Really? More borrowed power now?

I still think that M+ gear should just provide epic gear for stats building and trinkets that have skills/traits while Raid gear itself have as only items in PvE Endgame traits/default enchantments.

Like, for example a Chest Piece from M+ has no traits, while a Chest Piece from Raid has (set bonus aside) an extra enchantment like “+5% stamina while in M+/Raid activities”

Same could be mirrored onto Rated PvP gear but I have no clue how the balancing there works so I don’t want to suggest too much.

They tried that, and it wasn’t. Activity dropped off significantly during SL s2, which was the season when essential gear was only available from raid (Sanctum of Domination).

i’m glad their bringing in those borrowed powers again grind sheep grind

Right back at you:

Who said it ‘wont’ dissapear?

All they have said is they would like to contineu using it but that doesnt confirm anything?

They worked hard on anything that was sunset.

Do you really think they will just overhaul every mount for DFs DR? lol

Maybe… it’s just for open world content…
I hope so.
Else it’s going to be a :poop: show :sweat_smile: obviously.

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The creator of these systems was Jeff Hamilton, and he already left:

Good riddance. I try not to be mean-spirited, but this guy’s designs caused me a lot more suffering than I care to admit.

Anyway, this seems little more than a relatively standard item - but I may be proven wrong. I just hope it isn’t Azerite.

it’s Azerite, corruption and whatever system you can imagine rolled into one … enjoy grinding until your fingers bleed and your hands fall of … :wink:

or dont grind at all just like majority of players never did any grind and let it come passively while you do content you enjoy.

time to quit again then :smile:

Probably once again mandatory for dps players. But as a healer, I am not even crafting lariat lol.

Source, please?

“I got the pooooweeeeer!”

  • He-Man

there no source Ishayo it was a joke but it would be something ion and his team of clowns would do :smiley:

Ah okay. :stuck_out_tongue:

I just want to point out though that the guy behind those systems is gone. This could also be similar to the engineering sockets from iirc BfA.

Go on, have a whiff of hopium. I promise it feels good.

Scrap this whole thing, its already failed.

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1048200302 times this!!

Really ???!?!??

Ok , I’m gonna go full wrath classic Andi.


Sod off with these kind of systems.

Dragonlight is a good X-Pac, don’t throw it man…

The amount of cringe here is on another level.

A ring at the end of a season that’s going to be instantly replaced next season, one that helps people get the last few achievements they may be struggling with. Based on a few fun effects.

Just lol. I would understand if this was coming from the crowd that would consider this item mandatory, the ones pushing keys close to 30. If this is all it takes to make you “want to go full classic”, maybe you should just stick with classic, the modern MMO may not be for you anymore, you just aged past the game that’s ok.

they literally made passives in several specs better than actual skill button talents. Like as veng dh your multitarget dps will drop by 30% if you choose sigil of chains and elysian ring etc (last time i checked) compared to passive talent m+ first builds…

Also fire mage is doing more dmg with passive boosts than meteor. Flame strike is not taken by anyone since passive ignite spread is stronger (which i dont mind since i hate spamming flame strike, but still) …

Frost mage revolves around clicking icelance with occasional blizzard…

Pressing buttons that do shjt should be more rewarding and have a higher skill cap than less buttons. And I dont mean designing them like guardian druid that basically has like 5 rotation buttons that do the same thing but named differently; ”just click this armor button three times and keep 3 stacks. The action has no visual or sound effects, or character or npc effects, but your virtual armor value increases in the stats menu”

This was exactly my thought. Lots of tasks of borrowed power but it is something qué peripheral to the core game, just like the punch card.

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