Rearranging and Removing Portals

Massive citation needed. For the entire post really, but this bit specifically.

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Ion Hazzikostas gave it as the reasoning for disabling the functionality of the World Quest Group Finder addon, saying that it trivialized the time and effort to complete the World Quests, which is what they balance the rewards around.

And in years before the same reasoning was given when Blizzard applied a series of nerfs to the amount of gold and trash loot dropped in old dungeons and raids, again because the rewards didn’t match the time and effort invested.

I’ll dig up the specifics if you insist, but given the time it would take, I would prefer not to.

this is another massivly idiotic bfa related change. together with the destruction of heirlooms and leveling in 7.3.5 and 8.0.1 and the removal of our ability to turn off the ugly new models.


I’m still not seeing anything about the time taken to travel to instances being considered when deciding on rewards, particularly in the first example since a Group Finder, especially one for World Quests as opposed to raids, doesn’t generally change the distance you have to travel to get there.

In the second instance, it’s rarely, if ever, the ease of access to an instance that’s changed with the passage of time. The time to complete the instance does, sure, but that’s just a symptom of the raid becoming trivially easy.
Gruul’s lair doesn’t migrate closer to Shattrath or the Hellfire Peninsula (And hence the portals from SW and Org) over time; It still takes as much time to reach Highmaul or the Blackrock Foundry as it ever did. Fundamentally, the one thing which barely changes, vis-a-vis legacy content, as the expansions move on is the travel time.

This would imply that, in fact, the time it takes to travel to the instance is irrelevant to the calculated reward.

This is consistent with existing instances: Horde don’t receive greater rewards from Blackrock Mountain Instances, despite being much further away from it than Alliance, likewise the Alliance don’t receive greater rewards from Ragefire Chasm, despite the fact that it sits inside a Horde capital city.

Also, I’m loving the irony of this last line :stuck_out_tongue:


You’re splitting travel time and completion time into different categories when they’re just two sides of the same coin – time investment.
That doesn’t detract from the fact that rewards are still balanced around the overall time investment – of which travel time is part of it – which is something certain players want to minimize, but without appropriately adjusting the rewards. Illogical.

I would argue otherwise, but the point still stands. If the reward is constant yet the time and/or effort is lessened, then the reward is overproportioned relative to its initial intent.

I would argue the point, but I’m more than happy to accept the conclusion, because then there is no issue with regards to the portal changes. As far as old dungeons and raids are concerned they matter not, correct? So Blizzard are free to proceed with their changes, because the negative effects that some people have proclaimed are simply fabricated, yes?

I don’t mind writing a post, because I find it enjoyable. I do mind being other people’s secretary when they’re unaware of certain information. If the discussion point is above their level of knowledge, then they can seek to acquire that knowledge themselves if they wish to participate, or they can just stay out of it.

Worst change to the WoW world in recent years. Blizz already shot both their feet with BfA launch, shot one knee with keeping and broadening the RNG bullcrap and now they’re into some more pain for other kneecap being shot through with portal removal. Quality change awaited by playerbase /sarcasm.

Thing is depends on what you mean rewarding at the end of WoD all dungeon and raid gold was reduced by 2/3rd plus trash drops reduced and the gems used to be 10g each now 50 silver .BoE greens/blue/epic been reduced by 3/4s only reason people go to raids and dungeons is for the mog/pets (which dont sell for much/move slow )mounts /titles .

I dont want to agrue with you Jito as i do kinda like you but adding more time to travel thus removeing chances for me to kill bosses ruins my fun but w/e i really cba ive seen Taniaris /CoT /uldum thousands of times its not going to enchance my game play like they say by seeing it for longer ive been playing 14+ years .


But COT ive said to you 5 times now IS STILL CURRENT FOR ALLIED RACES what is hard for you and blizzard to understand .

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No, it doesn’t depend on what I consider rewarding. It depends on what those who do old dungeons and raids consider rewarding.

Whether you run old dungeons and raids for gold, transmogs, or the long-term prospect of a mount drop, then the fact that you do it at all means you’ve judged it to be worthwhile to do.
The reward - whether short-term or long-term - is worth the time and effort it takes to get it. And for some, it is worth it to the degree that they’ll repeat the activity on numerous alts as well.

