Rate The Transmog Above You II

7/10 for uniqueness

I would have changed the haircolor to the belf’s dark blue, otherwise not much of a fan of the pants & boots 5/10



Im Unsure who I should be rating so I’ll do both of you.

Maj - Very nice and definitely unique. 9.5/10

Kay - Also very nice, how did you get the horde colours on an alliance toon if you dont mind me asking? Really cool if monkish. 9/10

you need to do a test dh 110 lvl on ali

Thanks for the info. I’ll def be doing that then.

Felblooded I love your set! 9/10 :smiley:

Nice choices! Get more matching shoulders and you’ll definitely score higher. 7/10

Red DH without set from Emerald Nightmare and with really different horns. I like it.

Very roguish I say, no exposed oiled chest so it takes away from the class fantasy I think but I see what you went for there. The glow effects really add and bring it together though, plus Azzinoths are always precious.


Nice look, maybe check for a belt that has also the purple that the blades have would be suitable more. Also the cloak is a bit out of line with your purple looks.


6/10. Could be a tad better though, the pieces look too standard.

8/10 looks dope

7/10, good mog, I don´t think the helm goes well with it

5/10 Nice mog but it is too common helm wont save it.

Is that you, lord Itharius? 5/5

Nice green theme, i don’t like the chest and weapons though. they are way to light colored to match the rest of the earthy colored clothes.
I went for a turquoise color scheme, but i find it extremely hard to find matching pieces, so i myself am not satisfied with my boots & belt.

Love the shoulders, chest and weapons, they work really well. Personally I would lose the helm. As you said yourself, boots (most of all) and belt let the look down a little bit.

Overall pretty badass looking but could be better.


6,5/10 seen these mogs too many times

8/10 I like it, quite different and well executed, the only reason it is an 8 instead of 10 is because the sword grips don’t match well, but then again there is no better option for what you are going for, it’s not your fault. Pretty cool tho.

P.S. regarding my own, for who might rate it, it’s still incomplete, need some pieces and will have Felsteel Longblade instead of the current swords, but it’s already good enough to have a feel of the final result, which is supposed to be like a DH from Japan.