Really sad but think I'm done due to premades

I have read what you wrote and your suggestion would screw over everyone who does not queue solo, you acknowledge this

And you say you don’t care for everyone who is not a solo player, explicitly.
This proves that you are an egoist.

I am not in favor of your idea because it only takes the interest of solo players into account and disregards the interests of players who like to play in groups, of which there are many.

Maybe not you, but some players here compare what I do to cancer. Inviting a friend and playing a multiplayer game is cancer lol.
These guys are seething in their own resentment and need a reality check.

Can you see how your proposed change would have an adverse effect on players who prefer to play in groups?

We agree that syncing is bad for the game.
But why are you anti-group?

How do you become friends with somebody in the game?
By grouping up with them, spending time together, working together towards a mutual goal, in our case victory on the battlefield. Over time you get to know them better, learn more details about their personal life. I have some good friends in this game to play bgs with and casual acquaintances who sometimes tag along and the more often we play together, the better I get to know them.

For the sake of simplicity, the term friends is perfectly fine.

You don’t?
Except you meet them also irl and get a real connection with them.

Exactly, the only real thing that happens between you and them.

Nice, you found “Cyberfriends”!

NO, it is not!
If you find this word in this context fine, then you have zero idea what a friend is.


I don’t think there’s an issue in having a reliable friend that wants to play, or offers to play with you, whether friend, or cyberfriend, there’s nothing wrong with playing actively with the same person, I for instance play with three groups of friends that actively greets me, have a conversation in-game and sometimes in discord, and wants to play few rounds with me, what you’ve just said above is a bit narrowminded.

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So to you, a slightly more que timer is screwing you over entirely. I now understand your point of view. Any negative to premades means screwing them over.

But I did not?
I have qued up with friends before. If I que up with them again, I wouldnt cry out that I get a slightly longer que time as long as its more balanced.
I have also quite often said I PERSONALLY do not mind premades with friends. So try not to make it sound like I hate premades entirely. Thank you. Dont need to exaggerate just to have a “gotcha” moment.

It feels like you seem to be quite the egoist yourself considering you are not willing to test anything that have any form of slight negatives impact you.
Part of your suggestion benefits ppl who bring fewer friends alot. Like yourself.

And you have been kind to people who complain? Ill answer that: No.
Sure, they exaggerate. But you seem to exaggerate alot yourself.
I dont agree with calling out normal ppl who premades with friends something bad. Thats my personal stand which ive said quite often.

Ofc I can. If you had any form of understanding you would have been atleast WILLING to test something, but because it could have negative impact on you personally, you hate it to the extreme calling ppl egoist.

Ive never been anti-group. Its just you that keeps believing it cause you have personal hatred for anyone who talk about something that can have ANY FORM of negative impact for you personally.

Stop acting like everyone hates you and your friends.

I think its more related to the syncers who act like their entire communities are friends and use that as an excuse to do what they do.
So I just feel like you misunderstood the intent of it. x)

But that can also be based on how people see friends. I only see close ppl as friends, while some ppl would call anyone friend they write to for the first time >_>

My 2s Mate and me love each other so much that we spam skirmish 9 Hours a day :clown_face:

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Nah, you all just take the word friends to get away with ruining the gaming experience of people who prefer to play this game solo. Which are still many, if not most people. Only because u can’t handle it to lose 50% of your games which is perfectly normal if u play casual and alone. U can’t force ppl or expect them to play ur way, ppl dont have the time for it, the mood for it, whatever.

For the 100th time, playing with a small grp of ur wowfriends in an epic is ok. Those who do this on a daily basis are however also annoying and will win almost all games against mostly randoms because of their routine. I decide per game if i wanna try it or not. But many leave. And? Normal; who wants to get completely farmed in a casual bg. Happens too often.


Why is physical presence required in an online game?
You can get to know someone very well just by talking on discord and in chat, discussing different topics. One of my priest friends lives in the US, another in the UK, another in Hungary. I know quite a lot about their lives, we stay in contact beyond this game, but unless I take a plane to a different continent to meet them in person, it doesn’t count?

My best friend in this game is from Austria, we’ve played over 2000 rounds worth of bgs together, I know everything about him and he knows everything about me. We also play chess against each other and many other games, but he is not my friend because I never bothered to drive over just to shake his hand in person?

And I have plenty of friends in real life too. Hanging out with them is not different for me. The only thing missing is the physical contact. And if your mutual activity is playing a game together, that is not required.

