RDF & Capitalism

TLDR; RDF = Blizzard makes more money

I wonder if Brian Birmingham’s bosses realise that his ego driven decision to remove RDF will cost Blizzard millions of dollars.

RDF was a cornerstone of the most popular period of WoW’s existence, and most people want to relive that nostalgia.

RDF is casual friendly, and casuals whether you like it or not make up the vast majority of the game’s player base in Wotlk.

RDF therefore, only increases the commercial viability of the game and franchise. More people play the game and for longer.

Interesting that he and his friends unilaterally decided to remove RDF without providing any transparency to the community.

Provide the underlying empirical data that supports the change that is obviously so contentious or revert the decision.

If RDF is not implemented tens of thousands of players will simply quit as you’re not providing the classic experience that they expect.


RDF is nostalgic? LOL.

Every MMORPG has an RDF system now. Nice nostalgia, bro. Retail has it too. You can enjoy it as much as you want by firing up retail WoW.


…The most popular period in WoW’s history was popular because of RDF and not because we were finally fighting the Lich King, WoW’s most iconic and loved character ever made.



Not to forget how vanilla and tbc all helped build this big an audience for wotlk, but surerly it must have all begun with rdf.


Also WoW already had about 12 million subs WITHOUT RDF.


Agreed, but RDF was still one of the cornerstones along with ICC / LK.

These were both available for over 1 year of the overall expansion, and people want to relive it exactly how it was - the original goal of classic.


I see it as more of an anchor that weighed the game down.

Originally, RDF was added as a catchup mechanic so that people could quickly get into ICC and see the end of their favourite story arc. It wasn’t made so that people could skip the entire game right from the get go.

None of Classic was exactly as it was, so unlucky.


Some kid clearly made the LFG tool as a project and showed it and then they were like “wow, another one of our amazing engineered systems”

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No it wasn’t, that’s Emblems of Triumph. Badges/Emblems have been in the game for a long time.
RDF was made because there was a)hundreds of servers with varying populations b)lots of content was never being done
The whole reason you get the little baggy with the blue item was because less people went “Scholomance? pfft cya”

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What’s wrong with the tool? I hear a lot of “tool is bad” with zero arguments as to why. Could it perhaps be because it’s not 100% automated aka RDF? Yes, I think that’s it.


I’ve done the same 5 vanilla dungeons as everyone else. Wait there’s more than 5? Can’t be.

I did every dungeon available to my faction. How about you get off your a$$ and start a group yourself if there are no existing groups for X dungeon?

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No you didn’t.
The tool already exists as part of RDF aswell.

Oh, yes, I did. I’m a genius, you see. I’m able to use:

  1. LFG tool
  2. /lookingforgroup
  3. Guild chat
  4. I actually have friends on my list because I’m not an antisocial RDFer
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This is wrath, it doesn’t matter what you say. You’ll have achievements. Show them or im going to assume you’re lying.

Achievements for what? There’s no achievement for finishing each dungeon.

There actually is but either way you get achievement for each individual one.
I know you didn’t even do half of the dungeons, nevermind all of them.

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Not literally all as I quit the game at lvl 55ish—the reasons being cancerous minmax mentality and meh community nowadays. But I had zero trouble doing every dungeon up to that point with next to no effort, including the sh!t ones like Maraudon as alliance, and I don’t see any reason why that would suddenly stop being true. It’s an entirely reasonable extrapolation that the same pattern would persist.

And that’s with the 50% exp bonus.
It doesn’t take any sort of expertise to know that some dungeons are being run thousands maybe tens of thousands of times more than others and it’s not because of them being more entertaining.

What’s wrong with the tool? I hear a lot of “tool is bad” with zero arguments as to why. Could it perhaps be because it’s not 100% automated aka RDF? Yes, I think that’s it.

No its horrible in design and vague on what roles pple request to join as (u have to hover over their names to see if they’re tank,healer or dps) not to mention theres no option to request to join a party as 2, u have to leave group and each have to request the same group to join. atleast with retails lfg it was so much more clean and functional