Rearranging and Removing Portals

cant wait for them to bring back the kara portal, idiotic decision to remove.


Has anyone been playing today that can say how it feels live? Does it feel like the world is bigger or smaller?

From today on I will play even less, I now cut out the mount farming for DS (Experiment B-12), Karazhan (except the char with the ring) and Stratholme. Also ty for the portal for Alliance in Pandaria, you made sure everything is the furthest distance away. Btw I was soloing them in WoD already after progressing them in MoP. If I can give you a hint make a hotfix the Pandaria portal is on the TI for both Horde and Alliance, it seems fair and you anathor add anathor minute for Alliance while you do it!

There is literally no difference. They may as well have kept the portals in because there are workarounds for everything. Do I need to be in Tanaris? I’ll just take the portal to Uldum and then it’ll take me a minute to fly to the Caverns of Time.

Feels like same size but darker and it never stops raining.

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Some really want to be as efficient as possible. But if, let’s say, 3 min/char here, 2 min /char there is nothing for someone, either is blessed with all the time in the world or plays very few characters. Or both.

I heard the most loyal fans willing to swallow all the quality of life changes without any issue will be rewarded with some free micro transactions when Wow will go mobile ;).


Saying that you seen the new update to wow campion app out today !
Thank you on offer btw of save for heroic DS but i would need atleast 20 saves for it to skip as soon as you kill last boss anyone else on same save will be locked to last boss aswell :slight_smile:

So, I also hate the removal of portals but decided to design a new portal room!

You enter the portal room like you do now. coming into a big round chamber the size of wyrmest temple. to the side there are archways each leading to a smaller chamber and at the far end of the room is a deactivated gateway.

Going through the first archway you enter the Villinia chamber, In this room there is a portal to all the major cities the room its self is another circle and around each portal are items related to that faction so you can quickly tell where each portal leads. very much like the trail of the crusades tent in icecrown. In the heart of the area is a map of azeroth Vanilla continents

going back to the main chamber and into the next archway you arrive at the burning crusade portal chamber. In this room portals to deadwind pass, shattrath city, caverns of time, sunwell plateau and the dark portal hum with a green glow. in the middle of the room a map of outland is present so you know what xpac your dealing with. each portal having a hint of what they contain; sand lines the area where the caverns of time portal is, the dark portal exit has a miniature replication of the 2 great figgures that stand either side of the portal. Dead wind pass has gray dead ground and 2 dead trees either side of the portal. the shattrath city portal has the same ground textures as the ramparts being pretty golds and blues. The sunwell has the circle banner of the sunstriders on it and a blood elf design.

Moving out of this chamber and into the next chamber you see kirin tor banners flying above and 3 portals, new dalaran, old dalaran and dalaran crater. a mage stands in by in the room who will give you slowfall for a price allowing all classes to safely use the dalaran crater portal, if you don’t mind the wait. new dalarans portal is green with fel theme while old dal is blue and frosty. The rooms mage will also prevent players of less than 98 entering the legion portal so they can’t get there butts kicked by mistake.

Over to the next archway we get to the cata hub, moved from its current location with the heart above the chamber and pretty much just how it is now.

Next we head over to the mists portal where 3 portals glow those being the timeless isle, The alliance or horde strong hold depending on faction, and the peak of serenity. this room is tended to by a paderian and has beautiful water running around the outside and pink trees giving the area a very pandraian feel. along with the mists map in the heart of the room.

Moving out and along we get to the Wod portal chamber. The portlals here being to our factions garrisons, ashran, and outside the dark portal. each decorated appropriately and in the middle the map of WoD

Moving out of here we enter the newest portal chamber, in here we have teleports to magni and the factions capital but also a second spot to que for island expeditions.

moving out to other portals. Most other portal rooms still exist as there is little point loading a separate city if the design of the rooms already have been setup to accommodate these portals. Including old and new dal getting there portals back with the acception of the CoT in old dal as it always looked kinda out of place.

In addition to old portal hubs being back new ones would be added to the alliance and horde cities that just allowed you to hop between any of your factions cities without going to the capital first.

I also had an idea for progression. As all these portals are super nice I thought rather than players having full access right off the batt allowing low level players into BFA’s hug right away for example all the portals would be locked behind an achievement.

The vanilla portal hub would be locked behind the level 60 achievement however, you would be given 2 uses of it by a pass in the mail at level 20 and 40 when you unlock riding so you can swiftly go to your factions trainer and get back on the questing road.

Old dalaran and The BC portals with the acception of the blasted lands exit would be locked until level 70. ensuring your at least half way into the 60-80 quest bracket before you can hop quickly around these expansions

Catas portals would unlock at 80 ready to start questing

Mists portals would unlock at 90 When your finished in the zone with the acception of the faction base which unlocks at 85 when your ready to start your adventure, acting as a central launching point into the zone.

Wods portals will open as you unlock them in the story, first the blasted lands gate will open then ashran and your garrison when you make landfall

New dal will be available the moment you get your new dal hearthstone from khadgar him explaining it also gives you permission to use the new dal portal any time.

