Really sad but think I'm done due to premades

Straight facts.
I win most games when I join solo no problem.
That you go to the forums to cry is self-evident. Why do you cry? Because you can’t win alone and you feel oppressed by people who play in groups.
You do this because you don’t understand that they have as much a right to be there as you.
So every single thing that I wrote about you is just true.

Let me tell you who I am and what I do.

I am an ordinary player who joins casual bgs in small groups of all sorts of players, most of which are of no particular renown or skill because they want to hang out with me. On top of that, I spontaneously coordinate random teams in epic bgs with calls. When there is nobody around who wants to join, I can go alone with no problems.

If I wanted, I could easily play in sync premades or I could play in full 5 stacks where everyone is an elite-ranked player. I do neither of these things. I could pack a full sync premade full of elite-ranked players and camp your corpse at the graveyard! Yet for you I am evil because I dare to invite a 64 year old lady to play epic bgs with me.

For this, you wish me “good riddance” and call the players who join me “goons”.
You have neither skill nor manners and you need to be put in your place.

This is what you need to hear because you are a prime example of what slave morality looks like, seething with resentment and utterly pathetic.

Rofl you’ve become a caricature of yourself :smile:

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Sry,we landed pretty often in the same Maps and you never could see a quality difference. Ever since we don’t meet more than once a week you come here write stuff like i just won 8 bgs in a row i won 12 Bgs today as ally blabla. Ya i believe you that,but you can’t believe me when i say i lost the same amount of games in a row.

You got out of the Bot queue and ignore why that is in the first place,in the other thread the russian Teddy wrote you how.
I am still there and others who can in fact carry their own weight are still there too. They can’t win alone with 30 Deadweights nor can you,we had some of those Bot maps together not so long ago and you could not win them either since you were alone.
You do not reflect on those games you do not read the scoreboards nothing.

And sry if i were your “goon” and would read stuff like I DONT NEED ANYONE I DO IT ALONE ITS MY SURPREME LEADING i would drop you in a heartbeat. Poor dudes sit on the infamous hotelroom chair.

I had yesterday an ashran were i needed to pump 3.3 Billion Dmg as a rdruid geared boomkin and almost lost that too. We simply play a different game 90% of the time.

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Here you go dear Jay.

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You constantly claim that the quality of the average alliance team is terrible and full of dead weight and that is just not accurate. The quality is about the same. The only difference is that the horde tends to have more strong players who join in groups who can carry games on their own. Players like Emeg or Laota. The alliance has few equivalents. Drex is a good commander, but he also mercs half of the time.

That one day was an exception and not reflective of the alliance as a whole. We had an unlucky streak with the quality of our random teammates.
I took a quick break, went shopping and tried again when I returned and won most games without an issue.

Bold assumption, and entirely wrong.
I read the scoreboards and saw how weak these teams were. I tried my best to try stuff like push hangar with demos or turtle in the base. The team was just not up to the task.
At no point was I mad about how terrible the alliance is and at no point did I blame premades on the horde side or such nonsense.
I knew it was bad luck with the teammates. I did what I could to try to win, go next.

If you think that inviting average Joe players or even below average players gives you and your group a quality advantage as opposed to just getting players of similar strength sorted into your team as random teammates, you are wrong.
Stacking my group full of high-quality players like sync premades do for easy wins is not my style.

Yes for you it was just unlucky for me it is the norm. Mages stacked up letting everyone press w 24 7 with no orb nothing,locks who cant rift, dks who dont grip,palas pressing blinding light on every inca pop ppl intentionally unequipping gear and going pve the entire game or just feeding them kills, this is my and other unfortunate souls normality. You got out of it we didn’t. We still lose the majority of our games. And no amount of breaks will get your out of it either,the queue is too dead for it.

They synced and sat in all coms,they might not do it now (theres some sus screens from a weekend not so long ago tho). Yet if they would want a challenge they wouldn’t perma 5 stack into gearcorpse stacking.

I know, your average Joe dractyr was in my bot maps 2 times and lost quite hard,diff is he had luck to get out of that next round i didn’t.
Just do me that one favor and carefully read what that Teddy wrote and keep in mind what i said in the mid of season and then think about the major diff of our current maps maybe it will click.

Yes i agree leading vs no leading is an advantage but undermining your buddys influence on the game is just toxic,your dragon is good your warry is good etc.

Are they tho? I recall them winning as 5 stacks every game as well,they don’t need it maybe they are really just helping some people idk. Ask them theres some english speaking people amongst them.

Gotta get that daylie win after 3 hours trying now, cya.

In almost every single Fistus response I have to read how often he won again. I’m not interested in trivial self promoting info of anyone. Also this has not much to do with the thread anymore.

And the only reason for this is the pure egoistic and short sighted way some ppl want to play the game and destroying with this the casual gaming experience, shooing way more people away from it. Some people find their way to the forum to let it out, and? This by far does not affect people’s time and experience as much as the root cause of this thread does. Better take it out on the causers of all this instead of setting everyone up against each other.

People have all right to vent it out.

