Rate the transmog above you - part 14

it may be a full set but it matched very well with the weapon and the race. 8/10

Actually, really good. Unique, not a full set and everything matches.

@Vindy I posted from wrong character
For me is looking very unique and hot especially for female night elf mage 10/10

Iā€™m not sure the lower body gear matches the upper and weapon tbh, 4/10

Oof, you look mean and nasty, 9/10 intimidating druid.

2/10 - itā€™s a full set. Itā€™s a nice set admittedly so thatā€™s you get the two points. But I cant give you much more than that as thereā€™s no creativity or thought put into a transmog when your wearing a full set.

2/10 - two sets that doesnā€™t match at all and a headpiece that matches them even less.

Ok, so Iā€™ve made some changes since your feedbackā€¦

9/10 - really like how all your pieces fit together - the only thing stopping this from being a 10 is that headpiece - not sure it goes with the rest of the transmog.

8/10 not bad, but those shoes doesnt realy match, but not bad and I have not seen anyone else whit that mog before.

8/10 - I like it, chestplate looks a bit off colour but very nice. Do you have a matching mount???

8/10, not my personal style, but it does look good together, perhaps a new head if that is available, colors are hard to match C:

@Boio You woudlnā€™t look out of place as a boss in Siege of Orgrimmar! A strong and solid 9/10 The reason that I wouldnā€™tgive you a 10 is because of the lack of helmet, but thatā€™s nitpickying

Overall it looks fantastic and itā€™s right upp my alley. Great job! :slight_smile:

Thanks! Iā€™ve been trying to find a head that matches but to no luck :frowning:

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I really like your style too! Iā€™ve always loved that helmet, and it really goes well i think, even though itā€™s a little off color, thatā€™s totally fine. Not the biggest fan of the legs! But still an overal good looking set, 7/10 from me!

Try the uhh, Valorous Circlet of Faith from a WOTLK Vendor somewhere, or even the uhhā€¦ Shirakess Headdress.

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9/10 fits together very well :blush:

My mog is meant to be a hi resi version of the dwarf mountaineer, inspired by a reddit post I saw :sweat_smile:, even though itā€™s simple, I thought it was effective.

Pieces I use are a mix match of savage hunt set (Hellfire citideal NM) and Dwarf heritage armour.
Gun is Tol dagorā€™s blackpowder rifle.

Like that traditional mountaineer look going with the heritage set twist.
Just missing a cape.


Now this, this is a mog iā€™d probably get myself if i had a priest that i frequently played. 10/10 Totally my style, color scheme is amazing, they fit together, not top heavy or bottom heavy, Head is maybe a little flashy for the set, but it fits the priest type, itā€™s like a dark mender of sorts, i love it.

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9/10 for Boio. Very strong RP direction for Magā€™har orcs. I also think overly it suits the hunter class well also. Would be interesting to see what your pets look like also in combination with your mog.

Person below me - I know its a full set, but one of the best sets amirite

8/10 Its good but the older sets/tabards are really starting to show their age i wish blizzard would upgrade them all especially the gear from vanilla to wrath.

Very nice 9/10
Goes well with the race. Just donā€™t awaken ragnaros again!