In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Alliance side of Ravenholdt in 2004-2006.
For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:
• Your character’s name, race and class.
• The name of your original guild on this realm.
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.
Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.
To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.
Good luck finding your former mates!
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There was this RP guild run by a female NElf druid (?) character named Innana (Inanna?). I was a part of it before I quit around level 45 - and when I returned around the start of TBC, I moved to the Horde side on another realm. Does anyone remember the guild’s name or know anything about any possible “reunion” happening?
Im looking for somebody whom was the Guild Master of a Guild that I was apart of, I can’t remember the Guilds name or the Night Elf Hunters name that Im looking for.
I remember vividly that he/she aided me in getting a raptor pet, to do so we met in the Wetlands, a level 15-20 Dwarf Hunter (Can’t remember the exact level.) and ran from the Wetlands into STV where I died repeatedly, I cant remember how but I remember us being separated and a friendly undead priest kept me safe from those damn tigers until you made your way to me. Then we crossed Booty Bay into Ratchet and the Barrens and got me my raptor pet, I was so excited I name it after your character, again unfortunately I cant remember what it was.
If you are here please reply so we can get back in contact, I’d very much like to be a part of your guild again as you took an entire day to run my noob backside across the world to get me a new pet.
Me - Dwarf Hunter,
You - Night Elf Hunter
Us - Met in Wetlands, ran through STV where I got destroyed by everything into booty bay
Reason - New pet
• Your character’s name, race and class: Andantilus, Human Mage
• The name of your original guild on this realm: I beilieve I was guildless at that time
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.: Ayleen
Actually, this was probably in early days of TBC. I think we met in the Hinterlands for the first time. I saved you and your friend from elite furbolgs in Winterspring. Definitely in TBC - we hanged out a bit on top of the huge mushrooms in Zangarmarsh.
Human Mage
Guild: Redrum Inc
Looking for old friends I used to PvP with 
Kaila, Night Elf, Priest
aka Red Army
Sledge, Murosami and Co…
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People from Kaldorei Imperium (night elf only RP guild). Are you still somewhere?
Also, folks who joined in Battlelust when I formed it, tho it wasn’t in vanilla… but still, if you guys are around somewhere… =)
Pal, human, paladin.
Red army.
Jasih, Bato, Kleja
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Night Elf Rogue/Druid
RR Inc (back end going into TBC)
Hi Frankwoom. I think the guild you remember is the “Storm Riders” - NELF druid leader - Innana. We hibernated the guild in 2015.
What was your game name back before TBC?
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Hi looking for old players
my name was Brokeuh(warlock) / nightbloom(druid)
i can remember the names idalia, idalka, Anna, tristamn, devian
hope to see anyone back =)
Heya all!
So I was really active back to the classic days and I was GM of the Guild called Exile
We were a lot of Greek people but there was lot of EU folks and it was a great experience.
Also I was a member of the BEST guild I was ever and it was called Elite Guards. It was mostly Portuguese players but also there was a lot of UK folks
Character Name: Akasumi
Guild: Elite Guard and Exile
I dunno if I’ll play that much to be honest, but this looks like an opportunity to say hi to anyone from After Dark, and other fellow RPers reading this. Hi Pod!
Holy cow, YES, it was Storm Riders! Hello fifteen years later, Innana! 
My dwarf paladin was named Hector - spelled in a slightly different way that I won’t mention here out of fear someone snags the name before I get to resub and play on the release day.
Are there any plans to take Storm Riders back in time and de-hibernate them on a Classic realm? Personally I was going to try the RP server (Waterlords), so that I can enjoy my limited time without being ganked over and over again. But since I still remember the thrill of being chased across Arathi Highlands by a level ?? Tauren Druid, RP-PvP could be an option as well. Gosh, the memories!
Howdy! I was in AD during TBC 
Hi Frankwoom
Yup - remember your name too. You were one of the first to join Storm Riders in Feb 2007 :)
I’ve created an Alliance character on Hydraxian Waterlords server - but might decide to go Horde there instead.
Did you manage to reserve your name?
I know one of our ex guildies has gone to the Zandalar Tribe server. Like you I am reluctant to go there at the moment. I’ve created my character (NELF) with white hair so can RP as being away for a long time or lost in the mysts of time.
I also ran an RP horde guild so am unsure what to do right now. I love both factions, especially the Horde storyline. And yes - Classic is going to revive a lot of memories :)
Im not sure what my name was back in the days, but it might have been Siona (Gnome Mage).
I used to play in a guild called Haven (it had a few other names as well, but again I cant remember).
Looking to reconnect with Bupu and Miranda.
Jaa and I back than we were in Redrum Inc together.
Ameje - Night Elf Druid
We also played on Defias Brotherhood and The Venture Co. for some time.
You can find us in Zandalar Tribe server as horde in the Classic.
Feel free to write 
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Hullo, Quintessa/Jas here, any Iron Wheel lurking?