Razageth heroic tuning

With that logic I should’ve been on Heroic Anduin for 12000 hours, while I’ve only had about 4 or 5 max vs 12h+ on heroic raz.

not really a viable option when your main char is a hunter and bow is a little upgrade of 4500 dps , so i have to compete with every other players and do as much ras as i can do every week for a chance at bow .

Also anduin was hard i concur but i dont remember being stuck for weeks at this boss

Anduin was nerfed very quickly as I remember. Because the hate was real.

I remember using one every boss on Heroic after Crab and Mythic since boss 1 :man_shrugging:

Anduin got nerfed 50 times before the biggest part off playerbase reached him…
Voti has no challenge (even on HC) so the biggest part is already at Rasz… That is why they start nerfing it now.

For me personally, I find Rasz hc not that hard, just need ppl too use their defensives and hp pot/healthstone to not die…
They’re in the game for a reason :man_shrugging:

It’s a long fight with a lot of one-shot mechanics. It’s not hard, but the longer the fight goes on, the bigger the chance 1 person makes 1 mistake and causes a wipe.

Try being a hunter where everything can kill you. Use cooldowns and potions, etc, you say? I do, there’s nothing I can do when everything is on cooldown. So my guild is just in a situation where they can’t be arsed because it’s just not worth the hassle. The first 7 bosses of heroic seem trivially easy in comparison. In fact that feels more like when I was fighting mythic Queen Azshara than any heroic end boss. In the past I’ve got my curves within the first week or two, and although I have stepped back from mythic raiding now, this feels like I am right back there with all the stress and anxiety it causes. I mean, this boss should be a challenge, not at guild breaking levels because some of us are not in hardcore guilds and have to accommodate a wide range of skill levels.

Finally raszageth gets a nerf in heroic ,the raid will definitively be more puggable and faster !

Hahahaha, you reckon, it’s still ridiculous. It’s nothing. I find it almost unsurvivable. Honestly, I found Queen Azshara mythic less problematic than this stupidity. It’s making me so annoyed that I’m considering quitting the game for another year. Well done.

Then do it. Devs should know what a mistake this boss was again. Time gates nerfs are boring and they did the same in shadowlands

They nerfed the main source of damage by 20%.

We’ve been through this before, if you’re finding it almost unsurvivable, play better.

Care to be more damn constructive than “play better”? Sheesh. Be helpful or don’t reply, thanks…

Also may I add, it’s funny that I’ve usually got curve within the first week or two. I used to mythic raid too, not quite CE but got a reasonable distance in. But recently these raids have been a nightmare. I mean, no one seems to be massively messing up from superficial inspection but that boss is not going down.

I was last time.

I explained how i used and planned by defensives and just gt some garbled handwaving as a reply.

Its clear you will just whine until the boss blows its own head off and mails you the loot.

Oh piss off

Time gated nerfs are how blizzard offer a challenge appropriate to multiple levels of player in a single difficulty level. Maybe they nerf things too slowly, you can argue that, but nerfs to bosses don’t imply that the fight was too hard. They just mean the fight has been that hard for long enough.

As it should be its an endgame raidboss, just admit it that your guild is bad at executing tactisch and probably not having the dps check for the shield.

Piss off too oh high and mighty and fantastic raider

Is it your raid wiping, if so to what? Is it you dying, if so to what?

to be honest, tried raza last night, and I didnt notice a huge difference in the dmg I took at all, from before the nerfs, only that getting to intermission was faster, the dmg felt pretty much the same.
the fight do feel overtuned, compared to many others, exept maby the Jailer, where it was not even worth it.
specialy with shield up the dmg feels extreamly high still

I cleared it efficiency with a full 410+ party in pug since the nerf in 3-4 pulls ,and i play hunter and i dont die,here is how :slight_smile:
1- use vantus rune rank 2 (20gold) and versatility Flask (100g)
Phase 1 :
If you are targeted by static charge,use turtle and stay away from other people.
During the spark + static charge moment,use survival of the fittest +exhil/Bear as you wish.
Intermissions :
No cd should be needed but use exhil just in case or feign death,nothing else.
Phase 2 : first shield etc no cd,its healers jobs to keep you alive with 200% healing.
First giant aoe :
If you are targeted by it,use turtle so it remove the big damage and prevent the dot from killing you.
First wave : exhil or Bear or both
Second wave :
Fittest + hstone or potion in extreme case
Spark + wave moment (the hardest):
If you have turtle use it,if not use warlock gate,if no warlock use everything you have left to survive (Bear exhil or potion ,disengage i to the wave etc )

This is basic 'how to play your classe ,you people are whining about hunters but the class has more survivability than a mage or shaman,you just dont know how to properly use your CD.