Rearranging and Removing Portals

You’re no authority on the matter of my behavior, so I suggest you take it up with the moderators if you feel I’m violating the Forum Code of Conduct or Guidelines. I shall listen to them, not you.

But I’ll reiterate what I already said to you. The Mag’har Orc Unlock Scenario is a one-time story experience, and you’re upset that the quest takes you on an adventurous journey across the world – and timelines – where you have to move your feet yourself, and not get instantly teleported around to wherever you have to be? I find that a preposterous position to take for a person playing what’s essentially an RPG game experience.

Know the game genre you’re playing and what it entails.


And ive told you 6 times its part of a huge hub which you think doesnt matter .

I know the game played it longer then you so yet again take that high and mighty tone out of your posts please .

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That was a really strange example to use.

I used the example of World Quests, because that compares current design principles to current content.
An Elite World Quest will yield a better reward than a non-Elite World Quest.
A World Quest that requires little effort (Tortollan WQs) can yield a fair reward if the time requirement is proportionately high.
From this I deduct that the design principle used is Time + Effort = Reward.
If you disagree with that, please say so.

And yes, it most certainly applies to Gruul’s Lair and Karazhan too. It is not down to a microscopic and meticulously balanced degree of comparison – people who run Mythic+ dungeons can surely say a thing or two about the comparison between King’s Rest and Freehold (or the lack thereof). But none the less, there’s obviously a design intent to strike a balance between time and effort spent and the reward acquired. Sometimes Blizzard strikes it well, and sometimes they don’t. But it’s always the guiding design principle.

Two points.
One, navigation surely gets easier if the volume of portals is fewer. Less to learn, less to keep track of.
Two, interacting in what manner? Surely the journey and sense of exploration and travel is part of the interaction of the game when said game is an MMORPG with a large, sprawling world.

I’d consider finding more examples for the points I used as reference, but again, I don’t feel it is my responsibility to inform other people on Blizzard’s thinking in a discussion that is about Blizzard’s thinking. I assume people already possess that knowledge if they desire to discuss the subject – not that they have to be taught it first.

I do. Hence why there’s an NPC that offers you a teleport (if you have the necessary reputation) if you wish to go there often and frequently.

And in the case of the specific Mag’har scenario, then I consider it part of the story experience that you travel there. If the story experience entailed Oculus teleporting you there, then that would be fine too. Story considerations should always come first in a story-based questing experience. So however Blizzard have intended for the questline to play out is what matters. And in this case it’s intended to entail some traveling, so if you do end up traveling, then that’s working as intended.

I doubt that. And again, if you don’t like my posts, then just ignore them. But you did reply to mine and asked me for responses.

I dont mend your posts its your tone and i asked you nicely 4 times to be more polite which you havent .

Yet you are missing the pointa major hub shouldnt have its time increased to get there or its portal removed but we are going around in cicrle’s .
No idea why you think you are better then people on the forums its shear arrogance if you ask me .

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Then we can conclude that I am incapable of being as polite as you would like.
C’est la vie.

Again, people can take the portal to Shattrath and talk to Zephyr for a teleport to Caverns of Time. That was the option provided in TBC when the Caverns of Time was introduced and it’ll be the option on Wednesday when the Portal Rooms are introduced.

Because I’m right. I said in the other thread Blizzard were doing this for x, y, and z reasons. And now Blizzard have made a post saying they’re doing it for x, y, and z reasons. And if there are still people who struggle to grasp that they’re doing it for x, y, and z reasons, then I don’t mind explaining it.

Yeah … no.

What you have shown is that the change is not inconsistent in this regard with your hypothesis. Nothing more than that. You are free to believe it, just as you are free to believe the world is flat because it looks flat from your window. Come back when Blizzard isn’t giving different answers, and it may be worth discussing.



Let’s see.
The person I originally responded to said that these portal changes were illogical.
I made a post arguing that there is logic behind the changes.
Then you asked where I pulled my reasoning from.
I referred to my post, saying that it’s mere deduction based on how the game is designed in its entirety.
And now you say the change is indeed consistent with my hypothesis, but nothing more than that. And I should come back when Blizzard isn’t giving different answers.
But I’m not arguing the case that Blizzard’s answers are logical, I’m arguing the case that their changes are logical. There is a difference.

I can certainly say if there a mount, pet, toy, achievement or transmog item I want I will travel there and probably on multiple characters. Nothing in Wow is that far away.

But that’s just me.

And me. And I don’t think we’re alone. :yum:
But we shall see on Wednesday. The nice thing about these portal changes is that we can soon see the effects of them. Whether the Caverns of Time will see its weekly visitor count drop to zero as the doomsayers claim…or not. :popcorn:

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You shall see nothing as you won’t have the numbers :roll_eyes:
And probably the numbers wouldn’t drop by much and people will go there despite the burden of having to flight from Uldum to Cavern of Time, and the total lack of interest of doing so, and having the luck of tabbing out to go and have a look at the forum while doing so, since flight path are so immersive, while there is nothing new in the world and special that part since years… breathes

That doesn’t mean that time after time it becomes more and more tedious and at some pont people decide to drop off along with other content.
Is it worth mentioning that there is barely anything to do in 8.1.5, and thus there will be still time (and effort god bless for Jito) to go and do some retro content.

