Raw gold nerfed

Do you have a source for that? Would be amazing if it’s true!

Source and source, there will be new enchants for almost ever gear slot in SL, check wowheads profession page

So why is it allowed? Can we use such programs to auto play our single accounts?

I know several people who have been banned for using the macro functionality built into their Logitech keyboards or using AutoHotKey.

As far as I can tell, it’s OK to directly map one key to another, and no more. So I’m doing this thing where mouse wheel tilt is directly mapped to + to enable it to tab-target, but in StarCraft 2 that is not considered OK because people were exploiting it to spam various units and abilities unrealistically fast - and the two games use the same EULA.

So honestly that’s left up to interpretation.

But there has never, EVER, been any statement by Blizzard saying it’s OK to broadcast two different buttons to two different clients at once. Never.


They don’t have to. Everything that’s not explicitly forbidden is implicitly allowed.

It is explicitly forbidden under the sandboxing, memory injection, and automated keypresses rules using 3rd party programs, so yeah.

If they really think it’s OK, they should come out and make an exception. A proper exception - mentioning the use of these programs and how they work precisely.

And if they do that, I’d love to see the reaction. I doubt it’s going to be particularly positive, let me just say.


You do realise that you went into other things than just: ‘reduplication of keys’ this time around right? You can’t talk about reduplication and in the next post add: multiple actions for one keystroke and expect it to be a counter to what I said.

I did forgot that you were the one that was interpreting ‘direct control’ in your own way. So yeah, I doubt even Blizzard responding to that will make you see otherwise. But you could test that argument how it is not direct control by making a ticket.

As to: ‘Blizzard has only said’ part. That only works when you ignore the Blue responses over the years that was on this subject (many lost to forum upgrade sadly). The support page is highly lacking.



I do. I realise that Blizzard allows duplication of keys to multiple programs, which I write - but then I also write that none of the programs actually work this way.

“My own way”?

Alright, to me it means that your input does not go directly into the World of Warcraft application through signed drivers, but rather that it is intercepted and broadcasted to other running applications or even altered on its way there, the latter of which is how LevelBuddy and programs like that work. Blizzard have made it clear that rebroadcasting the same keypress is OK, but not modifying those keypresses on the fly or with a delay, which is what those programs do.

Let’s take a look!

Semantics issue #1:
Is using one keyboard to send signals to multiple instances of WoW automation? In other words, what is the definition of automation as it applies to WoW?
Using a keyboard setup like what you’re describing? Not automation.
Setting up a macro with said keyboard that would, for example, automatically press Fireball each time it was available? Automation.

This corresponds to what I said: Blizzard allows you to send the same keystroke to multiple running instances.

I personally disagree that this should be allowed, however I understand and acknowledge that it is, as I wrote in the reply you’re quoting.

Semantics issue #2:
Software (such as Keyclone, Octopus, etc) to emulate a keyboard multiboxing solution is, by nature, “3rd party”. Is “3rd party software” synonymous with “bot” or “automation”? Are all types of “3rd party software” bannable?
Likewise, hardware, by nature, is “3rd party”. What kinds (or uses) of 3rd party hardware are bannable?
Is it sending an identical signal to all client windows or switching between them to send commands? Not automation.
Is it playing the game for you, or rather, for one of your client windows? Automation.
All hardware is considered neutral as long as its commands and features are not being used to automate gameplay.

Again, Blizzard is agreeing with my statements. It must send an identical signal, i.e. the same keypress at the same time with the mouse at the same location.

No multiboxing software works like this other than in “Broadcasting mode”, which is seldom used, which is the argument I am also making.

Running multiple instances of WoW: OK
Duplicating the same commands to multiple instances of WoW: Blizzard thinks it’s OK, I do not, I acknowledge the difference of opinion here.
Sending different commands to different windows based on context: Not OK, as far as I can tell.

