Really? More borrowed power now?

The end result is the same. Exponential catch-up existed.

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It isn’t the same.

You were capped at 400000% increase in 7.1.5. At that cap it would take 1009 maw of souls run in 7.1.5.

That’s just petty and childish: “I don’t want to treat M+ as primary end game content so other people shouldn’t be allowed to either.”

People should be able to do the content they enjoy and get the same rewards as everyone else. Forcing people to do content they don’t enjoy for ‘incentives’ that are required for character strength is bad game design.

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if your comment wasn’t a dead giveaway, your entire profile is. “inb4 but muh main” post it then.

Not sure how gems constitute borrowed power anymore than the current gems and enchants do

Because gems and enchants you buy off the auction house and loot from your mailbox. You don’t farm 2 months for the 1 OP drop praying to the RNG gods :clown_face:

Actually can’t wait to get my new borrowed power ring full of passive damage, so I can do more damage with less effort (I’m serious) and just blast mobs instead this nolife simming and practicing rotation :yawning_face:

Sure you can. For example, one can argue that a given opinion is e.g. factually incorrect :man_shrugging:

You literally have been arguing this whole time.
Just because you invented some made up arbitrary rules in regard to opinions to avoid being accountable for your “opinions” it doesn’t change the fact that you are actively arguing.

No, i’m not, because no one makes SP RPGs to cater to individuals.

Even SP RPGs needs power balance to not ruin the gameplay experience, so even in SP game you can’t make stuff overpowered for the heck of it. You clearly don’t know much about game design.

Have you played ESO? You can be a werewolf, or vampire, and the choice is completely optional, but unlocks unique paths for those who choose it.
What you are describing is literally in both SP RPGs and in MMORPGs.

That’s the issue of the specific design mistake, and not the crafting being fundamental to gameplay, and player experience.

I don’t think you understand the subject you are as vigorously trying to debate.

The shire fact that you are LOOKING FOR DRAMA, ergo cherry-picking information to prove your point, is an evidence that what you are talking about is a niche exception, and not “all raiders hate it” scenario which you were trying to pass, as a fact.

Moot point.
There is no game being universal liked.

You’re confused.
That’s not asking for “Everything”.
That’s asking for fundamental elements of an MMORPG to be designed properly.

The reason why people keep asking for it, is because pretty much all MMORPG studios cheap out on design to cut corners for the sake of make easy money. It’s literally an issue with greed and neglect, and not with the difference between SP RPG, and MMORPG, or with people wanting “everything”.

You aren’t seeing an advantage.
You are seeing a difference in the quality of the design due to effort put into the design, and misunderstanding it for advantage of one type of game over the other.

So does MMOs.
SWTOR had not only dialogs with multiple choices which lead to different outcomes, but also multiple endings to the personal story of the players.

Like I said, it’s not about genre, it’s about the quality of the design, and effort put into making the game.

Dude, stop talking about things you clearly DON’T UNDERSTAND.

Gear balance in an SP RPG is VERY important.
If you make one weapon overpowered, especially at the begging of the gameplay, it automatically makes every other weapon meaningless to own. Lack of power balance in an SP RPG is the pinnacle of bad design.

The issue with WoW story isn’t about players not having an individual impact on it.
The issue is with the quality of the writing, which is often on the level of 15 YO teenager who wrote his first fan fiction.

Of course it can.

When people level from 60 to 70, they don’t buy pretty much any crafting items, despite crafting providing gear for those levels. Instead, we get items from quests, which is a bad thing, because this solution not only feeds people addiction to instant gratification, but also literally removes agency from crafting.

The other way crafting can add to player gameplay, thus experience is by having a more involved crafting process which revolves around practical manipulation of materials in the form of mini-games where actual manual skill, and knowledge of process matters.

There are also individual changes to professions like Alchemy where the discovery process should happen through an organic process of testing various combinations of ingredients instead just pressing a button, and praying that RNG will give you the recipe you want.

They always generated gold, since it’s their secondary role in the game.
The issue is with Blizzard failing to design a decent alternative to crafting to make gold.
Instead, they opted to stick with WoW Token as alternative to gain gold, so now people just pay real money to buy in game gold, and then buy crafted stuff.

So no, people aren’t mad that the profession for generates gold.
They are mad, because prices of crafted gear are now in line with WoW Token price, instead being in line with what people can make in game on average.

The issue isn’t crafting, it’s the WoW Token and it’s effects on the economy.