Btw effort doesn’t mean time, flying from one point to another doesn’t take any effort, it takes time, boring and useless time.
That’s not effort, when you’re bored it doesn’t require you to make any effort at all.
Blizzard is make no effort, on their side, to make the old world appealing.
They just want us to focus on the current content? They’d better give us some content to run (other than the Islands where nothing drops in any difficulties, and get boring to run because it’s the same all the time).
Something better than a roller coaster at the Darkmoon Faire…

Pretty funny though how they make it convenient for current content to go anywhere, but want us to spend time to travel to older.

When, if you ask me, it should takes us longer to discover new zones, than running through zones we know by heart.
But still we get portals to Silithus, to Darkshore, to Arathi, we get ported to all the Islands expeditions, and they even put a portal to Stormwind when there was a boat to get there. And on the Alliance side even get a portal from our own city Boralus to get to Dazar’Alor.
Oh and speaking of that, in what way boats sand zeppelins are more immersive when they all end up being loading screen?


For the 100th time - since it seemingly bears repeating - you’ll be able to take the portal to Shattrath in the new Portal Rooms, and from there you can talk to Zephyr who’ll teleport you to Caverns of Time.

That travel time is just as short as using the Dalaran portal today.

“But Jito, you need revered with Keepers of Time to get access to Zephyr’s teleport!”

Yes, and you gain reputation with the Keepers of Time by doing Caverns of Time dungeons, so that should be no problem for people claiming to have an interest in Caverns of Time. A mere formality if anything.

On my 12 characters? yeah fun \o/ thank you Blizzard, this is going to be so much enjoyable ^^ (and thanks Jito, but you ARE assimilated)

Well, if you have done some Caverns of Time instances on them already, then you should have a bit of reputation - if not all you need.
Your Rogue is most certainly fine.

So if you want access to the teleport, then why not put in the effort needed? You have until Wednesday. And if you also have an interest in doing Caverns of Time, then what’s the hesitation?

Instead of QQing about it on the forums, why don’t you just run those dungeons and get the reputation you need?

Why not put the effort into this? Because I had conveniences that are removed now.
And that’s all the complain is about.

Because the added effort I’m asked is completely not interesting.
And because I have been playing for 10 years that way and I don’t see the point of changing it.

This is the whole thread darling! read it!

I QQ about whatever I want I don’t need you to grant me permission, why don’t you go play instead of telling people what they should do or not?

Jito, this game is not only for hardcore mythic+ vanila lovers. There are plenty of people like me, casuals, lazy ones, those that come here to do whatever they like. We don’t necessairly have a lot of time for the game so we want to do as much as possible. There should be MORE portals IMO. If you don’t want to use them, by all means, don’t! Walk everywhere if that’s your desire. Removing the New Dalaran hub forces me to go to Orgrimar more often. I don’t like that place. It’s dead ugly. Lags all the time. Dalaran is the place I spend a lot of time. Due to lack of flying in the new islands I practiacally stopped doing anything there. I’ll go back when I can fly there. Again, that’s my choice. That’s how I like to play. I want it to be convinient. And travel time (aka doing nothing time or checking the news time) should be reduced as much as possible because it’s a waste. It makes the game boring. What exciting could i possibly see flying over Durotar or Tanaris? Literally nothing anymore. EK and Kalimdor have not been through a makeover, have they. So after going through every single quest that was ever available there, what would possibly make me go over there or enjoy beijng there? I got all the rep needed, not a problem for me to go there through Shattrath, but that’s not the point.

I am yet to see a post that would explain the need for this change. The blue post was full of sh** and basically read: we don’t care that you are not happy with what we are going to do and we’ll do it cos we know the best how you should play the game. So WoW is advertised as a game for everyone, as a game that anyone can do what they want and play as they want BUT IT ISN’T, is it?

I play to chill. After work relax etc. For last couple of months I got more and more anoyed rather than relaxed though. Not what I need…


It’s just a suggestion.

You have the means of fixing your own problem. It seems counter-productive not to do so.

I bet you could farm that reputation across all your 12 characters in a day if you wanted to.

But you would much rather be angry at Blizzard on the forums.

Blizzard asked us for feedback. I give my feedback, btw this doesn’t keep me from playing, I’m on forum every time I have to use flight path.

Cool cool. I often alt-tab out whilst on a flight path too. There’s nothing wrong with that. It’s not like you’re forced to look at the scenery - and certainly not every time you fly somewhere.

I’m just saying that if your issue with Caverns of Time is that traveling from Uldum is boring and takes too long, then getting the reputation with the Keepers of Time so you can get an instant teleport, that might be a solution for you.

:crazy_face: What’s the point then?

That it’s there because it serves a purpose as far as the game experience goes. Whether you’re always interested in that game experience, or only sometimes interested, or you alt-tab out each and every flight path you’re on, is sort of down to the individual.