Rate the transmog above you - part 14

Nice voodoo theme. 8/10

Absolutely dripping with edge - perfect for an undead rogue! 10/10

Absolute queen 7/10!

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Livonian, I donā€™t particularely like trolls or simple-looking transmogs, BUT, that said I love the simplicity of your mog since itā€™s not over the top, 10/10 since I cannot find any flaws, and you wouldnā€™t look out of place as a boss from Zulā€™Gurub or Zulā€™Aman. Great job! :slight_smile:

Looks nice. The tabard isnā€™t that great, but I guess thereā€™s no better alternative.

Hey it is Orc Juan! Looks like you should be chilling and not out killing hehe. Weapons and shield feels of but not sure what you could use instead.


Aside from the flaming sword and burning jewel crown, everything else looks dope.

8/10 for my revendreth ally!

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Interesting look, I gotta say those colors do fit very well with your character. I donā€™t see it looking as good on anyone else as it does on you, so pretty good. Plus both of your pets (Obsidian and Snuggles) do match well too. Idk which is your Animal Companion but Iā€™m assuming it fits too.

8/10 just because the pieces are almost all basicly made to go together.

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Quite a nice look, Iā€™m surprised how well that hood fit with the shoulders.
Iā€™d say 8/10 as it fit together nicely.

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I like how your transmog fits your character name.
8.5/10, looking great!

Simplicity of your mog is very good match for monk. Just add some part of equip with more dominant look, for example belt (just my opinion) overall 8/10

Not a big fan if that hood. 8/10

7/10 I can see how great that could be, but thelack of anything on the head unbalances it, you need to cap the disconnect between the lower and upper body ( imho of course)

10/10 suits your covenant theme.

10/10, perfect color theme and looks intimidating af

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I really like this, not sure about the purple glow on the daggers but canā€™t fault it otherwise 9/10

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Love the troll vibes going on here. Suits the lock team so well. The head skulls a little odd personally but over looks fantastic 9/10

Love the blue flashy armor pieces and maces on the monk above. He could have gotten himself a chestpiece though.
7/10 :smiley:

Beautiful but just a full set.