Ravager should cleave your st abilities during it

Because it u up the targets hit your increasing the damage in a measure that it isnt designed to fit :man_facepalming:

More importantly. Fury doesnt need more damage, espically aoe if anything only in ST would change much.

Warriors problems lay in the fact of its lack of utility. If you want to improve the specc, advocating for additions in regards to making the specc more demanded would go alot further

Iv’e already explained why that point doesn’t make a lot of sense.

Whirlwind does not do a lot of damage by itself, the only real gain would be less gcd used on whirlwind. And it would lead to less rage wasted during ravager.

Outside of it, it wouldn’t make a massive difference though.

Which will generate a higher net damage from ur ravanger windows as u spend ur gcds on higher damaging abilitirs.

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Yes. But the point is not damage, but rather not wasting rage.

Also arms warrior does better aoe anyway so i just don’t see the problem.

Yea, ravager is strong, so?

That i doubt if blizzard redesigned this for a QoL fix they wont want it turning into a dps gain.

Furys ApE is still a extremely strong performer. I doubt they want a repeat of S4 survival from SL.

Which means its likely itd get rebalanced to factor in.

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Spoiler alert, usually qol fixes result in dps gains because they fix undesired aspects of a spec.

Like 2nd killing machine proc for frost dk for example.

Keep in mind, i never said ravager is underpowered, just that i don’t like this aspect of it, and if it turns out too strong, which i doubt, they can just slightly nerf the damage.

Also as i pointed out before, arms warrior aoe is superior anyway.

And differently to fury, it’s almost completely uncapped.

So i just don’t get why you guys are making such a fuss about this.

Because we don’t see the meatcleaver mechanic to be a problem, it seems most see it as a core part of the Fury Warrior AoE rotation and enjoy to master it. Managing rage and planning around the ragespikes is a core part of Fury mastery as a player. So you complaining about not being able to play around that sounds whiny or ignorant about the gameplay loop, then comes to the next part…

(I say it again) Ravager is already really powerful and you want to bake in a lot more power in the name of QoL. I do understand you don’t see how two or even three globals cleaved are a lot - you cant phantom the effect that will have on Fury Warrior DPS - yet it is huge. So when you bake that into the already most powerful talentnodes in the Fury Spec tree things gets unbalanced fast. We are talking about free cleaving GCDs for 30% of the fight. Hundreds of thousands if not millions of damage gained in m+, a huge increase on raidfights where you only want to cleave in the ravager window anyhow. It is broken, it is bent and it will break Fury warrior DPS as we know it.

I am repeating myself - but I must do it. Because that are the core reasons the QoL fix you are suggesting do not work as intended. If you wan’t Ravager to autocleave you must either punish Fury somewhere else or reduce the power of Ravager itself. If you make ravager more powerful it gets even more locked in than it already is (and that is 100%).

Yet - again, the core thing is: Many here don’t want Fury Warrior to be DH, this playstyle pushes Fury Warrior towards DH - no bueno. This is why we fuss about it. I get that you probably never will understand it - because you feel and want as you do - but please understand, we do not want the same thing as you do - we can see and know what you are asking for is bonkers and out of ratsville, even if your intentions and thoughts are coming from a well meaning place from your point of view.

I mean, lots of people agree that wasting rage for completely arbitrary reasons during ravager is not exactly nice. There is no way to manage the rage spikes, you will just lose resources in some cases, for mostly when rampage is not the 4th ability you cleave.

Don’t pretend that you speak for the community.

You also seem to have a bone to pick with dh, i guarantee you as i said before, it’s not as easy as you think, in fact ill come out and say it, dh is actually harder to play than fury, especially momentum.

The 2 button rotation is just a meme, it doesn’t actually exist, it didn’t exist since legion, and even then it was false, momentum has an added layer of complexity given by the fact that you have to pay more attention to your surroundings, in other words spatial awareness.

If you waste rage because of Ravager, and can’t predict that you will spike above the ragecap - you are simply put not experienced enough. You will learn to know when it will happen in the spear/reck/rav window. You can minimise if not completely null the overcaps. You are simply not playing the spec right.

Eeh, no, warrior may not be my main, but i guarantee you, i can play it just fine, in fact, i can play pretty much any spec in the game optimally. I don’t need you to believe me, i frankly also don’t really care if you do, but when i’m well geared it’s not rare for me to get purple and even orange parses, on any spec.

During ravager if your last cleaved ability is not rampage you will lose rage.

There are 2 options, either you use rampage, but you lose 1 cleaved rampage which is not good in aoe, or you cast whirl, waste some rage and then use rampage, which is the correct option, because even if you lose some rage, you sill do more damage overall, it’s just not a very nice feeling. There is also the option of casting whirl before, so you get 4 stacks again, but that wastes at least 1 stack of cleaver, which is definitely not optimal.

The ability is 9 secconds, you go in with 4 stacks, so you get a total of 9 globals, you do 4 meatcleaved, you ww, then 4 meatcleaved. There is no waste. What are you on about.

Read it again.

There is no ragewaste, as the start of the combo where you got rageoverflow is either:
Ramp, ramp/rb, ramp/rb, ramp, ww, ramp/rb, rb/ramp, rb/ramp, rb/ramp.

So lets say you go Rampage, Rampage, raging, Rampage, ww, Rampage, raging, Rampage, raging. Or you go Rampage, raging, rampage, raging, ww Rampage, raging, rampage, raging. The only difference is that in the first scenario you had a rageoverflow allowing you to go into that rotation. Nothing is lost due to ww itself. As either you just rampaged, so empty - or you ragingblowed (building) where you ww, to overcap, going rampage-rb, or if above 120 cap, maybe even rampage, rampage again.

This is what I mean when I say no waste.

I actually did a few rotations after this little discussion carefully watching my rage as i did so, and yea to be honest, the rage overcap on aoe was not that big, it did happen sometimes, but i usually didn’t waste any, even if i refreshed whirl with highish rage.

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The rageovercaps come from unavoidable sources, like rav+aa+OS overlaps, where you go over 130 rage, forcing you to go ramp, but you control that. If you go OS, ramp, but get crit autos, you will overcap before the next ramp (as you overcap on the transition from ww to rampage, but we are talking 10-20 rage on bad RNG).

So don’t worry about it. You overcap a lot more on the OS+aa+rav overlaps, where you might overcap as much as 40. But you don’t play around that - as you will not humanly be able to play around aa crit RNG; not to mention you would lose burst DPS not getting OS off CD in that one freed from ramp global.

Yea, those were the situations where it would overcap.

Still think the change is needed, even with this context on how it breaks down?

From a rotational prospective i still think it would be awesome, not strictly necessary though.

Which is fine if the specc underperforms. Furys Aoe however very much doesnt.

Bruh is there anything Warriors have that is not “silly powerful” in your eyes?