RBGS are a waste of time for a casual

He is entitled to enjoy it. Enjoyment is subjective and an individual emotion. No one can stop that. And no company can provide or remove it.

Everyone makes active choices. I won’t elaborate further as the topic has covered all that needs covering without repeating it.

I’m in no way stopping anyone.

You sir. Have a fantastic day.

Coz its a PvE game - LFG works fine for HC raids and they think its ok. U cr8ing a raid to smash bosses, its a long trip with 8-10 bosses, sm1 can quit u replace it. Its fine. But for PvP custom game making its not. They don’t undertand it mostly and don’t care in general.

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This is my main, i never went into pvp in any expansion without getting somewhat decent gear, and your statement that because its rated pvp i should sit for hours in LFG is wrong.

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No its not. You wont make ppl to organize gros faster just because you want. Its up to people how selective they are and because of this selection it takes so long.

Could try joining an Alliance or Horde PvP community. Success or failure will be down to your and other members ability to co-op and be proactive tho.

See link below if interested to join our Alliance and Horde general PvP community.

I was in this community, asking, spamed about RBG a lot of days with 0 response, dunno.

Ye, taking part in the events (on disc) seems most effective. Getting to know people, playing regularly with them, then later pushing rating can come.

A community is for sure not an lfg. Spamming for group is not the way to go. Taking part in events is. Requires some persistence, but possible nice payoff.

Our Alliance community does seem more interested in that side of things for some reason, and now they have a rating pushing team. Our Horde community seem to lag behind a bit in the social aspect, which is how ye get a team going.

If don’t want the trouble of joining/forming a team, LfG is the way to go, but accept the downsides.

I want to play the game not apply a CV for a job mate, no ty.


Yup, and accept downsides.

Not when there are ONLY downsides

Well since there is no solo queue, and may never be. There’s only the current choices.

  1. LfG and hope - difficult.
  2. Join community and build team - difficult.

Both have their pros and cons. I’m a noob, but keen to try and get others into RBG teams, even if I ain’t doin it myself.

Id rather quit then coming home from work to put in more work just to be able to play a game, as in be able to que not to win or anything, just que and chill.


Most of the community i was in - their teams sit and LFG and wait for heavily outgeared and experinced guys.

Ye, which is fine, but isn’t that what random bgs are for? I am mostly a random battlegrounder, have my fun, accept the cap.

Not easy, takes persistence, gotta find the ‘right’ people that you can gel with. Like I said, seems easier on Alli side for some reason.

But our Horde community does have a couple low CR RBG events, one of which is more popular, and that’s where a team can come from. Worked on our Alli community.

Random BG’s are trash bcs of russian premades or people outgearing you by a crazy ammount, and epic bg’s are a meme

Yes sometimes they asking for some 1 in community be like - need rogue or boomking 2.2 exp+ and 220+ ilvl on 1.9 Cr. Or sm1 cr8 grps from 0 and its rare. Idk, sit in community and LFG for me ~the same things. Even in LFG u can find grp to play with x5 times faster. Community…idk maybe if start from 0 and want to cr8 a team and if you want be a RL.

Gonna say something… don’t laugh pls… have you tried low level random bgs?

I am an altaholic and am levelling my lowbie alts in random bgs. On Alliance side, huge win rate, at least double or triple the losses, which feels chill and relaxing and fun, vers gear upgrades from wins feel good. If that’s what you’re after give it a try maybe. If max level it will downscale you in a low level party, but just honor reward. Actually, it’s a great way to farm honor - almost guaranteed win (alli) and decent honor reward. On my Horde lowbie alts, win rate is abysmal for some reason. But I’ll persist there.

For me, being of a certain skill level and fun pref, I focus on the types of PvP where I belong.

Yup, getting a team going is hard. But I firmly believe it’s the way to go for pushing rating. I prob won’t do it myself, but if I did, the rating would mean more to me than rating acquired via LfG. It starts in our community by participating in events.

we need the rated pvp to offer only CP and no upgrades as it was before… this way your solo queue is called RANDOM BG… THIS progression system is SO stupid… ruins pvp experience (long hours to wait) and bring total inbalanced games in both random and rated bg (you can often find in low mmr groups of 220+ players from arenas)… makes no sense… just remove pvp upgrades or cap lvl to their respective bracket: 200 for randon and cr up to 1400, 207 from 1400 to 1600,…

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Prevent overgeared premades from completely ruining randoms and casual PVP in general, then there would be far less clamour for people to want solo queues for rated. Do people really think others are just gonna sit back and accept it? Of course they aren’t, people were happy enough playing randoms over rated but now because the randoms are literally chock-a-block with geared premades, people are now forced to look to rated to try to get gear that will allow them to compete (at the very lowest level). Certain specs will never get a group due to Blizzards abysmal idea of meta’ing certain specs and dumping the rest in the bin. So now you have it, there will pretty soon be nowhere that hasn’t been ruined just to accomodate players who absolutely NEED better gear before they dare to play.


I feel like every single bad aspect of wow is tied heavy to their incompetence of ballancing classes, at this point many of them need to be redesigned, if something was bad for 2-5 years, what the hell are you doing…
Even if they add the soloque we want so much, id still be great, but some classes are a joke compared to others