Rate the transmog above you - part 14

It seems a little…messy; maybe because you’re still levelling but there’s an awful lot going on all at once! I think it’s got potential though for some very mage-y warrior-ness!

Only a 5/10, but I think this could be a hit once you work out the kinks!


I like the colors you did in the mog. The oversized belt with no shoulders really ruins it for me.

I like that mug tho!

4/10 full set and i never liked that helmet

2/10, nightborne just looks…

The blue colors doesn’t fit the fel green colors. Feels like it is a attempted alliance transmog.

I really like that mog you did there, especially for your level!
A solid 8/10 you get from me.

Very nice and dark theme, works well. 8/10.

A good archeologic theme mog. It looks extra better on the V shape body frame of BE male.

However, the legs, pickaxe, and shield dont quite match with the rest due to inferior texture quality. Also, leggings would look visually soothing if it was darker brown.

Its a good mog, 8.5/10

You look like a tank! Definitely a unique look, but I feel it could use an accent colour of somekind to bring out a bit more detail - maybe a 7?

Your current equipment and transmog looks just fitting to your name. 8/10

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8/10 very clean, I like how the tabard fits nicely with that subtle gold trim on it, that sword looks like a lightsaber. Badass aha :ok_hand:

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I like how you’ve blended two sets (top half and bottom half). And your weapon goes well. I know how hard it is to make decent mail mogs because we always get trash looks.

But overall - nice, simple and unassuming. Just how I like my mogs. 8/10

You got bit same with me, free upperbody movement :slight_smile:

Weapon color and the headband don’t match, but I dig the overall theme. 7/10

Can’t open your armory, I assume it is MOP challenge mode DK set? 8/10 then.

The transmog is nice 9/10

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Full set altho matching 3/10

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Pretty damn perfect for a warlock! The accent colours work well, super spooky. 10/10

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Very simple, but what else Rogue would need to be? I love the eye patch, fits a Goblin very well! Good job. Would not want to be sapped by you. 8/10.

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Looks good! But i don’t like the weapon choice… there is so much more possible.
Solid 7/10

10/10 evil presence is strong.