Ravenholdt (RP-PvP) Alliance Reconnections

I was a human paladin called iegend (spelled with an i, as you can tell I’ve always sucked at names), then I changed it to Xaru & Xarulol. I used to get in a lot of fights and forum arguments since we were PvPing. But you know - I really liked it when Ravenholdt had a community, when the server wasn’t dead, when it was like a high school cafeteria in a movie with all the cliques.

Iron Wheel and RR Inc were legendary and I specifically remember Pod as being the wittiest and kindest person I ever knew on WoW. I also remember um Gizmo? A friend of Pod - another gnome who was considerably more cynical but they also had a great sense of humour.

I remember Essarligan, Hackeda, um Sayolain? He was in Iron Wheel and was also very funny and smart. I came to really love the Swedish and Finnish people on the server and learned a lot.

I fondly remember Matt the human warrior - the Alliance warrior champion, a very skilled PvPer, and Natham the paladin and good friend of his. As a low level pala seeing them charge in with golden armour and Zin’Rokh chasing away the horde - it was awesome. I remember how they bowed and thanked me for trying to heal them then they just walked away after destroying these horde gankers, they didn’t even break character! :joy:

They had a popular PvP movie on Google Video but it’s gone now - at the end the Iron Wheel and RR Inc members were wearing black tuxedos and dancing to the Men in Black theme. :grin:

I also remember Nameless who was an undead warrior and was like the horde version of Matt - an incredible warrior who, like Matt was ahead of his time and took inspiration from Laintime.

Um, Valoruk (?) a human mage I remember fondly he was my best friend at the time. I also remember you Jas! Warzoid of course. Amaterasu later Rasu. And many more.