Rdruid should have been nerfed 3 seasons ago

Nah I dont play druid and hate them as much as the next guy lol but wouldnt want cyclone removed entirely. A short CD on it or reduce the range significantly and it would be fine I think and change resto have access to only the stun OR disorient, not both, so they cant as reliably land cyclones on enemy healers as often.

As long as pres evoker completely stomps resto druid, any nerfs for rdruid would be a complete joke

If prevoker “completely countered” rdruid, there wouldn’t be 45% representation for rdruid in r1 range.

Treants are nothing more than hots. Its good against hunter traps, but then again fire mage, assa gains extra dmg boost cos of it?
Lets keep discussing what spec is more OP, our fav crying topic.

nerfed to the ground? do you smoke cr4ck?

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there isn’t 45% representation for rdruid in r1 range.

And look at the shuffle ladder, pres evokers are feasting because they completely destroy rdruids.

Druid main here
All pets should be removed.
Let hunters have 2.
Let demo warlocks have 1 summonable permanent pet , 1 limited on use pet + 1 proc lesser minion.
Shadow priests - 1 fiend , thats it.
Game is too saturated with unnecessery hard to visually communicate BS.
It doesnt feel right to have your screen full of names and nameplates to track a milion pets, totems, cds, buffs and debuffs but thats another topic , i digress.
You already have to target 3 people, 6 if you got that supporter hybrid stuff u can give to others of your party and u need to target them toto.
Now thats not enough apperantly , you also gotta give a damn about pets in certain points of the expansion too.
Yes i use player- only Tab but its still unneccessery clutter.
Make the game clean again.


While that is true, they won’t do it

But what they can do is add an actual setting in game settings to disable specific pets by name to clean up your UI

Because otherwise you have to resort to complex addons and specific weak auras

Here are the averages. Yes you will have some games where you can do a lot more DMG, or comps that are super tanky allowing you to do more DMG, but you’ll have games and comps where you can’t DMG as much. DGM wise RDruid doesn’t seem oppressive, I’d think the main oppressive part is using 2-3 treants into AFKing 15 secs under enemy healer CCing him with triple cyclone, maim, rake, root, vortex.

The very fact that Resto druid can do max HPS without ever casting 1 single spell, EVER, is enough to shut down any kind of arguements or long statistics or whatever you people are trying to use to justify how broken your spec is

Pop tree of life, pop treants, spam instants, every1 full hp, 0 cast, chilling in stun can’t die, passive healing procs, barkskin, nah

just nah

no other healer ever does 0 casts and keeps that HPS, not even dragon

u might as well unbind ur kick button vs rdruid if they dont wanna clone you

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literally dragon, but with a better toolkit too.

And as a rdruid if you cast and get kicked you just lose the game. Also as a DH you should know that rdruid hard loses every melee matchup (so basically all of them in shuffle) vs pres because pres instant healing is much better than rdruids

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To get rolling those hots in shuffle is unreal button spam, if enemies dont switch targets its easy yea.
My main for years was rdruid and I benched it cos of shuffle to play hpriest, more chill games somehow.
But its up to player liking.

wish they remove this spell out of the game.

The only thing I don’t understand about R Druid is why did they buff Wrath and Starfire. It was not necessary in PvP. In terms of CC to be fair it all comes to awareness and ability of your teammates to kick. The only Clone that you cannot truely avoid is the one that follows Mighty Bash. In H Priest → R Druid matchup Chastice → Fear is the same thing.

All 3 top healers Prevoker, R Druid and H Priest have their advantages and disadvantages. Dragon unfortunately has to “play in” due to range and is vulnerable to swaps or CC for the reason but it’s the best counter to R Druid due to Fire Breath Purge. It’s also “more agressive variant of Druid” in many comps. H Priest is good in more agressive comps. It has a lot of ways to save mana but due to no damage mitigation it struggles on higher dampening so even though it can heal a lot on one mana bar it will eventually feel the struggle due to it’s CDs.

I believe that many opinions here are based on solo shuffle where H Priest is way worse do to faster stacking dampening and R Druid with Prevoker dominate the bracket. That’s unfortunately the outcome of different rules in RSS and normal arenas.

In 3s every healer spec can work if you build a comp around it Outlaw/Arcane/Disc RMP for example does extremely well in the highest brackets because Outlaw and Arcane are very tanky and Disc can pump damage and healing never going oom. That’s the beauty of the real 3v3s. You can build a comp around strengths and covering weaknesses by each other.