Semantics issue #3:
Does multiboxing give a player an in-game advantage?
Yes–and so does grouping.

Fair enough. Says nothing about how the multiboxing is being run.

Therefore, can multiboxing be considered an exploit?
No. We consider it be an alternative playstyle; not everyone can do it, but if a person is willing to devote the concentration and capital to such a venture–legitimately–we’re perfectly fine with it. Five multiboxed accounts can be feared and CCed just like five solo accounts.

Once again: Fair enough. Says nothing about how the characters are being played.

Generally I agree with this statement - in fact I’ll go so far as to say that killing 5 characters being multiboxed is vastly easier than killing 5 actual players. That’s not the issue at hand at all.

Semantics issue #4:
Multiboxing can be considered by some as “against the spirit of the game” or, at least, “against the spirit of the game the way I want to play it”. Is multiboxing against the “spirit of the game”?
See above.

Well, see above.

Semantics issue #6:
Multiboxing is only allowed because there is no reliable way for Blizzard to find, identify, and catch them. True/false?
Almostly hilariously false.

I do consider it quite clear that Blizzard are choosing not to act, not that they can’t act.

If the signal is identical but you have a different keybinding for the signal is that automation. Eg. If I push a button and one character moves left and another moves right.
Fine. :slight_smile:

Understood, and that makes sense, however that is not the typical setup. Furthermore, the feature of Auto-assist and Auto-interact both feature WoW reacting to a press that is not the left or right mouse button, respectively, because these keybinds uniquely cannot be changed in World of Warcraft - so we know that the keybind that’s sent is being changed on the fly, which Blizzard has not allowed in their previous statements!

In fact they’re so explicitly avoiding saying exactly it that it if I wasn’t in an argument about exact definitions, I would argue that they are implicitly saying it’s not OK. But let’s assume they’re not saying anything about it for the sake of argument.

It looks like the point of contention, Honig–at least for you–is the amount of loot that someone could earn in this way.

At least for me, this is reconciled by the fact that, no matter what, the loot is still being divided between ten characters. While you could, in theory, get one character quite a bit of gear this way, it works the same as in every other instance group–if one person gets the loot, the other nine don’t.

Ten people, ten characters, doesn’t matter. Somebody wins, the others are just along for the ride until it’s their stop.

This is actually no longer accurate due to the way resource nodes now work - which is interesting, especially so given that this thread is about how this exact thing is what’s making multiboxing detrimental to the game. That means one of Blizzard’s original justifications do not apply due to how WoW has changed.

This is a case of requiring 3rd-party hardware to accomplish keycloning and automated keypressing. It’s still third-party.
I use third-party hardware to play WoW all the time. My mouse…my monitor…my computer…

There’s no point in arguing this point; it’s been worn to the bone. A single keystroke corresponds to a single keystroke or an in-game macro in one or more clients. There is no automation, no “keycloning”. If your complaint is that they’re playing on more than one computer or client with one input device, well, I’m sorry, but you don’t get to make the rules.

Well understood - Windows is also 3rd party software. 3rd party software is only banned insofar as it breaches another policy - which I would argue multiboxing does.

What I don’t like is the double standard where a multiboxer can press 1 key and make 5 things happen, and I press 1 key and only am allowed to make 1 thing happen. That is a double standard that I’m sure Blizzard did not mean to have in the design of the game. Otherwise, quite clearly, the game belongs to multiboxers. When I bought the game, I didn’t realize I’d have to buy 4 other copies of it and additional hardware and software in order to be able to compete against other players. I refuse to accept that owning more copies of WoW = higher chance of winning is the design decision originally intended for this game.
There’s no double standard. You press one button, you get one action per account. They press one button, they get one action per account.

This forbids anything that requires multiple keypresses under normal circumstances. So far, I would argue that all programs with the exception of AutoHotKey and some driver software from Razer and Logitech is in the clear.

As a soloist, I push a key and 1 thing happens. As a multiboxer, I push a key and 5 things happen.

