Rate the transmog above you đŸ„ƒ

Looks like a rogue to be honest


Another race and as a rogue I’d say a solid 9/10

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skip me

Its for RP :3

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Not bad just don’t like the head and weapon so 8/10

Storm, Earth and Fire
 Heed my call!

You didn’t rate poster above you ,so i will rate both.

Nice linen summer look 8.5 :wink:

Love bronze age barbarian shaman 8.5 :muscle:

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10/10 that look is perfect for a DK

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A relatively simple, down to earth hunter transmog. Colours seem to suit your character’s hair, too. 8/10 for you!

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Winter queen living at top floor in huge tower.

Aren’t you supposed to extinguish the cigarette BEFORE you put the hood on?


I know my chest is “too much green”, it is a work in progress before you comment


You shouldn’t have tried to improve on perfection, with either armour or hair, but I just got off a forum vacation and am feeling kind so 7/10.

I really like it ,its different and fresh look for a hunter but your head I just don’t like I am sorry so I rate you 9.5/10 get good head then perfect 10/10

Mysterious, I bet you use questionable magic. 9/10.

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exactly how I would imagine Panda Shaman 10/10

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it’s good, but I can’t go any higher than 4/10 as it’s heritage-only.


Nicely put together, complimentary I’d give it 8/10

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Not a fan of slutmogs. Especially on kul tirans


It’s okay, I think the head and shoulders are a bit off but thats just my opinion


8.5 / 10

Love the colour theme, purple and blue are always great sets and harder to match.

I think the tabard could be better, the green isn’t bad but maybe there’s a purple and blue option out there? If not maybe just have no tabard.

And the weapons look perfect colour wise but they’re sooooo big compared to your agile looking lf since you’re using flat chest arms and legs.

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That’s a really well put together fel hunter set. 10/10

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Very nice fury warrior, but the flower crown seems a little out of place.


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