RDF Dungeon Level Ranges

As a foreword, I know Blizzard doesn’t read EU forums, I just want to vent somewhere.
So, the ranges of levels when various dungeons are available for random or specific selection seem to be completely broken. I started playing on a lvl 70 resto/boom druid. At that level, literally the only dungeon available is UK, but no Nexus for some reason. That gets added at 71. Why on earth can’t I manually select The Nexus at 70, if you can enter the Borean Tundra at 68 and get all quests for Nexus by 69?!
But then at 72 you get AK, and of course I randomed into it. With a 62 bear tank in levelling greens and 3 rogues between 62-64, all three in community boost gear, doing, no joke, about 500-600 dps each. Needless to say the gauntlet before the first boss was literally impossible. Just as a comparison my boomkin in blues and 3 cloth hairlooms does about 1500 on single target, and i just spam things at random, I’m not even good.
Okay, so I ran out of blue xp, logged a 60 blood DK. Did a flawless Ramp followed by BF, pulling 2-3 packs at a time, EZPZ, on ramp there were actually 2 of us in frost presence, being healed by a holy pala, we completely demolished the place it wasn’t even funny, we pulled the entire upper room before 2 last bosses, like 15 mobs, and nobody was even threatened.
But wait, now comes the actual reason for the topic. Next was a lvl 17 hunter I specifically prepared for dungeon levelling, sat him in Westfall with the DM quests in log and even the alliance quests for WC in case I get that. So I log in, RFC is not even available at 17, I guessed maybe it’s because it’s horde only, but i distinctly remember getting it when i levelled a Pala in early Pandaria on my little siblings account (i quit mid cata). Now after 10 levels of dungeons I think it literally just disappear from selection at 17, being only there for 15-16, because get this: At 21, WC and DM just disapper from both random and specific selection. I still had a yellow quest in DM to get the gnomish thingamajig because first dungeon I joind was me replacing a dps in a group that was in the next room after it.
Nope gone, can’t do it, cant select it at all, and there’s literally NOBODY in Westfall to form a group manually with. Fine, I just went in and soloed it with a wolf pet at 23 because wrath levelling is hard. No joke you can solo level 20 dungeon bosses on a 23 hunter. But I digress.
Anyway, went on and collected quests for Stockade and BFD, wary of how quick the dungeons disappear, because SFK went poof at 24 for whatever reason, I manually went to BFD this morning, nice, cooperative group, even went back to get last brain stem for an unlucky warlock from a PvE realm after we finished. Came out, handed in the 4 BFA quests in nelf lands and boom hit level 26. Now get this: THE STOCKADES ARE GONE FROM SELECTION. At level 26, I have an ORANGE 29 quest to kill Basil Thredd or whatshisname for the blue ring quest chain. The prequest for the Dark Iron Dwarf boss that is near Thandol Span can not even be picked up before 25. You’d think the dungeon would still be available LITERALLY ONE LEVEL LATER. Nope, gone, apparently I now outlevel the dungeon and it would be beneath me to be sent there.
WHAT THE FLYING FLAK BLIZZ. How could you mess up SO BADLY something I literally waited for for 4 years. All I wanted is some comfy dungeon levelling. My disappointment is immeasurable and my entire day is ruined.


Yeah I’ve just done dungeons from 20-30 and it’s miserable for these reasons. Not only is it messing up the ability to do the quests, but it also screws the queue times since the level range for everything is so strict and you only have a 1-2 level window to do the dungeon. It honestly feels like a bug/error or something, I can’t believe this was on purpose as it wasn’t like this back in the day.


My blood pressure wrnt up too, considering VC is lv 24, and even in the browser Deadmines listed till lvl 25…


Ye I am experiencing the same problem, level 41 can only run 1 dungeon. This has to be fixed asap. It isn’t enjoyable at all


Sucks. I really hope its a bug. Hope to get a response from blizz but i doubt that. The level range in rdf are waaaay off.


Sorry Nicolay, but this doesn’t stop being hilarious to me.

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I mean you have full license to point and laugh at me. What a moron I was expecting Blizz to implement something and not completely botch it to the level of near unplayability. I mean the dungeons literally have a broadly correct level range written after the name in the RDF interface when they are actually visible. One would expect even complete morons to make them be available during that range THAT IT SAYS RIGHT THERE IN THE BRACKETS. BY ELUNE AND THE OLD GODS, HOW LITERALLY MENTALLY DEFICIENT CAN THEY GET HOLY CRAP.

Edit: the saddest thing is, the actual dungeon groups I managed to get into, at 70, 60 and 20 range were perfectly cordial, talkative groups that calmly and competently did all the quests objectives, even those slightly out of the way of fastest path to the last boss. Exactly what I wanted out of the game and what I remembered from Wrath retail levelling. Even the disastrous group in lvl 72 AK took it in a stride, we wiped like 5 times on the gauntlet without much cursing or blaming, and then 2 weak dps left of their own volition and got replaced by stronger players wih whom we finished the dungeon withou further trouble. Leave it to Blizz to break something that could be magical and beautiful.


All you can do is report it ingame as a bug. They manage to implement something and mess it up - you think they’d do some testing or something… Also they took away some things unnecessarily. God only knows why. They had one job.


