Realm merge destroyed guilds

Found my hunter, thank you those steps worked, guild went from 500 + members to 21 lol not my problem though the officers can sort that.

Weird bug is when I speak in communities my characters name is not displayed, people report its like a ghost is speaking just a blank space talking. Again I have access so thanks to all :slight_smile:

Server is busy at least it went to high pop

I’m concerned that the title of this thread is actually the case now - at first I thought it was a bit dramatic. I have at least 6 of my mythic raid team (3 of them officers, 1 rl, 1 healer and the rest top dpsers) that still cannot get into WoW. They are so pissed off at the shambles that was caused during the realm link that they just can no longer be bothered with trying to. They are still on my roster, on my guild summary page and on wowprogress however, on the latter they have zero data for gear (they were all 475+) zero data for raids, zero data for m+ dungeons of which I know they all did a lot. This is causing an absolute disaster now for my guild who were just making mythic raiding progress and had just about got back together after the lull of completing HC. I fear that if they do not/cannot come back that this will be it for my guild and will mean I have to start all over, yet again. They have tried all the things that were suggested and still cannot get online. Please update any progress that you are doing to fix the issue.

So my ticket finally got a reply and im afraid for all those older guilds with deceased and old friends who likely never will return it is not good news…

Dear Daniel,

Issue ID: #73442486

Your ticket has received the following response:

Hey Daniel,

Specialist Game Master Naahjeck here, hope you are doing well :slight_smile:

Sorry for the delay in the response time at the moment, things are a bit hectic here right now due the current world situation.

With the COVID-19 restrictions in various countries, we have seen a large spike in the number of contacts we receive and this has resulted in a back log right now.

I assure you though we are doing all we can to get the response time back to normal as quickly as we can, thanks for your patience during this period.

This is a known issue and we have people looking into the matter at the moment, I am unsure if a solution will be found for those who are unable to login to the game again.

Thank you for your continued patience.

Blizzard Support

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This is terrible news. I got some of my guildies back from whatever Blizz did on Friday but not all. We’ve lost 2 raid days because half of my team can’t log in which, basically means a whole week wasted. It’s been totally pointless me logging into the game too.

I hope there will at least be some recompense for the guildies that cannot log in but I’d prefer things would be returned to pre-link and start again and do it correctly.

As i’ve said to my guild discord, as of right now i would be in favour of splitting the realms back up even if it meant causing the same kind of harm to arathor and hellfire…

It just doesnt seem fair or just that we have had our guild history wiped out and the response we get is “we just dont know what to do”.

There needs to be some kind of reckoning for this because lets be real here, had this affected a streamer this would have gone straight up the chain in blizzard to fix not traipsing about for 3/4 days with still no clear answer as to what is actually being done.

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I should also note that these server merges are trying to fix an issue that has been completely made up in blizzards own heads…

Our smaller realms were communities (which might i add have now been devastated by this mess)

We all knew the score, if we want to raid you go to Ravencrest(A)/Twisting Nether(H) , if you want to roleplay you go to Argent Dawn and if you want a massive social guild you go to Silvermoon(A)/Draenor(H)

The “Band Aid” of smashing servers together will not fix this issue, players will forever migrate to these larger realms because thats where the content actually is.

As an actual comparison for Nyalotha.
If you were on kilrogg and had cleared 3/12M nyalotha within a month of its release you were realm 1st.

If you were on Ravencrest and had cleared 3/12M within a month of release you were lucky to be realm top 100.

For blizzard to think that this will ever change shows just how out of touch they actually are with their players and their game

I must admit I chose a rather clickbaity title on purpose hoping to draw attention, though seemingly having lost 90% of the guild members was quite dramatic. I’m happy they solved that, but surprised there has not been more news about the other issues yet… I hope your guild can survive through this :slight_smile:

I also find it really strange that they are doing more realm connections already, surely they can’t just use the same process on those realms without having figured out all the issues they have caused?

seems they are doing something again, no idea what, but again got a message they are fiddling arround on my account hehe.

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Are you sure your not just hacked xD

pretty sure, I was just online so deffo not hacked, and first time they did it, I asked here in this forum about it also, and it was confirmed

Is there any news concerning the missing players from the Guild and Communities interface - or will we only be able to see old players through the old guild interface or website?


It wouldn’t seem so and several other realms are in the process of link tonight again before they’ve even sorted out all the issues that caused us to lose hundreds of guildies and some ppl completely losing characters as if they never existed. Bladefist, Darksorrow, Frostwhisper, Genjuros, Neptulon and Zenedar

Hi Meena,

Have the affected guild members checked the realm list sorting as mentioned here?

If it’s not due to the realm list being sorted incorrectly and their characters are still missing, please ask them to post a reply in that thread so we can have it escalated to be investigated as soon as possible.

@Helizabel - no updates on the discrepancies between the “old” Guild interface and the “new” guild interface just yet. But it is being looked into :slight_smile:

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They have done the sorting as suggested which has got a few back. There are still a few that have had toons disappeared completely off the character screen. I will once again urge them to post a reply in that thread.

The issue is that this shouldn’t have happened in the first place and has just caused already disheartened players at the end of an expac to want to give up until SL or entirely.

I just could have done without this headache for my guild when we were on very shaky ground anyway.

for me it seems quite fine, still have lines and stuff in roster, but from what I have seen atleast all have their mains in guild still, only alts that has not logged in for a long time, doesnt show up and are a line, but I count this to sort it self out sooner or later, though can be a problem for a few, who has stopped playing but still have their toons in guild for different reasons.

but otherwise it looks quite ok, exept the lines, but I can live whit them for now atleast.

I have just had a notification from a guildy that the characters that we added back into the guild have gone again… my Wifes new hunter which we only invited to the guild a few days ago is no longer showing on the “guilds & communities” roster but is showing on the /groster.

I repeat this IS NOT a character that was in the guild pre-realm merge this is a new character that has been affected after the fact.

Apologies if I’m too late for the show but my guild is still affected by the realms merge

Guild: The Muppets
Realm before the merge: Runetotem

  1. Most members are missing and not expected to return to the game until the pre-expansion events when they’ll wonder why they were “kicked” from the guild
  2. the steady flow of casual applicants has stopped completely
  3. the applicant history completely vanished after the merge

Does anyone else have guild members showing invisible in guild list and guild applicants greyed out + history after a recent realm merge ?

Hi Rage,

The guild applicant issue is something we’re aware of and tracking. If maintenance doesn’t solve the issue then you should open a ticket for it to be looked into.

As for the “invisible” members, this could be related to the same issue above :slight_smile:

Closing this thread down as it’s an old post, but a new post can be opened if new problems around guilds have appeared. :slight_smile:
