Rdruid should have been nerfed 3 seasons ago

So you tell me on the EU server which has people reroll to meta every season , somehow no one is rerolling to play rdruid, who is

THE BEST by a far AND EASY to play ?

And priest is just that much more fun that half the ladder is made out of priest who only keep up cause their high skill level on a undertuned class ?

Nah, pres completely hardcounters druid. Priest and Shaman are around the same level as rdruid, with hpal and mw being on the slightly weaker side.

Big l2p issue here tbh

I still like destroying people with the Chastise/Divine Image/Holy Fire/Apo combo

It’s an average other thousands of games. Just because you have one game where you can do 50k DPS for the first minute does not mean you will be doing 50k DPS 5mins in to the game or in the other 10 000 games you play…

If I have 5% crit there is a 1 in 1000000 chance I will crit all my first 10 spells and do 1mln DPS. That does not mean that you should take that 1mln DPS and use it as a pretext to nerf or buff anything. You look at averages, you look at medians, you look at ranges, you look at precentiles.

There are 10 R1 spots taken by Rdruid, 3 by prevoker and 0 by hpriest. Do you want to say that somehow R1 people have l2p issues and that’s why rdruid is so oppressive even at high mmr?
PS: rdruid is by far the most represented healer at 2.2k+ as well, not sure where the above guy got his stats that priest makes up half the ladder.

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Maybe the RDruid players are just that much better than the HPriest players. When I look at the ladder and see that like 6 out of the 10 top RDruids are one and the same guy I think he’s just that good or that dedicated to actually climb like crazy.

There is no point argue with Rdruid mains that defend their broken spec,they dont want balance in the game,they want easy raiting.

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What point about early season rankings being irrelevant did you not understand? Why were there no resto druids at AWC? Why was there only 1 resto druid that got r1 last season? There have been no rdruid changes since then.

No the average Disc plays a HPs build with high mastery that give you average 20k dps all good
But if you play haste and damage talents your average dps is EZ 50k uot too 70k dps the HOLE game

Mean speccs can pull of way more then a average number says f3on thiss stats and thw higher the pkayer skill the more the can get out fronma specc

Dam the 0.0001% really represent the other 99,999%

What about over 2400 3v3 Bracket EU
Rdruid - 246 - 7.99% (First of every spec in the game,not only healers)
Pres Evoker - 207 - 6.73% (Secound of all specs in the game,only behind Rdruid)
Hpriest - 172 - 5.59% (Forth of all specs in the game)
Rsham - 97 - 3.15%
HPala - 95 - 3.09%
DPriest - 95 - 3.09%
MWMonk - 65 - 2.11%
I wonder why those 4 specs are so close but other 3,especially Rdruid and Pres are on top with 2-3 times more characters…Really wierd,might be because Rdruid and Evoker are weak healers,but their players(and fotm rerollers) are just so good in the game currently.And somehow LFG is full with masochists that want to handicap themselfs by asking only for those 2 specs to play with…

i dont play 2s that much, in 2s disc seems really op with some classes like assa rogue

in solo shuffle, idk for me it was if i had a disc in the team it will be a easy 3/3 lobby, cuz disc healing feels not that nice to be fair, holy priest is another story

in cordinated 3s i dont mind priest currently, in cordinated 3s pres evoker is more of an issue, followed by sp/affli rdrood comps

the game designe from the current disc priest is just bad, even for close to every disc player

if u get kicked on your heal, followed by a stun it is really hard to keep your team up, its like if u lose momentum, u will fall back really quickly and have to trade 2 big cds for it

ah so MW arguably the worst healer in the game by far right now is second place. This just shows how useless this data is.

You do know arena is more than just healing? Yes Mist is one of the best healers when it comes to throughput, but it’s the worst when it comes to burst and DMG. Did you just miss that? Did I only show healing throughput in my stats? I don’t think I did? If you think that healing throughput is the only thing that matters the problem might be you and not the stats? Just a thought.

no thats why i said your list/data is useless.

When looking at your data it looks like rdruid is not in a good spot although its s tier in every bracket.

Did you even read my whole comment? My comment wasn’t that druid is not strong, my comment was that DMG is probably not the reason cause it has one of the lowest DMG in the game. I specifically said that most probably the issue is the huge amount of CC that you have in the kit and treants that allow you to AFK for 30secs just trying to CC the enemy healer. I specifically said

Read mate.

I’d even say give us more DMG, but get rid of cyclone spamming.

Objectively, rdruid atm is insanely strong because it doesn’t have any weakness per se: the only one would be mana, but that’s only because rsham literally can’t oom. And even with the 2nd best mana (or maybe 3rd best after prevoker), it can still get the easiest drinks in the game.
If you add overhealing, rdruid essentially does 50-60% more hps than hpala.
And dps objectively is extremely high right now after the damage buffs, with it easily blasting 30-40k dps in most shadowplay comps. Apart from disc and maybe prevoker, what other healer comes close to these dps numbers?
Hell, in SS at 2.7k+, it has 45% representation. In top 100 in 3s, rdruid has 42% representation. It is significantly better than most other healers and it’s not even close. I’ve never seen a healer that’s been this oppressive for almost 4 seasons straight.

Cyclone is the only problem

Cyclone should be a Balance druid only skill

Cyclone isnt inherently a problem on its own, its same with fear for affli lock, the problem is the combination of a spammable CC with a playstyle that means your healing/damage is all done via HoTs/DoTs so you can afford to spend much more time casting those CCs without falling behind.

just remove Cyclone from resto druid . and suddenly its not OP

crazy that people dont see the issue here