If it is down to the individuals why not leaving options then.
You know the think that leaves you choices and don’t force into doing something you don’t like. Since it’s been existing for ten years, what’s the arm now?
Does that mean that for 10 years Blizzard has completely gone astray, and the game didn’t make sense at all until up to next Wednesday?
You do have options.
Grind the reputation, get the teleport.
Fly manually.
Pick up Engineering.
Set your Hearthstone nearby.
No, Blizzard explained that in the above post.
Originally they added a set of portals for the main hub of every new expansion. And when the particular expansion ended they removed those portals again. That way the amount of portals in the game was always kept to a minimum, and always concentrated around the main cities and the main hub of the particular expansion.
They followed that approach for TBC and WotLK. Cataclysm was a bit of an exception because of its scattered zones structure where the portal hub served to bind the expansion content together.
And WoD didn’t really introduce a portal hub at all.
But then they started slipping up with MoP and Legion where they decided to maintain the portals. But then once they introduced yet another portal hub with BfA the slippery slope became obvious, and if they didn’t revert this trend, then we’d just get more and more portals with each new expansion.
So now they’ve made the Portal Rooms to consolidate the main city portals and to get back on the track of only the current expansion hub having portals - and not all the prior expansions’ hubs as well.
It’s in the first post.
That doesn’t explain the removal of CoT portal from old Dalaran still.
All that is in the line with “you think you do want portals, but you really don’t” kind of thing.
But at the end they prove themselves to be wrong as they will add Classic at the end.
Not the first time, not the last, we would all gain time if they would listen to feedbacks.
Therefore you get some travel conviniences availiable to you - but not a portal.
It does. In Blizzard’s own words:
That held true going into WotLK where they removed the portals from TBC in Shattrath. And that is what they want to go back to.
They kind of cover that too in the blue post:
In short: Blizzard iterates. Just because some design notion holds true today doesn’t mean it’ll hold true tomorrow, or that it was true yesterday. The game evolves. Who knows, in the future we might have portals all over the place. For now however, that’s just not the design principle that guides the development of the game.
Thanks for reposting the original post from Blizzard, and how they remove portals “just because”.
It doesn’t make any sense, and it’s not because it is a blue post that it does.
So now portals only concern main cities, and then not all of them since Shrine and New Dalaran won’t be in the portal room, but instead Jade forest and Azuna, which are completely arbitrary and don’t make any other sense than them wanting us to have longer travelling time.
Shrine and New Dalaran have been main hubs during their expansion, their removal means that new player won’t have the feeling of how it has been, they will just be missing content, not even mentioning the amount of people who were still going there making those place stiff feel alive, thanks to this decision, they will as many other places be completely outdated and dead. GG.
Yeah newer places like Uldum
Uldum has never been appealing, it was one of the worst zone from Cataclysm with its Indiana Jones grotesque spirit. I’d rather see it dead.
Again I will gain nothing flying from Uldum to CoT, there is nothing to see there, nothing to do, it’s just desert, as many other desert in game, like say Vol’Dun for current content. Funny how they want to stuff those things down your throat.
Yeah in short they are doing whatever and we should believe they know what they are doing.
“The ways of Blizzards are inscrutable”.
And they are mainly a load of BS.
Btw you don’t have to try and convince me, because this make no sense other than "you’ll spend more time doing the same thing and so you’ll play for a longer amount of time and thus we’ll get more money.
And the portals will be as they said on Wednesday, because they decided so, because they don’t care about the community, and all the things they said as Blizzcon were pretty lies.
With main cities what’s meant is Stormwind and Orgrimmar. Those are the main cities of the Alliance and the Horde, respectively. That’s why the Portal Rooms are placed in those cities.
The portal locations themselves do have sensible thinking behind them, even if you can’t see it right away.
The Azuna location is because Blizzard don’t want two Dalaran portals next to each other in the Portal Rooms. That’s just confusing. So the Dalaran portal that will exist will be for Northrend, and then to avoid a second portal also called Dalaran they just make it Azuna, which is close by anyway.
The reason why it’s Jade Forest and not Shrine, is because Shrine is supposed to be the climatic reveal to the ending of the Pandaria questing experience. It’s not supposed to be your default portal location from the get-go. Pandaria tells the story of the land, and how the Vale of Eternal Blossom has been closed off for ages. And as you complete all the quests you get to open the gates to the vale and explore the zone as the first outsider for thousands of years. That storytelling gets undermined if you’ve already been hanging out in the zone for the past 10 levels because you could take a portal there.
