Raw gold nerfed

But if you undercut, you are still not the one selling your goods because someone else has posted the same items as you and since he posted it later, his goods will sell.

Other people come in, thinking undercutting still works and post auctions.
Undercutting your goods and selling theirs because they are the ones with the most recent auction of said item.

You log in, noticing your items didnt sell.
Go to the AH to undercut the prices again.

This is called a vicious circle.
With constant access to posting auctions (as it should be) there is no end to this.

People will post auctions anytime which are always newer than other peoples auctions.
Undercutting doesnt change the fact that the guy who posted last sells first.

So if everyone posts 20 herbs for 20 gold. The final one to put them up for auction will sell them first.

If the guy that posted first in that line, will not see his goods sell till all other sources are sold out.

But if he takes them back and reposts them, also for 20 gold he is the first one to sell said items.
And he doesnt sell them first because he posted them for 19 gold.

Demand is always there for items. And if priced accordingly to the value on that server, undercutting isnt needed.

Since the new system, i literally havent used the way of undercutting anymore. And my items sell just fine for the prices they are posted at.

So the supply and demand and prices are working fine. Just fanatic sellers relisting their auctions a lot more than me, are making sales difficult.

But undercutting wont solve that with first in first out.

That’s only true if we assume that multiboxers can supply more than normal players. In your example 10% of the realm population should be multiboxing to supply the same quantity as the other 90%. I really doubt that more than 10% of any realm are multiboxers.

If i were to ignore one major point the way you have, then yes. I would have agreed with you.

Except you might have forgotten to notice that not every single player farms on a daily basis.

A significant portion of players don’t bother gathering at all. Those of them that do, consist mostly of people who do it on a casual basis and only a very small portion are hardcore gatherers.

And then there are multiboxers which are increasing by the day.

If you were to compare their numbers against the entire server, then yes. It’s insignificant. But they provide a significant portion of what you see in AH.

I would love if blizzard just made a hard nerf on gold itself and make people rage, by moving everyone 3 zeros back. You had gold cap? GZ now you have 10k. From the technical standpoint it wouldn’t matter because gold isn’t $, right, just a game mechanic :wink:

If there weren’t tokens involved then yes, right now my gold stash is worth about € 75~

They should just update their ToS and ban multiboxing entirely, just clean up the game already there’s more and more people complaining.

But knowing Blizzard the way it is currently, they’d just wait and see till people start walking before making real changes.

Ban all CHEATboxers.


My gold stash is worth far more than that. The thing is it is against TOS to think it actually is. That would make brutosaur the biggest cash grab in gaming history with a price tag of 500 euro ;). I never buy tokens and I find them pretty shady in general.

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Ouch,that hurts.Thats another bad news for me in 2020 then.if the raw gold farming from old raids is nerfed in shadowlands that much; that means as a wow token player; im out. I’ll have to find a new mmo i guess. Sigh (im a wow token farmer;i mean from now on; i’ll say i was a wow token farmer back before shadowlands haha) Goodbye people * sadface*

Not so fast with the despair. :stuck_out_tongue:

“I Have Known a Great Many Troubles, But Most of Them Never Happened”

Yes it could be bad, but we don’t know that yet.

There have been two separate nerfs to old raids:

  1. Reversion to Personal Loot, so you get no more than one piece per boss. I am convinced that has to change. They probably just haven’t set the new Legacy standards yet. Blizzard will have screaming mobs outside their premises with torches and pitchforks if transmog is hit that hard.
  2. Decrease in Vendor Price per item. I suspect this is an automatic effect of the reduction in item level. I don’t know whether Blizzard will change that. I seem to recall a similar thing happening before with a change to scaling betwen expansions, but Blizzard fixed it. But even if there is, there could also be buffs to gold earnings in current content that we haven’t seen noted yet.

P.S. Speaking of opportunities in new content, check this out, and check the huge increase of price in the past couple of weeks:



And mounts will still cost thousands of gold like Mechagon mount or frogs.

    1. personal loot is the best thing in game.If its removed, its another reason for me to stop playing.(i hate old loot systems )
    1. i dont know what you mean by that.But it sounds very bad.If you mean by ‘‘other gold earnings’’ similar to garrisons; ‘’ i doubt that.Blizzard already trying to reduce the amount of gold in game; and the removal of ‘‘Caravan brutasaur’’ broke the economy 4 times more…Nothing sells on ah except mats.Wow economy is broken for several reasons; not one.
    1. i dont want to be pessimistic; but so far only news i’ve heard from shadowlands are bad news.(at least from my perspective) (except art and other lore stuff)
  • 4)Whether they like it or not ; raw gold farming is a part of game; and many people including me likes it.That also includes weekly raid farms.Reducing raid farm’s gold income by % 80 will only decrease sub losses from wow token players.(unless wow token prices also drops by % 80; which is unlikely).

I just cannot fathom why gold sinks from previous expansions have to continue to be priced the same as the older gold values, while obtainable gold values get squished.

Why not put gold sinks on par as is needed?

I mean Personal Loot in the context of this conversation, in old raids. If you run Highmaul today on live, you get Legacy Loot, and you get 4-6 pieces of loot per boss. If you run Highmaul today on PTR, you get Personal Loot, and 0-1 piece of loot per boss. This is relevant to this conversation, which is about gold drops from old raids. It has nothing to do with Personal Loot in current expansion. However, I do believe this will be fixed.

