Read Swifty's response

I’m losing track of which Swifty thread contains what now, but I had some info in this post:

Seems you seem in the know i quickly checked said npc and found that there was another

Was it removed too ? (or was it even a reference to begin with ?)

Yeah, both Swifty and John Swifty were tribute NPCs, and both have been patched out of the game.

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Well teaches people to follow random social media celebs blindly and buying into the external bling.

Go & watch his stream & ypu will see Swifty …

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:rofl: :rofl:
If youre serious with this question, then this is the dumbest line ive read on forums recently.

Yo can anyone confirm the kill tho :rofl:


Justice of internet.

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dont care for it my self nor swifty or any steamer just need look for job real job not stream dirty bathrooms lol

No I am serious. His stream is still going with what seem like plenty of fans. There have been no mass statements that various people are disassociating themselves from him. He hasn’t even been banned from playing WoW as far as I can see.

All I can find is some allegations against his conduct have been made and a couple of NPCs in a game have currently been removed.

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