Raw gold nerfed

Capacitus’ Cloak of Calibration level 105 BfA 36 SL mechanar drop

Bfa: 9g 36s 30c
SL: 2g 51s 7s

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Previous ilvl squishes Blizzard has done did not reduce the gold all items’ were worth when vendoring them. I think this is intentionally done, to make people generate less gold in to the economy. Probably also to force those people that are not good at making gold or do not have time to do so, to sell WoW tokens to be able to get gold.

At least for compensation i hope they nerf the cost of vendor items from older expansions, if the Warframe keep costing 500.000 gold, Frog mounts keep costing 333.333 gold and the recolors from 8.1.5 100.000 gold a lot of people will be upset.

Why they are doing this, just to screw the players?


Yes previous ilvl squish , now its level squish so items will cost similar to vanilla .

Maybe I’m foolishly optimistic, but I just can’t believe that. At least, not on its own.

If Blizzard did that, reduced gold gains by a factor of 10, then new people and those many, many - probably the majority of all players - would be completely out of luck, and those who came in with millions would have a permanent, overwhelming advantage.

I just checked Uncle Bigpockets, and he still wants 120K for the Yak on the PTR.

It’s possible that Blizzard want to leave high gold earnings in Shadowlands, and remove gold from the rest of the game, in keeping with their policy of destroying anything that is not current.


Yeah maybe they nerfed raw gold to counter bots ,and will compensate that with something else.

Compensation would be to make multiboxing bannable so average players can make money from gathering and crafting again


Apparently paying the subscription is considered being a whale now??

Focus on crafting professions yo create the components for legendaries in SL. They need pieces from different professions.
If there are a lot of multi boxers farming raw mats. They’ll be cheaper on the AH.
Also enchanting always remains fairly strong as it is harder to farm and sell the raw materials.

Thank you, will def give enchanting a try, especially since we are getting full gear enchants again.

Raw gold farm nerfed but those mounts cost 500k to millions stays same?


Why? This seems absurd

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I don’t know why, I am just giving the figures from Live and the Beta. It was on the same character, just copied to the Beta.


i think this is a really good change, but the multiboxers have to be dealt with.

Playing multiple instances of WoW at once? Absolutely fine with that, but pretty much nobody can.

This “1 active player and 9 automatic bots following him” thing? That’s reduplication of keys using external programs. It is not allowed under the EULA, and I am absolutely sick to death that Blizzard is doing nothing about it, and honestly just as sick of multiboxers who think it’s okay because Blizzard are being lax about it.


As someone that spoke about this a few days earlier, i have 3 takes on this. 1 is that it will hopefully counteract bot farming in dungeons since the most ran dungeons will effectively tank in any raw value.

My second take is blizzard trying to slow the income of raw gold into the game by doing this without directly yanking coins from the players pockets.

Third and final is sort of occam’s razor, item level squish also means value drops.

You’re wrong on that EULA though.
But no doubt you’re one of those that will go in circles about it.

You don’t agree with Blizzard would be a more honest stand than saying its against their own EULA.

Are you sick of me playing two accounts? Because multi-boxers aren’t just farming armies or druid botters. There’s plenty of people out there that have 0 impact on your gameplay… yet you throw them in the same bag.


This is never going to happen, multiboxers are what makes people buy wow token for gold.

I really doubt that multiboxers account for more than a tiny sliver of subscribers. I am sure their total revenue is irrelevant.

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You’d be surprised. If we see so many, it is because they are quite a lot.
And multiboxing is a matter of snowballing, the more accounts you have, the more gold you make, the easier is it to buy more accounts with wow tokens without paying any money.
Multiboxing is actually quite easy to setup, and even more so nowadays

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Not good.


I didn’t. If you read the 2nd paragraph, I said I am fine with people having 2 instances of WoW running at once and playing them both normally - so you’re completely in the clear as far as I’m concerned.

I did write “pretty much nobody can” - well, you’re apparently in that tiny, tiny group that actually can. :slight_smile:

But as for automation, indirect rebroadcasting, and the programs that reshape your input? I’m less convinced. I have been swayed in the past, though, but it’s going to take actually reading what I write and actually providing contrary arguments that make sense - a trait which shockingly few people on this forum possess compared to the rest of the world.

Some of these programs attach directly to the WoW client and give orders into the game. That’s banned under

the Blizzard games ‘process’ to determine if any unauthorized third-party programs or computer code has been attached to the Blizzard games process;

Various other programs fall under:

bots; i.e. any code and/or software, not expressly authorized by Blizzard, that allows the automated control of a Game, Battle.net and/or any component or feature thereof, e.g. the automated control of a character in a Game;

Generally multiboxers use software such as AutoHotKey, which is banned for redirecting and intercepting key-presses and then changing them. One key-press quickly turns to 10 keypresses, 9 of them different from the first one.

Often they are doing things like “When I press W on the main client, have this app in the background react and press button 8 on these 9 other windows”. For those processes, a key event is being generated by the computer and sent to the window handle for World of Warcraft, which is an open breach of the EULA.

LevelBuddy is a good example. It’s generally considered safe and Blizzard does nothing. It has features like:

  • Auto-assist: When you choose a target with the left click, the other 9 clients get a different click entirely that presses an /assist macro on your character, thereby targeting the same target.
  • Auto-interact: When right-clicking a character, all other characters do the same thing, internally moving the mouse to accomplish this because the NPC might not be on the same pixels in their client.
  • Auto-follow: When you press W, the other ones press a /follow macro automatically.

Programs like ISBoxer allows you to sandbox their games, which changes their hardware handles. This is not allowed.

Blizzard provides the following answer:

Blizzard says it is OK to play multiple accounts at once. That’s the extent of it, and that’s fine. Anything beyond that there are no statements about here.

Blizzard has a few other statements:

As long as the person registered to the account is the one in direct control of those characters, it is not against our policies to do so. – Vrakthris – Support Forum Agent 6/29/2012

But when using these tools the player is not in direct control. The other characters, or “slaves”, are being given a different keyboard command than the main window based on program logic and rebroadcasting to processes by ID. This is indirect control.

So, while this statement does defend the practice of running multiple instances of WoW, it does not say anything about the kind of multiboxing we see today.

(WoW forums Poster): Add in a 3rd party program. You press ONE button and all 5 screens react. How exactly is that fair/legit? It’s not. The ability to control 5 computers at once with 1 single keyboard and 1 single press of a button is automation. The ability to make your characters cast their individual spells and skills at once by pressing 1 button is automation.

Is not automation by our standards. This is why multi-boxing is just fine. Multi-boxing, currently, is not a violation of our policies. That is all.” – Malkatorix, Blizzard Poster 2013

Here Blizzard talks about broadcasting the same keypress to multiple windows at once. This, I would argue, is not OK, but Blizzard disagrees, and that’s fine. But again, that’s not what these programs do. This is called “Broadcasting mode”, and is a seldom used mode for multiboxing. Generally, multiboxing programs are “smarter” (read: more automated) than this.

Blizzard have only said anything about running multiple instances of WoW and giving the same input to multiple windows at once. ANY feature beyond that, and they all have them, is explicitly against the rules.

But Blizzard does nothing, and it’s having a highly detrimental effect on the gameplay experience.