Rate the transmog above you šŸ„ƒ

cool looks like nightborne stereotype 8/10

I very much like apart from your feet and your toeā€™s so 9/10 (please clip those nails)

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haha im a demon hunter suppose to have ā€œdemonicā€ feet

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how dare you


I like the belt

You were meant to rate mine not make a flame war :frowning:

I got you. :slight_smile:

Really great mog, love the colour scheme you have going! 10/10

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Well, you definitely got the ā€œrogueā€ vibe going on, haha. Itā€™s simple and not overly complicated, which I like. I just feel like something is missing, and I canā€™t quite put my finger on itā€¦ 9/10

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You look like you are from mortal kombat, love it. 10/10

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So fun and cheerful i really like it i am just not sure on staff so 9.5/10

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Canā€™t see your public profile Malande so just based on the small profile pic seems pretty cool. 8.5/10

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6/10 the bow is really cool, i like the helm and shoulders, nice and sleak.
The chest and trousers, hands and feet Iā€™m not sure on.

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You look so very good you make me think of the hunter on the classic intro 10/10 i hope you have a big bear pet .

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Not fan of pirate eye patch but rest is great ! 8/10

would change the waist piece for something that could blend with the chest and pants, so far 7/10

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Undercity archer ,not bad ! 8.5/10

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Scary cow dressed as a scary bear, scaryx2. 8/10<3

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maybe the shoulders would not be my choice but overall i like it, 8/10

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Nothing really matches, but maybe it looks better in-game? 6/10

I can provide a screenshot, itā€™s blood moon inspired tmog :upside_down_face:

very cool DH trans. if only the red part of the chest matches the pants