Plus Jade Forest is the default starting location for Pandaria questing - Shrine is not.
So there is some sensible thinking behind these portals, even if you may not think so.
If that were such a big player concern, I should have seen lots of complaints about the removal of the TBC portals in Shattrath. But no one ever really complained about that. And the dissapearance of those portals hasn’t really taken anything vital away from the TBC game experience either.
I don’t think a new player’s impression of an older expansion resides heavily upon the existence of a handful portals that he’s unlikely to make use of anyway (because if you’re a new player leveling in Pandaria, then you’re probably not using portals to farm Karazhan or CoT on 12 alts!).
I agree, it was a terrible zone.
If you don’t fancy traveling from Uldum, and you don’t want to use the Shattrath teleport, then you can always take the portal to Silithus from Boralus, and then fly from there.
Sometimes you are plain funny Jito. In CoT there are 2 raids and 5 dungeons. Only 2 dungeons rewards reputation with KoT and 1 raid rewards rep with Scale of the Sands, unrelated faction. I understand you enjoy echoing Blizzard’s official position over and over again, sometimes you actually almost make sense. Almost. And then you slip and became slightly amusing. Like in advocating grinding 2 unrelated dungeons to be able to gain access fast to the others like you were able to by default until 8.1.5.
That’s what I was thinking too, didn’t dare writing it as I wasn’t so sure :s
What I run there is Dragon Soul, it’s only 4 mounts, if Blizzard don’t think it’s a good idea to go and farm them, they can just hand them to me, it’s 5 points of achievements too
Yeah we’ll all big stacked in our big city each on our side, and lagging as hell, this is going to be really thrilling.
I get that, their game is a real mess and we pay for that mess, Blizzard’s logic
Yeah as the rest “we let you do things that has no sense, and without making more sense we’re going to suddenly remove them from you”
So there is some sensible thinking behind these portals, even if you may not think so.
Hell yeah even more flying time, just what I was after.
And that doesn’t even mean anything care to explain, what I would try to convince myself about? Because I am sure they will remove the portals by Wednesday.
Wrong! the goal was so people ONLY spent time in the new expac!
You NEVER cared for a HUGE LIVELY world otherwise you would NEVER REMOVE content.
Removing Content = Bad but no matter how often the community tells you this you ALWAYS ignore it.
Blizzard DOESNT care what we want and removing portals to Dalaran Crater and CoT once again proves that NO ONE at blizzard plays the game the way the community does.
That means no one at blizzards cares for collecting mounts/pets etc
and the removing of these portals PROVES it.
Quit the contrary its not sensible thinking its pure dumbness.
Blizzard talks about wanting to be out in the world yet this ONE room proves they want you to ignore your other cities.
No its not, that is where your READING skill comes in handy…
Indeed Blizzard may lack candour in their statements, and I can’t even blame them for that given the context in which they have to work. So your suggestion that this is an underhand, undeclared method to add time to farming should not be ruled out on that basis alone.
I wasn’t going to spend any more time on it, but after sleeping on it, it occurred to me that I may have made a mistake in allowing that your hypothesis is not inconsistent.
Thinking about it again, it seems counterproductive for Blizzard to make these specific changes if, as you say, they want to add an extra time to regular farming.
First of all, if your explanation has any merit, why would they add time instead of reducing rewards as their pattern has been in the past?
But say for the sake of argument they do want to increase time instead. Why penalise Alliance in Northern EK specifically? Is Stratholme really so important? Are we seeing the infamous Horde bias exposed? And if so, why allow the Cata portals to stay in place? - at least for high levels.
No, I’m downgrading my evaluation of the idea from “possible but unlikely” to “contains internal inconsistencies”.
And we should probably get back to the main topic of the thread rather than follow this side-issue of hidden dev motives.
Blizzard you’re effectively ignoring what your players are telling you, we like doing content, flying and flight points is not content, its time wasting.
Flying for long periods is boring, long flight points are boring, extra travel where there were previously portals is boring.
I have a question about this statement. Didn’t we get extra portals in Legion and WoD to move faster through the new expansion? Didn’t we get portals in our garrisons and some classes in their classhalls? Why this change now?