Rate the transmog above you - part 14

Basic looks but it all matches very well, 8/10

Looks really nice 9/10 but tabard does not really fit into it.

Alright this is by far the funniest yet coolest looking transmog for a dark iron dwarf I’ve ever seen. Never seen that combination, I’m impressed.


Well it’s a full set, which isn’t really creative, that said it still looks awesome and the legendary glaives fit really well with the mog overall. Solid 9/10! =)

Thorin, from the Hobbit movies was the inspiration for my mog. I need some serious help selecting a flying mount for this mog though, since I can’t find any :frowning: Would prefer a dragon, but any suggested mount that matches the mog overall would be nice! :slight_smile:

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I guess it’s hard for me to grade your mog since I’ll be a bit biased since our mogs our similar yet different :). I like the mog but to me the color scheme of that set has always felt slightly off. Also perhaps have a look at a different belt?

Regarding the flying mount I always felt that a simple Gryphon suits best. For ground mounts the Viscous Saber is great!

You look like a grizzled old wardog, who’s somehow found his way leading the king’s guard or something.
It all looks pretty great together except the tabard - it’s a bit off with the rest of it.


hard to put words on it but i like it! 7.5/10

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You’d fit right in as Arthas in a machinima. If that’s the look you’re going for then a solid 9.5! I’d go with the undead blue skin customisation tho just to finish it off :grin:


I love Nightslayer, and I love steampunk, so I mixed them.

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9/10 i love your mog.
Perfectly put together imo

I went with something as basic as i could think off.

Dont like
7/10 everything else is ok for a tramp mog.

Seems fine, except the staff is kind of out of place for me, 7/10

I’ve went for an Achilles mog, or a Spartan one as well, hence why it’s full, but it shows the wrong illusion on my weapon -.-

Awesome Spartan transmog! I only think that the blade enchant should be red instead of blue. 9/10

Great hunter transmog, that fits the spirit. 8/10

I like how you design your own style. Only the brown parts and weapons seem a little bit off, 8/10.

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I love the helm and the colors, especially on a blood elf you look great :slight_smile: 9\10

For some reason I can’t view your profile, some sort of error. But from what i can see form your pic you’ve clearly gone for a Wonder Woman theme? You’ve even nailed the hair colour and skin tone… so from what I can see at least, it’s ace. I’ll give what I can actually see a solid 10.

Full set, but thats not too bad in my opinion.
That helmet though, I always disliked it.

( The fist wep in my offhand is just to make it seem this char is wielding a single rapier, but we cant hide weapons unfortunately )

6/10 I guess you’re going for the pirate look but it’s still boring for my taste :confused:

Not to mention its just a set apart from the gloves

The leggings and chest feels wrong with the rest or the armor.
And the sword need to be change to feel more Death Knight and not like a ogre sword.
And maybe a Ebon Blade tabard and that fit !

Looks kinda weird but not bad 7/10