Rdruid should have been nerfed 3 seasons ago

S2 DF → most represented healer by far, post-treants, absolutely oppressive, nothing came close
S3 DF → most represented healer by far early on and mid-season (almost 50% representation in 3s and SS),
S4 DF → slightly below hpriest for a month by 3-4% representation wise. Hpriest nerfed to the ground (although it wasn’t even close to as opressive as rdruid in S2 and S3) and rdruid’s damage getting buffed through the roof → rdruid is back with a vengeance. Currently, the outplay required to defeat even terrible shadowplay teams is insane.

This class should’ve been reworked/nerfed properly a long time ago. The crazy thing with it atm is that even with a 10% nerf, it would still be S++ tier: close to immune to CC (both micro and long CC), better than average mana (and yet easiest drinks in game), insane throughput (both damage and healing) and last but not least the strongest CC in game.
It’s crazy to think S4 DF disc priest and S4 DF rdruid are supposed to compete in the same meta.


It’s the BM hunter of healers now

And it’s not going away


treants need to be nerfed by like 100% in arena.Also nerf cyclone allready!

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Priest is only dominating 3 out of 4 brackets with both speccs and has to compete with 1 heal specc in 1 bracket while STILL being the most played specc = nerf others so every game is white Vs white.

I don’t know how it is at high rating, but for 99% of player , priest are the problem and no other heal specc. Maybe Preservation evoker too because they can’t go oom.


Playing against a resto druid as DPS tilts the hell out of me, they just cycle cyclones constantly. Doesnt’ even matter if you interrupt one, their treants just keep people alive and then they just recast cyclone again, again and again. Then some more cyclones. Then even more cyclones. Then some more cyclones. And even more cyclones.

Priests have nothing like that to tilt the hell out of me. They have fear on a 30 sec cd if disc and then they have chastise on a 1 min cd in addition to that as holy, reduced by casting smites/holy fires. Not something constantly spammable.

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in tww we are even getting more Ai Specs like Dk, cant wait to see Dh Ai Spec what is summoning a bunch of Illidan homies when he is using eyebeam or meta

huh? Priest meta is the most fun meta, atleast for me, because games are ending faster

With Pres evo,or rdrood its most likely a Dampening clownshow

Priest always feels to punishing for some classes like paladin. But can always argue some counter some classes

What makes priest unfun is , how disc just pumps to much damage adding to stress as heal for high dampening games ( more a problem in 2s and RSS ) and how holy basically plays risk free all game with all their cds and being able to set up their own cc chain through chastise from far away. Also holy does a good amount of damage

Giving druids damage was a nice way to make games feel more equal. MW monk and pally also could need a bit more push in that direction.

If all heal were build equally, priest meta could be fun , but if both priest speccs dominate to this extend with more damage / healing etc than the completion , than we have a problem

this is about as far away from reality as it gets



Cyclone needs to be put on a cd.

resto druid the ai cyclone healer lol

There are 10 rdruid R1 spots atm, 0 holy priest, 3 prevokers, 1 disc (the awc winner) and 1 rsham (the awc winner). How is priest dominating anything?
Shadowplay atm is one of the most forgiving comps ever and most people playing it have heavily inflated rating. At 2.2k-2.3k mmr, I still see rdruids in splay comps that can’t rotate their hots properly… I urge you to find me other healers atm that can get to 2.2k without even getting their basic rotation right.
Oh, and at 2.2k you don’t even need to properly cyclone or dps.

As for hpriest doing a lot of damage: that was true before that ~30% dmg nerf. Now it’s at the bottom of the barrel damage wise: only caster weaver does less.

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this has to be a troll btw no way this guy is serious

or maybe just stop tunnel visioning 1 target and pay attention to what’s happening around you?

I don’t have an infinite amount of interrupts.

Paladin is just bad and is in need of buffs/rework. Nerfing priest won’t magically make Pala feel good to play.

Disc isn’t even good in RSS, 2s is the only bracket there the class is doing well. It’s funny because in another thread (that was also about rdruid) the argument was that we don’t balance around 2s and the 80% dmg buffs (wtf devs???) doesn’t matter in 3s and neither does clone. So it’s completely fine for rdru to ruin 2s but for Disc it’s suddenly a problem. Hypocrisy at it’s finest.

Sure, keep the damage buffs from rdru. But then nerf their throughput because you can’t have anything.

Priest is popular but nowhere op right now. How people can come to the conclusion that a class which has the highest representation above 1800 but falls off heavily above 2400 compared to other healers is op is beyond me. Druid and Prevoker are the strongest healers right now and that’s quite obvious from reading the statistics.

Must be fun to live in a parallel universe where druid isn’t overperforming in all 3 brackets since mid season 2.

What we really need is treants to autocast cyclone on enemy healers when in range. :smiley: If we wanna make an AI spec let’s make a full AI spec. :smiley: Let us RDruids DPS a bit :smiley:

RDruids don’t even have much DMG.

Why when we ain’t even top throughput?

Here are some stats:

More stats
If we look at average HPS and DPS and Burst of healer specs RDruid is not the best.
HPS Ranking

  1. PEvoker 155k
  2. Mist 137k
  3. RDruid 135k
  4. HPriest 131k
  5. DPriest 122k
  6. RSham 120k

DPS ranking

  1. DPriest 20k
  2. PEvoker 13k
  3. HPriest 11k
  4. RSham 6.8k
  5. RDruid 4k

Burst Ranking

  1. DPriest 179k
  2. PEvoker 152k
  3. RSham 134k
  4. HPriest 116k
  5. HPal 41k
  6. RDruid 39k

RDruid is lowest when it comes to DPS and Burst and 3rd when it comes to healing throughput. Why would we want to nerf any of this? The only thing I could think needs nerfing is the amount of CC RDruids have access to and drinking. Rake + Maim + Cyclone + Roots + AoE Roots or Pullback just might be too much for a healer.

Alright who cares about the 0,0001% ?

I i i i i . You only see a small amount of games being played, that has no statistic value. Drustvar tells us real numbers about current activity which is more believable than what you see in the 10h a week you maybe play

And still the most played heal. Crazy. You didn’t make a lot of posts during that time talking about inflated holy priest rating

But if you wanna balance by the top player. There are double the amount of preservation evoker active in the top 100. guess we adress them first ? Since you aren’t biased , maybe change your post to fix preservation first and adress Druid / holy priest after ?

From Where you got this stats? I was equipping my Disc and make ez 50 k dps in an average 2s game
Are this Disc priest with healing talents and mastery ? If so then all stats are terrible missleading what a specc is cappable off

I also saw lontar in 3s popping of some unbelievable HPS on his evoker

Since when?

5974 games in the last 24 hours.

But 277 in the last 48 hours?

This is checking 3v3 activity.

You can’t have 5974 games in the last 24 hours and then only 277 in last 48 hours and claim it’s real numbers. Last 48 hours should be be more games than last 24 hours.

Early season rankings are irrelevant, nobody even plays 3v3 atm

Last season there was only 1 resto druid that has gotten r1 in 3v3, I think we all know what this means:

Buff rdruid.

The R1 rankings aren’t early season. Rdruid is significantly stronger than any other healer atm. And that is shown by the 2.4k+ ratings as well.
Disc was top popularity last season in 3s, but it was garbage at anything above 2k and its representation was a joke.