Realm Consolidation - Chaos Bolt & Lava Lash

Chaos Bolt PvP to and RP-PVP server? You must be joking!
At least make it to a real PVP server, that was what where we intended on playing at first were it not for the queues. Otherwise this is ridiculous.


Can someone explain to me what will happen to my chars if I dont transfer? Thanks

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Not going to a RP server
People wedding in SW, talking like wei***s and getting bullied by other realms when u go to a BG
Dont be an indie company and send us to a REAL PVP server


I am actually kinda sad reading this. Is this really needed? Also, when abouts are we going over :frowning:


Im just telling everybody on CHAOS BOLT you hid in this very post that your offering a RP pvp server instead of a REAL one.

Hope people wont be fooled


How can I transfer my character if it’s open?
Edit: nvm found it ^^ (Big Shop option above addons for anyone looking)

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I share your anger that this wasn’t a 1:1 to another pure PvP realm, however, I have 2 points to make:

  1. Chaos Bolt was labelled as RP-PvP at the start of SoD so technically, it’s a 1:1 between 2 RP0PvP servers and
  2. you really (and I do mean REALLY) need to touch some grass, my dude.
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So i guess from this post if we are stuck on one of the servers that isn’t mentioned in the original post then that’s that?

Open to Living Flame or Lone Wolf, a REAL PVP server. Not a RP one!


Theres something drooling in your mouth.

Chaos Bolt —> Wild Growth (PvE)
Chaos Bolt —> Crusader Strike (PvP)
Lava Lash (RP) —> Wild Growth (PvE)
Lava Lash (RP) —> Crusader Strike (PvP)

THIS is what blizzard says on its post. They just wanna empty chaos bolt without opening Living or Lone, fooling people to migrate there. If you wanna pretend your illidans illegitimate cousin while ur dressing ur cozy furry suit, thats up to you.


What about people who have Horde toons on Crusader Strike and Ally toons on Chaos Bolt, but only play PvP realms :slight_smile: ?

Blizzard please, CS is just as dead as chaos bolt, why not open to living flame or lone wolf, this is just moving the problem from one server to another, guilds will lose people > and then they might need to move again in say 2-3 weeks because Crusader strike is just as problematic. Open transfers to Living flame or Lone wolf for Chaos bolt and or Crusader strike.


Maybe this was the case on the first day or two, but the vast majority of people playing on Chaos Bolt joined after it switched to PvP server.


so if you are closing the server let the people transfer to whatever they like instead of 2 which one is pve (meh) and other is rp pvp( another meh).



Thanks for keeping an eye out on this issue and making sure that all realms remain playable however the thing is…

Chaos Bolt —> Living Flame (PvP)
Chaos Bolt —> Lone Wolf (PvP)



I literally just started playing here a few days ago, precisely because I want to play on a smaller RP realm. Why is it that you have decided you always know best, and insist that EVERYONE play on larger servers? Why can’t you give us the option of playing where we want to?

Last week there were 1,733 characters on Lava Lash who were logged in raid. That statistic is not even including many more players who did not raid. But apparently that’s not enough and we must all be on enormous megaservers because you have decreed that we must be.


This is just a sh.t in the face for all Chaos Bolt players. You already strugle with people leaving sod and with such a decisions the problem will only increase. On phase 4 there will be problem to find ppl for 40 man raids and sod will be dead. Just Let us pick the servers or make sure Crussader Strike will be PURE PVP server nor RP PVP


So it’s server transfers now and at some point a forced merger for those still on the old realms?

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Crusader Strike is named as a RP-PvP server but to this day I haven’t seen any RP whatsoever.

They will probably rename it.

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What are these horrendous suggestions? Open Living Flame or Lone Wolf, thank you already.