RSS will never be fully balanced because then every spec should have similar tools and be more homogenized. The outcome of your lobby depends of skill of the players but also combination of specs that happen to be in the lobby. I’ve seen fantastic players doing 0/6 or 1/5. Are they bad? No… Just an unfortunate lobby where most specs countered them. Good example of almost unwinnable round is when you pair Ret with H Paladin and you lose a lot of your toolkit due to Forberance. Another good example is facing Ret and Prevoker as Assassination.

Regarding Treants. There is whole Hero Talent tree built around them so I don’t believe they are going anywhere. I don’t like them either to be honest unfortunately Blizzard is creating more and more mechanics like this.

If you have to nerf one thing about Resto, it’s treants.

Not only are they super dumb and lazy, they are super strong vs the weakest CC spell in game, Freezing Trap. It hits one target, isn’t spammable like Fear and breaks if you so much as look at it. Also it’s a skill shot with a slow fly time, which is why, with all the other reasons I’m calling it weak.

To add Treants on top of that is just an insult, when it seems like they have bigger hitboxes than a freaking bear.

And now Blizzard is doubling down on treants in TWW. Unbelievable.

No, it’s cyclone and their hots being way too strong for how little effort it is to apply them.

Put a CD on cyclone that starts when you start casting it. They shouldn’t be able to spam it.

Playing against a resto druid as dps it went like this:

Rake → cyclone(on my healer) → I stun the druid → he trinkets the stun → wtf → cyclone → I interrupt the cyclone → he uses overgrowth on the guy we’re going and pops treans → I switch druid → Nope, he has hots on himself as well.

I drop low, he casts cyclone → interrupt → casts cyclone again → stunned → casts cyclone again → cyclone → cyclone on our healer.

Then he bashes the healer.

Then he cyclones me 3x. Then he cyclones the other DPS 3x. Then he cyclones the healer again.

LIKE, SCREW RIGHT OFF. Put a god damn CD on it. Weaker CC that can be dispelled and breaks on damage has a CD.

No matter what role I play I always hate it when there’s a resto druid in the shuffle because it means constant cyclones no matter what you do because it’s got no CD. It’s worse than playing against Mei in old overwatch.

If it wasn’t for -150 rating if you leave I would alt f4 every time I come across a resto druid. I don’t like it even when I’m winning, even if I win 6-0, screw that spec so hard. It’s just not fun to play against them. Nerf them to oblivion. I’m so done with resto druids always being godlike in pvp & pve.

noone does this as it’s very bad

wasting trinket? :o

You can’t overgrowth when you’re kicked

Also where are your team partners in all of this, or your pressure? If a druid did this he would automatically lose the game after 10 seconds.

Maybe also a 1 day prison sentence after you start casting cyclone

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Do I have to type everything out EVERY MILLISECOND THAT PASSES?

People like you are just too much.

I’ve won games up to 2.1k mmr on my resto druid just by rake → cyclone on the healer and then a DPS dies without pressing defensives before cyclone drops.

Wow, so you get kicked while your only kickable spells are clone and regrowth, and you can’t use your nature spells? Hmmm, doesn’t that apply to literally all healers? Oh yeah, it does, the difference being rdruid is the least prone healer to interrupts because of the HoT+treants mechanics.

Sure, CC does affect rdruids to some degree, but that doesn’t change the fact that they’re the strongest healer by far against both micro cc, long cc and interrupts.
The harsh truth atm is that you don’t even need to bother with clones, cc or dmg (i.e. literally half the toolkit of this spec), just stack mastery and the hps/cc borderline immunity is enough to carry you well into 2.2k, even glad territory.

I genuinely ask: do you know any other healer where you can get to 2.2k without pressing half your buttons?

Later edit: also, you understate how strong overgrowth is, it’s on a 1 minute cooldown, but the target literally cannot die until the hots run off, and that’s with 30-40% dampen, not at the start of the game.

in any higher mmr lobby if the druid is trying to clone that much he 100% gets punished for it and dies. I dont think i had a single lobby with an rdruid where he cloned that much all season. This might work at 1800 lol.

Rdruid is strong because its the best healbot in the game when done right and very hard to CC but not because of spam cloning.

You literally could remove clone from rdruids and they would still be insanely strong in shuffle.