So the question becomes whether these portal changes will result in players not doing old dungeons and raids anymore, because the reward won’t be worth the investment.

I would wager that people will continue running those old dungeons and raids as much as they always have, because fact of the matter is that old content is already incredibly rewarding relative to the time and effort spent - and these portal changes don’t detract from that.

When are you ever going to answer me about Allied races ? you seem to skip that constantly .

About what? That the Shatthrath → CoT teleport isn’t immidiately availiable to Allied Races because they don’t have the necessary reputation?

If they desire the teleport, they can acquire the reputation for it like everyone else. It’ll take some…wait for it…time and effort to earn that reward, but that’s how the game works.


The quest to actually get Mag Har Orcs needs you to go to CoT to earn them i guess you dont play horde :confused: Guess what i already did one lot of rep to be able to open up the orcs then i need to grind rep to open a portal so i can do another quest to get them please dont speak down to me if you dont know what goes on .

But Blizzard haven’t made that case about the removal of portals, at least as far as I know. (Someone correct me if I’m wrong, please.) They haven’t said that they are removing portals to make the cost of farming transmog and mounts higher.

So where exactly did you pull that from?


I’ve done the Mag’har Orc Unlock Scenario.
That’s a story-driven experience. Traveling to distant parts of the world is part of the story told.

If we have reached the point where players are asking for free teleports and instant traveling when they’re doing the story aspect of what’s essentially an RPG gameplay experience, then I lack words to express the degree of disagreement I feel.

Can you be a little less obtuse please ive played since beta ive seen the world so much your point is moot you are so arrogant and patronising and you belive your view and only your view is correct.


I understand what you say, but I think they’ve killed travel time by themselves along time ago. Probably it was necessary.

There are a lot of rewards, just by logging into the game, as there is in all games.

I don’t feel I am playing when i’m on the back of a bird/bat.

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I use logical deduction.
I know Blizzard applies it to the balance of current-expansion rewards, because they’ve said so in regards to the disabling of the World Quest Group Finder addon - and it’s observable by just comparing World Quest rewards in the game. Those that take more time and effort yield overall greater rewards.
And I know they apply it to old-expansion content too, because that was the basis for nerfing the rewards of old dungeon and instance farming in the past - it was too lucrative. The amount of gold you earned (~1500g for Dragon Soul) was too high relative to the time and effort spent compared to other content in the game.
So that same line of reasoning can be likewise applied to an instance like Karazhan, with or without a portal right in front of its entrance. In both cases though, the instance is more than worthwhile in terms of rewards - most old dungeons and raids tend to be.

I’ve made enough posts that you should be well aware of the kind of response you get from me. If you don’t fancy it, then don’t request it in the first place. You’re entirely free to discuss the subject with the other fine people around here.

The way you speak to people is disgusting your a nobody your not any better then any of us here so i suggest you stop acting so high and mighty .


Except that, as per my previous post, it isn’t. If you take two raids of the same tier, they will have, per boss, the same level of reward regardless of the relative ease of access. It takes less time to travel to Karazhan than it does to travel to Gruul’s lair, yet the rewards per boss are the same.

There simply isn’t any evidence that travel distance to an instance is involved in the reward calculation, as part of an arbitrarily defined greater total “time investment” or not.

That’s just a fallacy. Firstly, the negative effects are primarily regarding the ease of navigation and the obstacle long commutes bring to actual interaction with the game.

Secondly, the premise of your argument was that removing portals increased the time taken to travel to the instance, therefore some arbitrarily defined “total time investment” which you claimed was used to calculate reward. However, since, as shown, travel time is not a factor taken into account when assigning reward to instances, the removal of portals is not inherently justified by it.

There is certainly an economic arguement to be made for the removal of portals in this context from a practical standpoint, but not the way you’ve justified it.

None of this response relates to irony generally, let alone the specific case, so I’m not entirely sure what point you were attempting to make. However, in response to this, I would point out that the burden of proof in any debate lies with the person making the claim. If challenged, they should be able to provide it.

Edit: Grammar

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