Rate your own faction's cities

Yes! Far ooooveeeer theeee mistyyy moouuuntaaains coooold…


What I also love about Silvermoon is this gimmick here.

One of the very first group of NPCs patrouling and talking to each other with a permanent routine.


I am still on the dwarf spree.


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  1. Boralus

  2. Irongorge

  3. Stormwind

  4. Teldrassil

2. What left of Silvermoon
3. All the other Horde settlements. Compared to Suramar, calling the other “cities” a city is a grievous exaggeration… little huts of wood, mud, wreck, ruins and teepees… even the Tol’vir have better cities than the Horde >.<
Heck, the Nerubians have better cities than the Horde and their Kingdom is lost!
Well, except Dazar’alor - but calling that a jewel a Horde city is like calling anything else than Suramar and Dazar’alor a City…

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We share the same pain. looks to Orgrimmar Whoever designed that city needs to be slapped constantly without mercy, into the face.

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Blame the Green Pickle.

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To be fair… I wouldn’t trust a pickle that wasn’t green.


It crossed my mind too, but “Green Pickle” was the terminology used in footage where I encountered it.

It is accessable from three sides since classic/vanilla. Biggest disadvantage from all other major cities. And the harbor can’t really be taken seriously as a harbor if you look at Zuldazar, Boralus and Stormwind. And the iron spikes cause eye cancer.

Orgrimmar is not supposed to house people.

It’s supposed to make you feel like it’s screaming “Lok’tar Ogar!”

Am I surprised that Stormwind and Boralus are at the top of everyone’s lists? No, why would I be? I am extremely comfortable in saying that Humans have the best taste in all of Azeroth.

  1. Goldshire :heart:
  2. Exodar - even a crashlanded Naaru dimensional ship is far better than anything the Alliance and the Horde combine have!
  3. as a honorable mention, the Vindicaar
  4. Gilneas (hail Graymane)
  5. There is no other cities worth to mention
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It’s a stupid excuse to not have actual resources spent for a good design.

You have been noticed and approved of. Your 1. choice worries me, though.

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I certainly felt that in the old design.

Do you remember the great road into the Barrens?! <3 I miss it. Old Orgrimmar is my Vindicaar, Hala.



Blame the Pickle!

Ew. Typical Draenei.

:heart: :heart: :heart:

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