If that’s not automation, what is?
As a soloist, you push a key and one thing happens on your account. As a multiboxer, you push a key and 1 thing happens on each of your accounts.

Automation would be timed macros, synced pathing, etc., not having the 1 key bound to Flash of Light on your Paladin and Fireball on your mage.

Clearly our definitions of automation differ greatly.

Synced pathing and timed macros are explicitly disallowed here. That means it is not okay to ensure that multiple characters go to the exact same location in the game world regardless of keypress. One could argue that that pressing the the mouse button to execute /follow when that is not a possible keybind violates this rule, but that’s a bit nebulous, so I’ll let it slide. There’s definitely something here about the spirit of the rules though.


At no point, in any of this, is it allowed by Blizzard to change a left mouse click into a press on the 8 button for the other clients based on whether your left or right click happens to actually hit an enemy or ally inside the game world on the main client, which is necessary to enable the features on the supposedly “allowed” multibox clients.

So I still ain’t buying it.

But do carry on.


Multiboxers are ruining the economy for everyone else and Blizzard putting stupidly expensive gold sinks in the game is not helping either.

Maybe Blizzard is allowing multiboxers and the gold sinks are like a carrot to keep the multiboxers interested to ensure that regular players can’t make enough gold to buy WoW tokens to pay for game time and have to buy game time in the store. If that is the case then this will become World of Multiboxers and you can either accept it or quit and play another game.

I just wonder how many multiboxer accounts the big guilds like Method and Limit have to farm their gold or do they just buy their gold for organizations like Gallywix.


Blizzard, allowing multiboxers is one of the mechanisms that allows for organizations Gallywix to exist. You guys busted Gallywix and banned their accounts, but another one just like it is most likely already operating. Good luck Blizz in stopping RMT in World of Multiboxers.

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That doesn’t make any sense. Blizzard make more money if you buy a token cos some poor sap had to pay 50% more than a sub cost to be able to sell it.

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If they would just lower the amount of times a certain herb/mining node can be obtained that would make Multiboxing less rewarding and better for normal players.

Have you heard of an addon called “Gnome Sequencer Enchanced”. I’m not well versed with it, but the general idea is that it allows you to have one key that performs and entire rotation. I’m not sure what difference there is between that and pressing 1 on one wow client and having 4 sent to all of the others. I would genuninely like to know if this is a bannable offense, as it is something that I do using ISBoxer.

Hope I don’t try and log in to my five accounts later tonight and find that I’ve been banned for cheating.

If regular players can make their own gold in-game how are the Multiboxers suppose to sell their stuff. I mean Blizzard is getting 5 to 10 subs from one Multiboxer, who cares if they loose 1 or 2 regular players (1 sub) that get upset because they can no longer farm gold.

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It’s a really shortsighted way of looking at things but given Blizzard’s recent history you’re probably more right than wrong.


This is amazing! Seems too good to be true. I bet it’s going to be really hard to create these relics.

Multiboxers are only in it for one reason and that is to farm huge amounts of gold. Don’t tell my it’s to buy a Long Boi either. They could buy one using the sub money to buy WoW tokens and sell it for gold.

Multiboxers are ruining the economy for regular players and Blizzard for some reason is turning a blind eye. The only reason for this must be something completely stupid. There is no other explanation.

Multiboxer gold farming is the base for RMT just like the Gallywix guys were doing.

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I hadn’t , actually.

Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

By definition, anything you can do with the in-game API, including the rebinding of keys, is ok.

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Don’t worry, you will still be able to farm old content for gold. Don’t forget that bfa will become old content when shadowlands comes out and it seems the work is for newer old content to reward more gold than older old content. I imagine things will be mostly the same as they are now.

Have you considered boosting for gold?

Oh, I did but I’m nowhere near that level of good to be doing this. Perhaps I will take a more serious approach to PVE in SL.