Finally at level 110 the portal to magni will open and once you unlock the BFA hub the borealis portal will open.

This progression is of course optional and should be cross character based for all content pre WoD

The final idea I had was for a big main portal in the heart of the portal room. this portal is something entirely new and would be a quest reward with a small cutscene. Upon completion of every pathfinder achievement on a single character (not cross character for reasons coming up) you’d get a letter being summoned by either the warchief if horde or the King if alliance. He would summon you to this chamber where they would reward you with your pathfinder tabard and key to the gate of the pathfinder.

The key allows you to attune the portal in this chamber to any zone, acting as a one way instant teleport to any flight point.

They would give the key and tabbard in a ceremony where many NPC’s would be present each with a small line praising your efforts and from different expansions. The interaction going something like this
Faction leader; “You hero of our realm have gone on many adventures”
Faction leader; “Everytime proving yourself worthy and helping all our people”
Burning crusade npc steps out of shadow (maiev shadowsong most likely)
maiev shadowsong; “You ventured into the dark portal where you continued the hunt you started in the blasted land and eventually freed their people”
Lord Maxwell Tyrosus steps into view wearing a trail of the crusader tabard “You joined the argent crusade and took the lich king off of his throne” he announces proudly
Then all the aspects join the cutsence alexstrasza speaking “You have helped all dragonkin numerous times”
as the old horde leader thrall comes into view giving a nod of respect to the current alliance or horde leader who returns the gesture as a sign of respect and honor before speaking “You defeated the twilight hammer and prevented deathwing from taking this world”
next Taran Zhu and lore walker cho come into view both bowing to the player
Taran Zhu speaks up with; “You removed the sha from our lands and brought peace when the forces of madness threatened to take hold”
As khadgar teleports into the room in a purple flash “You successfully defeated the warlords invasion of azeroth before it happened and then went on to defeat sargeras burning legion!”
And finally magni steps into view “And when the world needed you most you stepped up working tirelessly to gather azerite! to heal the worlds wound”
With a sweeping pan over of all the gathered npcs your faction leader speaks again “Today we’re gathered here to honor your achievements in recognition of your accomplishments we wish to present you with this key, allowing you to revisit the lands you have saved any time, and this tabard so all who see you may know of your accomplishment” with a salute the king / warchief and all the other npcs doing a mixture of saluting, clapping, cheering and laughing the cutscene fades to black and you get the pathfinder achievement flash up as you regain control.

I just thought the pathfinder achievement could do with a bit of flare and a award ceremony where all the npc’s thanked and recognize your efforts seemed like a really good moment that’ll be memorable as you get a chance to reflect on the trip you just completed.

anyway, that’s how i’d do the portal room.


You see, that would make sense if the “lodestar” of design would be aimed towards players. As it is now, while art team delivered, as usual, the design team cares only about extending playtime. Didn’t even bothered with a credible cover up, was something “We know how you should play, be a good boy and take it or leave it”.

So unfortunately your proposal, while interesting and nicely designed, will never come to life.


Yes extending playtime is why I wanted the portals gated off until either near the end of the expansion they appeared or in the case of old dalaran when you could reasonably suspect people to wish to change xpac but still allow you a quick access to the zones your trying to level in. Its specifically why I didn’t include the new portal to asuna as that zone is kinda a bad choice

I see lots of people everywhere but that’s more to do with a whole new line of quests being out.

Feels slower, the pacing of moving about has been damaged by the changes. but the world doesn’t feel bigger as I kinda don’t care about the things im flying over.


TBH I couldn’t even bring myself to do old content today, I couldn’t find motivation for it. Procrastinating for tomorrow.
I think the horde portal room looks good, it is too bad it is misplaced, it should have been just about anywhere else in Orgrimmar but not on the gate path.
I’m not impressed at all by the Alliance side one, while you can see all the portals around you on Horde side, you have to run here and there to find the portal you’re looking for. Talk about confusing. They could have very well stick the Broken-Shore Dalaran portal in there with no problem.
Other problem I find with alliance’s side is that it is stretched when the mage tower seems pretty round from the outside.

I guess, that Blizzard didnt have money or manpower to visually update the other portals spread out around the world. They where busy making it more inconvenient to travel, so ppl have to waste even more time traveling. I guess thats one way to keep ppl playing for longer time, so they will pay that extra month of sub. Blizzard, if you are in dire need for some gold to pay for development, i can sponsor a bit of gold…


What’s with that arbitrary positioning of the Horde portal room:

  • The Alliance portal room is in the mage quarter, which seems reasonable as it fits the topic of teleportation
  • The Horde portal room is at the Gates or Orgrimmar, in a side passage. It’s hard to come up with an even worse place for a portal room than that

I actually like the location myself. We come out and straight into the main part of Orgrimmar. Not visited the Alliance side of things yet. Have been so busy on my main.

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Room is amazing its full of sparkles you are going to love it :smiley:


Blizz clearly had a brainfart go off on this one… jesus f…

literally nobody wanted this, Never understand why you guys go ahead with the worst ideas you think are good


You are so right, it’s really nice!!!

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