Yeah, I hear that. While the idea of Covenants sounded great when announced, the implementation does not seem promising. I certainly have no confidence in the quality of the writing or the lore at the moment, and my blunt opinion of the art direction would get me a well deserved ban here, so I dont have those to fall back on. And yet I will probably stay subscribed and buy Shadowlands rather than retreating to Classic - which I would do if they hadn’t enforced their stupid view distance reduction on Classic as well. :frowning:

I am quite curios why the subject of ruined economy comes when talking about multiboxers that exclusively farm mats. Not raw gold mats. And then sell them on the auction house.

How are they ruining the economy? For anyone that has ever stop to think about the subject for more then 1 min the multiboxers don’t do anything beside gaining more gold than the average player.

Buying or selling stuff on the AH is an inflation reduction(which is good btw that’s like a straight fact,the reduction comes from the % the ah takes from and it’s just gold that dissapears from the servers).Every time that happens everything that’s not vendor related costs less(by an extremely low margin but you get the point) because the gold within the entire community (all of the playerbase on the realm as a whole) has fallen down.

As a theoratical example. If you had potion of superior strength cost 100 k gold and be considered cheap(because inflation skyrocketed to infinity). And then you would have only ah transactions for a period of time and suddenly the entire wow gold from the community would be cut by -5%(dont remember the exact value of the cut from the ah). Now suddenly that potion costs 95k gold cause the price will adjust ,players will feel that spending 100 k is not worth it since you would lose money etc. As it happens with all products. But ofc this is a really theoretical example since the gold pool of a realm is made of different raw gold income and raw gold cuts just to give some examples :
Gold increases : vendoring items , world quests,daily quests
Gold decreases : Any vendor item(mounts included),BMAH,repairs,transmogs,give money to npc quests

As a rule if an item is easily available it will cost less. The price of an item swings hardly on 3 factors : The IRL time it takes to make that item yourself, the money available to the realm and the demand . While the purchase of the item(the demand) is swayed on another factor : the money available to you.

So if item a is easy to make by yourself and there is alot of gold in the community the item might be priced higher because of the gold availability. At this point if it costs 0.001% of your money bank you will probably buy it ,if it costs 5% and is a consumable you will farm it. If you farm it then the item sells less (cause you arent buying it) hence less demand for it so the item drops in price until the guys that were farming it realise(hopefully) that it’s IRL time more efficient to buy it.
This is pretty much wow economy(how i see it at least,not an irl economist btw)

Now enter the multiboxers. They add alot of items to the AH. This means items are more available so hence people will use the ah to buy them instead of farming them. Doing so reduces inflation. The gold itself goes to the multiboxer ,it doesn’t go to blizzard and it’s transfered from your pocket to the multiboxer(which is just another player).

Now comes the question,why do you think it’s damaging the economy? If there were no multiboxers i would have to pay more for items,the gold would still go to other players but it would just be more spread and it would be more expensive on my part. If you want to make money you should take a good advice and check some markets and plan where to do it.

If there werent any multiboxers but 1 milion people would farm herb (just imitatng multiboxing) farming would be just as dead. Blaming it on multiboxers is a big idiotic thing to do. If an area of gold making is saturated you need to search for another avenue.

For a healthy economy there should be incetives to spend the gold. The reason you might not be making gold is not multiboxers it’s just no incentives to actually spend gold on anything. If gold doesn’t move of course it feels like you can’t make any trying to compete with the guys that have just more production.

This inherintly makes the raw gold farming really bad since you were comparing raw gold farming to only method where you have to compete with multiboxers. There are other avenues of making gold other than selling mats. Boosting is a big one that affected by multiboxers at all. Ah flipping is another one again not affected by multiboxers. Rare items farming is barely affected by multiboxing(it could be affected but multiboxers prefer to farm something that sells steadily for low income and not big rare items like the papal fez that might sell in half a year for a fortune).

At the end of the day the multiboxer doesn’t stop you from earning gold ,it’s just a methdo of them gaining more gold and just making market competition in certain areas harder. Any single person that hoards gold makes it so it’s harder for the others to buy tokens since the gold is not moving back to the comunity.
But then you would have a problem with every goblin player out there and i don’t see the outcry there tbh.

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I consider it a half-arsed attempt to remove as much gold as possible from circulation without actually removing gold from player characters/banks/whatever, likely to get more people to pay with “real” money instead of going pretty much f2p. Too bad people already hoard & farm more.

I think you’re right about the shady part, most of the time i convert my gold to tokens for either some playtime or store mounts / pets.

If it were up to me to decide the whole store would’ve been gone in the first place, save the subscription / game time part so that people could play ofcourse.

skimmed over it, and it’s just something a multiboxer would say to defend this practice.

simple fact is a lot of people are complaining and it just needs to be flatout banned, plain and simple.
keep your customers happy.

So what blizzard will do with gold on bank account? Some of goblins have over 100 milions

Skimmed over and it’s something someone that didn’t skim over would say to accuse without using it’s brain. Read ,try to understand what i wrote ask if you are unsure ,use your brain as much as you can and maybe you won’t start doing bizzare statements. Like being a multiboxer when i’m playing only my paladin 99.99% of the time . And have never multiboxed in my life.

It’s just i can actually think ,not a sheep like you to follow the trend to attack multiboxer. Thanks to them my raiding flasks and potions are cheaper.

If i can’t make gold out of the game i will be 100% leaving , game isn’t worth real money and no i’m not trolling ,13 euro a month for this quality ain’t never going to happen from my wallet .