No, this is exactly correct.
I can queue solo and I can win solo. I prefer to play in groups because some people want to play with me, not because I need them. I sometimes beat groups when joining solo.
These players are too weak to go solo but they go solo anyway, they lose to groups, become salty and cry on the forums.

I don’t wanna be polite to bad players who call me cancer when all I do is playing fair and within the rules of the game. I tell them what I think of them in the bluntest way possible because expressing my authentic opinion is more important for me than being liked by everyone.

Some people here clearly do and to them I respond.

When blizzard makes a ruleset that says that for this game mode, every group size between 1-5 is allowed, I expect people to accept that and not complain about it.

Syncers bend the rule and people have every right to complain about that, but not about players who play within the rules.

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You have been impolite way longer than that.
If people call me names, then yea obv I wouldnt be as polite as I try to be most of the time.
Sometimes that is impossible.

So give me a reason why you called me out to be anti-group when I have never said I hate premade with friends. I have even called it out to be a good thing. Several times.

But because I say something that could be slightly less negative for premades you call me out to be anti-group to exaggerate for very dumb reasons.

Its like me calling you out to be anti-solo and hate them even when I know you dont.
Unless you do? >_>


As I said, saying my opinion authentically is important for me and I don’t care if some players dislike me for it or if I come across rude to them.
I strongly dislike everyone who displays slave morality in any form. A stance of envy and resentment towards the successful. In this game and in real life. They are miserable and they make everyone around them miserable. They create a culture of sickness and life-denial. The forums should be a place where we give each other constructive advice on what we can do to do better and win more in the game (without cheating or exploiting), these threads recently are just depressing and sickening.

There are ways in which you can play this game that are fair and that lead to success. I encourage everyone to play in this way, because this is how you have fun in this game.

Its fine, if you don’t dislike small groups, we will leave it at that.
Some players here very much do.

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If you sound arrogant, negative and/or rude dont expect ppl to take kindly to what you feel is the perfect advice.
Its a tactic that usually just adds more fuel to the fire.


People are a million times more arrogant and rude to me in this thread than the other way around. A look in the mirror might be the place to start. Not you specifically because you are relatively respectful, but others definitely have no right to complain about my tone. “Cancer, good riddance and stupid” - for what?

Because I don’t think that everything is terrible and I think that playing in small groups is fine?
(which is also the stance of the developers btw)

You guys can call me that if you want to.
I will tell you that your resentment isn’t doing you any good.

Specific PvP communities often adopt an overly aggressive game style, intentionally disrupting the experience of other players. Pericles

Opinions are subjective!

but what if the majority of players is honest and most of all interested in fair play?

lets make one more rated bracket solo battlegrounds 8vs8 with an accelerated pace and all that BUT with a clearification on the join battle button something like this:

  • BEWARE! this is solo. no cheating. no syncing. no advantage possible in your favor at all. BEWARE!

and then making this bracket 100% fair play and we call it bgbfp (battlegroundblitzfairplay).

rest of the brackets still there of course. we dont want to ruin your fun.

and random bgs the same as now dont you worry.

just to try it out and see what the players like the most? it would be very interesting. for me at least.

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that theyre allowed to is the most annoying part. why cant there be options to avoid it?

That’s just the current bg blitz for you, except it would not have duo queue and syncing isn’t taking place anyway, at least not on the 1700 rating you are on with your lock. The mixed factions completely killed all syncing in blitz and it would kill syncing in epic bgs too, which is why I can’t wait for it to be introduced to epic bgs.

Blitz is pretty much already pretty fair.
It’s a casino ofc and sometimes you roll poor players, but that is inevitable.
They could remove duo queue, I prefer if it would stay in because I enjoy playing with friends. I wouldn’t cry if it was gone.

I see no reason why the current BGB would not be enough for you.
The others in this thread who don’t like BGB say it is because they like the old ruleset more.

so them declines are all proper ones?

People queue up, the queue takes long, they go afk or on desktop and don’t pay attention, they miss the invite. Unless 16/16 accept, the game doesn’t open. The probability is high that among these 16 there is at least 1 person who went afk.

It has nothing to do with syncing.

Narcissist spotted

So you play “I’m the victim here” card

I’m not sure anyone here asked for your self-centered ““life advices”” on a video game forum


Is not like you’re any important anyways, considering you are posting from an alt.

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