Hi there,
I’m looking for a guild that raids once per week, max twice. I’m available from Monday to Thursday.
I’m 38 yo and i play resto druid for a couple of years now and love it
i’dd really enjoy to find a group of players with who i could do HC raids and some mm+ 
My ilvl is 422 for now but am working to bring it up
let me know if my profil could be a good fit 
Bnet : Sliwu7#2795
Discord : sliwu7
Punished is looking for healers to join our ranks. We raid twice per week Thursday and Monday from 21 to 00 server time.
Our goal is AotC with some possible mythic progression in the upcoming tier. We’re mature, casual, older bunch of people who enjoy the game at our own pace without the stress of “you must attend the raids at all costs” - raid when you can is how we roll.
Right now were on a small break from raiding since we achieved AotC and didn’t have the roster for mythic yet. So I cannot offer a chance to start raiding immediately however we most of the raiders will be back when something new happens, specially a new raid 
If we might be a venture worth exploring you can accept my disc. friend invite mari.s if not all the best to you in your search!