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These are about the only elite players who join me in epic bgs somewhat regularly, and they are not with me most of the time, only sometimes. Most of my groups consist of average players. They are so average that they are virtually indistinguishable from random players. If I have any player quality advantage, it is a minor one. And when players like Emeg bring 3 strong boomies and 2 strong priests, I am the bad guy when I sometimes take a strong player with me?

You see the value of strat calls? Good, do more of them, you will win more. I saw you trying once. Why don’t you do it more often?

This is how I feel when I have to read the posts of players on the forum write how terrible everything is and how often they lost again. Do something about it maybe? What prevents you or anyone from communicating with your team, getting consumables, reading a guide for your class? All of these things would be helpful to carry your team easier.

Are they taking measures to win more? No, they lash out at players who have nothing to do with their problems. Players who play in small groups. Players who do nothing wrong.

yep when i see premade group i am just afk…ppl dont care and blizz doesnt punish this behavior
either abusing to be premade in epic bg or beeing idle

And this is the main issue with people getting tired of randoms and giving up on PvP altogether.
People see Jay, Larkus, Zado, Fado, Fistus, Pandora, or whatever the names are, and it’s an instant loss since half the team AFKs out before the match even starts. The rest just wander around the battleground while your team farms them at the graveyard.

All of you are group/queue syncing—however you want to call it—because I rarely see any of you in a BG without a team. While this is technically fine, you must realize how frustrating it is to lose 10 matches in a row as a solo queue player.

When premades are active, I can get 10 queues in a row against them, and after a ~10-minute wait, it’s a loss—not even instantly, sadly. At that point, you either take the deserter debuff and let some other schmuck take your place, or you just wait for it to end.

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No, you are not, but at least you now admit what advantage they have and since i play boomi myself,against my will with not even boomi gear, i can assure you u steamroll through these halfnaked groups like a Jet. Which is why they have such a high winrate to begin with,theres no resistance since they sacrifice horde pugs to lxrkus instead of ganging up with other 5 man stacks to face him.
And now that we reached that point,think back at one of your latest posts, lao thanked you for the challenge, do you wholeheartedly believe someone just wants a challenge when they go out of their way to not have one to begin with? The answer should be clear.

Because theres no point in my Maps it won’t do anything. I tried often enough,people dont want to win they want their loser honor with the least effort.
Never had a reason to lie to you,if i say i needed 6 hours for my daylie win its not exaggeration its the sad reality.

Friday, we won more Games than the last 2 Ids combined. And it came very fast to an End when Turtleking stalled us 1 1/2 Hours in ashran. We won but after that me and some other puggies were put back into the Feeder-queue placed vs all horde groups in the next x hours.

Can say for jay and his Gf they carry enough and don’t need a classguide. They both stand out very clearly and do the best with their off (ebg)meta speccs. Every bg with them is a bliss and such a different experience to the rest of the maps/teams/games.
Last bg i had with them was an isle,we pushed horde back on hangar and i stood a bit bad on that cliff, a dk was looking out for me and put an ams on that cliff,it was a very cute gesture which will be remembered forever :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

If people leave you can trust them enough to know they don’t see a chance with this and that team vs group-players.

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Jay is not playing in normal premades for about 3 years now and epic premades even longer not anymore. He plays alone, with me, and sometimes 1 extra. It’s not needed to leave the bg for.

Thanks man!

Yes, Wip, I can see you playing together. While you are absolutely correct that people should not leave BG when they see you or Jay (who are together 90% of the time, as you mentioned), that is exactly what happens.

This was not about them. I know that they play well. This is why i added “anyone”
Most of the chronic complainers do not play well and could plenty of things to win more games.

Seen her plenty of times without Emeg and the other boomies too. They just team up In a 5 group when they are both online because they are friends. Nothing wrong with that.
Why wouldn’t they?

Like I said there is no need at all to leave. We lose plenty of games as well. We are by far not always making calls except at the start of the bg. You can tell Horde he is NOT a premade. Just 2 ppl mostly.

Jay would be really happy to not be associated with premades anymore.

I don’t think you realize the ‘weight’ these names carry in BGs, but this is completely off-topic now.

I don’t have any problem with anyone playing however they want. People can provide feedback, but nothing will change until the devs actually pay attention. Since this forum has been swamped with ‘premades issue’ discussions for some time now and nothing is being done, it seems to be working as intended. As I already said - see you in BGs!

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I do. It’s something I’ve mentioned before in other threads; known (especially sync-)premade leaders (or in the case of Jay not a leader but he carried every premade with his dmg) even when they play now alone or with 1 or 2 friends still for years will get recognized as such and have already a big advantage through it. Which is why I want to make clear that Jay doesnt play with premades anymore since 3-4 years. Spread the word. 2 ppl in 35-40 man bg should not be so intimidating, I would think.


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I know jay is not doing the premade thing but ur playing like one. Thats why ppl often believe u r one . One time i was in ur group and u farmed ib gy just as bad like larkus. So i think ur not better then them . I mainly play horde BUT i for some reason i had a soft spot for jay and u. Now iam not so sure about it anymore.

People take everything for a premade nowadays. Every solo player or group of players that remotely sticks out is getting that title from the other team and they use it to justify why the game can’t be won.