Rate the transmog above you! 🍹

Cool inventor vibe going on there. 9/10

great blood knight mog 8/10

btw how’s the sunwell? :smiley:

not to bad 7/10

8.5/10, looks like a warhammer 40k Soldier :+1:

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That crown would be better suited right on your head - gonna say 9/10 for ya

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You’re Taric from LoL basically :sweat_smile:

(Can’t find an image of his green skin)


9/10, fits well for a horde toon. Love the set. :slight_smile:

Holly 10/10 :flushed:

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Going for that tribal elemental look I see.


Cant post on my Current main so I’ll do a screenshot instead.

A solid 9/10
Personally would try something without the lightning effect tho

Not bad not bad, interesting choice of sword 7.5/10

I see what you’re trying to do, but I’m not convinced by the final result.

Thats a good Paladin look. The colors match perfectly and you look quite powerful. 9/10

Cool use of that blood troll chest piece, 7.5/10 :drop_of_blood:

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Really nice mog. 8\10

I dont like it sorry 2/10

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