, you remind me of a pilot or something. I would humor you if you had this mog on an evoker or DH as they are known for being able to fly. :sweat_smile:

Anyhoo, could be better. 4.5/10

I appreciate the consistency of the set detail, in the sense that you didnt mix old and new too much. But it still loks weird with the high quality Blood elf head.

But solid: 7.5/10

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@Gilvion Very nice fiery mog! Put well together and feels very autumny too :smiley:
8/10 :smiley:

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Youā€™d fit right in with the Horde with all that red. :stuck_out_tongue:


[ I canā€™t figure out a staff thatā€™d go with my look, daggers and maces had better choices :persevere: ]

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You should check the new weapons for the archivist event, the chandelier is unfortunately a 2hand mace so cannot work for you, but they have a Staff as well.

Otherwise, nice not shiny mog with correct color code.

8/10 the shovel is not really fitting.

I like it, 8/10

Got a strong theme and does not clash with itself.

Interestingā€¦ I suppose. Ummm if youā€™re into that itā€™s not bad but Iā€™d recommend clothes. often helps trandmogs.