When RDF was released as the original WOTLK update at level 41 you could join 7 dungeons. I can’t understand why blizzard didn’t just check how it was originally. There is no benefit for them to have these ranges all screwed up yet it has to be deliberate because surely somebody had a look?!


I’m not really laughing as much at you as I’m laughing at the whole situation you find yourself in. I’m apologizing cause I know you’re a cool guy.

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A patch day has come and gone and there is no change to this bug, not even an acknowledgement of the complaints (and there is more on the US forum than here). At least they could say something along the lines of “This change is to combat boosters (lol) and we intend to keep it that way.” or something. But no, the silence is even worse, and frankly insulting. I really have half a mind to cancel my sub before even killing LK25HC, this is quite literally the one part of the Classic experience I waited for THE MOST in all of Classic. More than levelling in vanilla, more than getting my Winterspring Frostsaber, more than raiding Naxx40, more than going up the Black Temple again, I just wanted to level an alt comfortably via RDF.
You truly are a disgrace to the company name and the memories it carries, Activision-Blizzard.


You’re only going to get sad cuck apologists telling you ‘that’s how it’s meant to be’ even though the RDF itself shows you the range and then disappears way before it. I wouldn’t bother. They are aware. I just cancelled my sub and I’ll come back if it gets fixed but I was only hanging on for the introduction of it. Didn’t realise they were going to break it so badly. Until then plenty of other games to be getting on with.


Cant please some people right, the only info that I can find that is somewhat related to how it actually was back then seem to line up really well with what I have seen from the RDF now in classic, the quests for dungeons and being able to actually do them properly dont line up and that looks like how it was back then aswell.

It is not listed on any wikis, but I also found some posts mentioning that back in the day mobs in dungeons have been de-leveled twice between vanilla and RDF release. The Classic team just forgot about it, cause I don’t remember any such changes this time.
So in other words: the levels RDF allows might be correct, it’s the dungeons themselves that are too high level.

I suggest you check a wiki such as warcraft dot wiki dot gg or pretty much any wikis. Alternatively check on a private server. Or check the multiple screenshots on US forums (seems our American friends don’t put up with rubbish and document it very well compared to European cucks). Or check the youtube videos from back in the day. Pretty much everywhere that proves it wasn’t like this at all. They show the correct dungeon ranges. They disappear many levels too early. I really can’t understand how so many people can be so dense lol.


Problem is that all of those sites including the archived once only have info from later expansions.

Not going to download a pserver just to check someones claim. Even less so as they are known to not be fully correct about anything as they dont have the actual data.

Those could be from pservers or from later expansions for all that we know aswell.

Only thing you suggested that is usable for this tbh

You gave 1 good source and 3 really bad sources.

Are we sure they show the right though? If we look at later expansions they show the right levels but are we sure they actually are like they were in 3.3.5 (im guessing they actually are showing the right and are wrong but playing devils advocate here)

Instead of calling people dense you should look at how you talk to people, no one listens to someone who behaves toxic and you have been behaving toxic even before this so thats why someone like me puts in minimal effort (aka looking at the first page of google to see what they can find)

Original or not, it is riduculous that a dungeon where the final boss is 1 or 2 levels below your own and still drops very viable stuff for you should be “too low” for you.
And it is about 15 years ago but I don’t remember the level ranges to be that crappy. Just tried to sign up for ragefire with a lvl 15 and two 17ers. Didn’t work. That is a joke.


That would be at least tolerable if the boss were below you. Crappy, but tolerable. Stockades disapper at level 26, when the final boss, Basil Thredd is 29 and orange to you. Gnomer is last available at level 30, when the final quest to kill Mekgineer Thermaplug is still RED at 35 recommanded.
It is insane how broken this is. I scrounged up a group to stockades and then gnomer manually by whispering people in the appropriate range, promising a summon and sharing of quests.
Now I am 33, the Graveyard of SM is already gone from selection without me ever going there and only Library is available at 33. The quest to kill SM bosses in Lib, Arm and Cath can only be taken at lvl 34. Wanna bet that Lib will be gone by then, making the quest literally unfinishable because nobody would ever run to SM now that we have RDF.
It’s literally a comedy sketch level of broken. Like they tried to make it as unpleasant as possible.


Gnomer is a good example of the dungeon level rebalancing we didn’t get. The first dungeon level change (in TBC) was made specifically to reduce the level spread of each dungeon (but this is the only thing mentioned about it in the patch notes from back then, no specifics). Gnomer was one of the dungeons with the largest level spreads in vanilla and nothing was changed with it in Classic. I levelled in hardcore and I can confirm that all those quests we have now in Wrath are still far enough apart that by the time final boss quest is yellow, the outside quests are almost gray.

There is no excuse for this, even if you claim that it was like back then. Back then there were no heroic plus dungeons, you could not buy Ulduar hardmode gear with dungeon currency, and I don’t see people massing up on the street to protest against these.
My point is that after all these changes to the original game, putting the level ranges into a logical distance doesn’t feel like a big deal, even it was’t like back then.

And why Blizzard contradits itself with this:

Between level 15-16 I had Ragefire chasm listed, as a 15-21 option. As I hit lvl 17, it disappeared, and Deadmines, Wailing caverns appeared with a range of 15-25. As I hit level 21, both disappeared. See? The correct numbers are even there, only thing they need to do is to rewrite the level values in the script. Nothing more, nothing less, no need to invent the spanish wax, just a little typing work.