As it was predicted. Orgrimar lags like there’s no tomorrow!!! The world deffo seem bigger since it takes forever to take a step now!
Remember Bliz’s new philosophies:
1: You will use only 1 city and you will like it.
2: Taking longer to travel means more fun!
Today I crash every time I port somewhere. Is this another trick Blizzard?
No crash but terrible lag in portal rooms. Both
Deeply irritated at the locations picked for them and I am one of those players who did fly or go on foot (ground mount in no fly zones when I say on foot) from the place the portal was at on arrival. Some of them are just pushing it too far out of the way to even bother. Honestly if the people who are running this game now want to make the world “bigger” they need to perhaps give us incentive to travel and do things in old zones.
I mean you have WQ’s working pretty well in Legion and current would it really be that hard to expand the system to the wider world to help us all to grind rep on alt’s and actually you know not just pass through zone after zone of done or ancient content to get where ever the hell we are meant to go. This is another we “listened to the players but we clearly do not play the game” idea implemented and no redress to the situation than to just sit on our hands now and let them like it or lump it.
Touché Blizzard on the stupid ideas becoming reality. This is one of them. Bravo! Not!
how are you all so stupid to complain about time wasted by traveling a few more minutes yet you are wasting your time typing stupid complaints here. you all are the reason the game is going the direction it is.
Pandaria wise everything is as far as possible for Alliance, the only way they can make it even worse is to place the portal to the Timeless Isle.
Lucky for us we have an intellectual troll to show our foolishness, right? I wrote this comment in less time that would took 4 alts to go the fantastic route Blizz designed now to reach DS via Uldum? Plus, my interest for the game is dwindling. No, I’d say your type, thinking is a test of difficulty to travel as long and slow as possible, because “in classic…” is responsible for the current state of the game.
Yeah, I noticed the sudden onset of lag as well when I portalled to SW/Org, and not on full realms either.
Something Is Not Quite Right.
Because you can tab out to the forum while auto-flying, OR visit the forum while doing something not game related.
Hello there guys.
I am here from Germany and I log in today and realized that Blizzard removed the portals in the Dalaran City in Legion. BUT WHY? WTF!? I am confused!
That they arranged the new portals in Ogrimmar I can understand, but why removing portals in Dalaran Legion city in the last room? I do not understand that it is quite more difficult to get the quests done for Legion now when you are leveling it is more difficult to get to the outlands and other places, or going to Karazahn this is difficult right now. That’s especially if you did not play in Legion, Pandaria, Draenor and wanted to see the old content. I am one of few persons that come back to WoW to play a little bit and have fun in leveling, after making a 6-year break from WoW I can say now, that this was a terrible decision to get rid of all portals.
I say it hard. Its pain in the … with such changes you did Blizzard.
I am disappointed with you!
My 2 cents
It is very sad to see nothing is done to improve the unwelcomed changes to the portals… a portal room with no useful/most wanted portals…
Now Kara runs for the rare mount takes … 10~20 min travel for each alt … instead of just 1 min teleporting running inside.
And the list keeps going…
This is the second worst disregarding/disrespecting change throwing at the face of the community/players after the removal/nerf of Looking for group tools still until today … there is a hope to overcome the evil that controls u blizzard 'n unnerf/break these changes
Obviously, they did it to help you enjoy the game more, appreciate that there is a bigger world, run past more people as you head to your portal. The Blue post at the top devsplains quite clearly.
It’s funny, I logged in around 5am this morning, soon after the servers came back up.
There were many, not just one or two, people arriving in the Orgrimmar portal saying WTF. It struck me as odd that so many people who were so eager to log on so early after the patch didn’t know what was about to hit them. It shows how many people don’t tune in to upcoming news.
Didn’t northrend dal have portals to the other capitals as well? I wasn’t expecting they’d bother to remove all these portals from places that don’t really have a lot of players in them anymore like Old Dal and Ashran, what harm did they do all these years?
Funny that people complain that other capitals are underutilized but Blizz decides to funnel everyone to SW/Org.
First I had a fulltime job and I have not the time to play this game full time. I mean I am not playing 24/7.
When Blizz made bad changes people will leave. That’s for sure. That was in the past so and will be so.
As I said I have not the time to play every day. It was fun enough to get from point A to point B just using the portals, but now it is pain in the “…” when you want to farm a mount in Kara, because every alt will move over 20 min to Karazan, because they get rid of the portal.
But Blizz made bad decisions over and over and people are pissed off. You can read this just reading this thread.
The portals like this are 100% better than they have been. Could only really ask for another portal in Kilamdor and EK.
How is removing many portals that lead to 10~20 min of afk travel time … is 100% good ?
Where are you going to and from that it’s a 20 minute travel time?
At most you’re spending another 5 minutes, and that’s only if you wanted to go somewhere from the caverns of time…
Edit: You can’t go to Northern EK anymore, but thats one of the portal locations I’d advocate for.
I’ve spent much of today explaining to guildies what they changed and where they need to go.
Horde Zuldazar to Orgrimmar portal - then waiting for 3~6 min Zip then another 2~4 min for the zip to fly even more+ if server lags/crashes 'n throws us to to the ocean.
another 2~4 min flying a slow flight animation to flightpoint near/enough to mount up 'n fly to kara entrance.
still even worse than I expected =/ - u see . any removed portal … is no longer a 5 min mounting/flying… it is no less than 10 at most cases or 8~10 at best 'n it adds up if u have 4~6 alts to farm something …
unlike before 1 click each 2~10 secs.