SWTOR already did it.

To run what?

While this is somewhat concenring we do not rly know how will this be implamented and will proffesions have anything to do with it.

If it works like a normal gem/socket, with multiple profesions being involved in its creation, and name kinda suggest that to be fully honest, then I do not see the problem especially if its there to stay for rest of expansion, you will invest gold into creation of the gem and addition of the socket slot on your item.

Now you can also complain about that being borrowed power, since you will throw all of that away moment you get better gear, but that is how gems and enchantments work in general, while I see that as a problem, its honestly how WoW worked for very long time.

a opinon is not a fact tho? Lol, u cant be Factually Incorrect about how you “Feel”

arguing?.. no. lol, i have no need to really argue. when it comes to a Opinon based conversation, the only “Argument” that can exist is one when ur trying to convince each other to change their minds.

something u seem to be more into trying to do.

lots of Good S RPGS, have Multiple endings, thus allows the players choice impact the world Uniquely to another option, thus creating better immersion.

not in the same way MMORPGS do.

Well yes i did just speak about Oblivion, a game which ESO is a Derive from Lore wise.

however No. i played ESO, its about whats BiS and going with that, there is No option, u do what ur characters Powered best by and Skip whats useless for ur class.

I just dont understand how anything can be Fundamental to gameplay… for a 8 hour levelling process Which becomes a Lobby game after max level tbh, i rly dont expect what u expect from a Crafting system in Such a game.

i aint Looking for Drama, i watched twitch streamers ove rthe duration of playing FFXIV, obviously streamers who do the content i have interest in. given it was that Portion of Players who were unhappy with the game.

U clearly know nothing if u arent aware of Raid Cuts and more made which angered raiders.

then accept it and Stop Trying to convince me Proffessions could be amazing. because its pretty obvious i Dont want to feel the Demand todo them any more then whats current. I dont play, to watch my char cut up wood.

If i wanna do that i’ll go be a Lumberjack.

a mmorpg that brings everything

  • Deep Crafting
  • Deep Raiding
  • Deep dungeon Diving
  • Open world
  • Balancing across Open world, Arena and BG PvP + Dungeons + Raids.
  • Several gearing paths.
  • continous churn out for all end game options.

and in this moment i think youre clown not worth to speak with

you probably never hunted for right shard of domination combo 2 month straight cause of rng


You probally allready have a borrowed power.

It is called Dragonriding,.

Who said, that Dragonriding will disappear? Maybe the talent points will, but they would have to be beyond stupid to remove this form of travelling in the game. Maybe next expansion we will get a Legion Sequel, where we use some other type of mount (I.e. some weird alien spaceship mount, or something), but we keep dragons aswell. I couldn’t imagine them removing such a good thing, that they worked for so hard after DF is over.

you do realise that like 99 % never done that right ? just like 99 % never farmed ap .

its the insance people who do those things.

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i raided mythic back then and was pushing for +20 that season for portals. never farmed even a single shard. it just came naturaly with time. just like majority of normal people.

your point was ?

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Congratulations, you did Sanctum 15 weeks after the release :clown_face: never to step foot into another mythic raid :clown_face:

and ? doesnt change what i said :slight_smile:

want to play hardcore ? then dont whine about effort hardcore playing requires.

you can always play like filthy casual like me :slight_smile: i guarantee you its milion times more laid back and fun way to play wow :slight_smile:

and you are right - i never played mythic raid after it - what i did though i was doing m+ on 13 chars and got all of them to almost 300 itlv by the end of S4 :slight_smile: and i had so much fun doing that :0

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I have to disagree a bit on that in regards of the shards. Back in SL S2 (granted, I did not raid often or did any M+ dungeons) I heard not many people say “uuuuuuuuhhhh, you don’t have (enough) shards in your armor. Get lost, peasant!” or something…

Might be due to me being on a RP realm perhaps…

looks more like just a catch up gear 2.0 but I guess we need to be upset about something today

You are absolutely right from that perspective.

Still, I think raiding is the main attraction of the game, but its loosing its magic due to the way they are designing the PvE endgame by treating M+ and Raids more like 2 separate standalone things, instead of something that is purely complementary with each other. Imo, it would be better for the game if raids would be closer to their original status by providing essential gear pieces that can only be acquired in them.

I love M+, don’t get me wrong. I just don’t think that it is healthy for the game to design M+ in a way that devalues raiding.