Rate the transmog above you đŸ„ƒ

Nice DK touch with the white hair , I like it 9/10

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Interesting choice, I see you went for a light brown, metallic gear design. Though I don’t like the purple on the gloves, boots and sword, they just don’t go well with the rest if the items.

Not fan of shoulders rest is great 8/10

I like not sure on weapon but i like 9/10

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Your profile’s hidden dude. You gotta link something for people to rate.

I love the sets but they do look like every other clothie player, maybe cause everyone is still using them and has been since last year

Not that its bad its just not very unique :woozy_face:
Still a 6/10

Pretty good. Gives an nice adventurer vibe, although not sure about the shoulders. 7/10

8/10 bcz of race tauren should only be shammy and druid imho

Not really a fan of the mog, the blue on the helmet doesn’t really match, but it’s not too bad, the top part doesn’t fully fit the bottom part of the mog. And the weapons feel out of place, i’m still going to give you a 3/10 because i do love those shoulders and chest, and IMO it’s pretty hard to properly mog on a troll.



i like that you stuck to one colour and the outfit itself fits the rogue theme quite well. its slick, its clean, not too much fluff for a rogue. the only thing that could be better are the weapons. they look okey but maybe you could do better with them.

not sure if i have posted in this thread before so in order to avoid duplicates i ll link my shaman instead.



I love it. it reminds me of crash bandicoot and so many other things.
bit actually it’s like a little walking nut on fire.


thank god! you re the first one who actually notices. wanted to give my shaman an aku aku/spirit vibe.

oh my god, you re right. thats hillarious. :joy:


Sorry dude, but you’re just using a full set on both your characters. Which obviously looks good but it lacks the creativity for a transmog rating.

The set is meant to look good.


As for your transmog, It’s simple, works with the class fantasy of a lonely monk who spends her time training in a jungle alone or something of that sort.

However, there’s one issue with it and that’s the mixture of high res and low res pieces. Makes the low res piece really stand out.

overall, 8.5/10.

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okey? where does it say that it cant be sets? you re just supposed to rate the transmog whether you like it or not, nothing more, nothing less.

way to go Alexima, it wasnt even my turn to get rated yet you just couldnt help yourself, could you. :man_facepalming:

It can’t be sets because if you’re using a full set, we’re basically rating blizzard’s set design. In a transmog rating, you rate based on creativity, how it looks, theme, color, etc.

You can by all means wear a full set on a regular basis in game. But when you’re entering a transmog rating, expect to be rated based on your creativity too.

aight, quote me the rules please.

edit: so many people here are wearing sets or 90% sets like Janiah, Evispole, HalanaĂ­, just to mention a few.
so why exactly are you now crapping on only me?

i thought my vulpera looked cute in its set so i picked it cause i barely saw any shamans with the set so far and cause i loved the crash bandicoot/shaman vibes. i just pick what i like and not what is original or creative. so sue me.

sorry but this is a lighthearted thread, no need to bring such negativity to it whatsoever.

you brought the negativity. Go check above. There are people who rated full sets as 2/10. I explained why i gave you what i gave you. I explained why full sets in a transmog comp aren’t a good candidate and the reason i rated you was because i posted right after you. That’s how people rate transmogs in this post. They rate the poster above unless specifically mentioned to skip me and go next. and afterwards i noticed you didn’t vote the guy before you so i voted em too.

So instead of being so angry about not getting the perfect score in a virtual world transmog post, move on. To tell you the truth, full sets don’t deserve any scores but i still gave you 6 for the sake of being nice and not too harsh.

Next time, build your own set for a transmog comp instead of using a full set that anybody else can easily get and equip if you want a better point.

I rate myself 11/10.

Because I can, and because I’m awesome, and because I have superlative taste in attire and style.

Look at my mog. Then look at yours. Then look at mine again. Then go and stand in the corner for even beginning to assume you have my style.



Shoulders don’t go with the rest of the Mog, that said the rest of the mog just looks plain and boring.

Sorry, I just don’t like it


This is impressive. The chest piece doesn’t look stretched, which is a problem KTs tend to have from what I’ve seen, the colours match excellently, and it gives off some serious druid vibes. My only critique is the head piece, which I know is meant to be in a similar vein to malfurion’s, but they remind me of those headbands you find around Christmas time. 8/10.

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