Rearranging and Removing Portals

Sorry I was just thinking on something else when I thought about the portal to CoT from dalaran, I forgot I had to go to old dalaran first :slight_smile:

How you interpreted anything I said as don’t give feedback, I don’t know! I’ve been encouraging people to give constructive feedback. Give details, tell them why etc.

But I give up at this point. No one cares, you all just want to moan. So moan away.

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I believe I saw a blue poster say any feedback is appreciated, contructive or not, if the one giving said feedback want portals back, then it IS feedback

My frames can drop from 80 to 10 in a matter of seconds. Only just started happening with the patch yesterday.
So, now I’m avoiding SW/ Boralus / Org and Dazar because my game becomes unplayable otherwise.

Then you do that. Like I said. But don’t cry when nothing gets changed because you couldn’t be bothered to give back any useful feedback about how it was a problem.

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didn’t sound like you thought that it was ok to give feedback so soon, and if it dosnt gets changed, it is NOT because of the feedback, it is only because of extending /played time and it is usefull feedback, travel more or not is a very easy choice to give feedback on

what exactly is it you think will change if we ‘test’ it a week or a month ?

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I think they will gather information. I don’t think they will assess anything for a while. I personally don’t think one day is enough time to gauge it. I don’t think you could base a decision on just one day, I’m not a Dev but if I had made a change in game I would probably have a period of time in mind before looking over whether or not it can stay as is or needs tweaking.

I am amused that Jito has probably given more input to how it’s affecting travel than the people who actually want the portals back.

I have seen some other replies and people should keep those kind of things coming.

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I already gave input, more travel time lost time its very easy to make a decision on

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So much detail in that feedback, I’m sure they’ll value it.

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is that irony I see ?

if blizzard is dense, and yes they really are, then sure they will ignore everything as usual

I have seen over 5001 replies, and still dont see the reason of doing this change to portals, it feels like it has been done by someone that had nothing better to do then this instead of solving the real problems of the game.

Also removing some of the portals is as sad as not having flying in wow.
Positioning of the room is a joke.
You could have remodel the whole ogrimmar underground to look more awesome especially with those warlocks there and the dungeon portal and so on.
But wait that would have involved actual work and not be easy to just copy paste it in every city.

Puting all that aside whatever you sayit will always be hoever you want it to be and not how the players want but in your defense you take out of context excuses and some how try to implant the idea of something in peoples head.

But ofc there are plenty of sheeps there, so why not?


Players aren’t going to be able to answer why Blizzard have done something though.

I mean we can speculate why and some of us have.

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yes that is true, and i have seen many complaints about more subjects that affect /played time, and everytime blizzard have enforced the /played time instead of listening to the players… somehow a lot of what they change involve /played time and increasing it, wouldn’t matter if there was something to do with the /played time, instead of just extending travel time


Scope: consolidating portals in 1 room.

Reality: in place of the zeppelin in OG to UC is now a portal to Undercity, which gets you close to the aftermath of the battle, right next to the NPC to switch the time of the zone.

Scope failure.


Today i flew from Uldum to DS and i broke down in tears because yes …it was so earth shattering amazeing i saw a grain yes a grain of sand i had missed during the last 14 years of gameplay.
Oh how i wept with joy with such a ground breaking immserive experince i shall treasure that moment for all time.

My little heart flutterd and my hands trembled with so much excitement i can not wait to do the same trip again a billion no a trillion no a killlzon times !!


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Be careful though, tears and keyboard don’t get along very well :neutral_face:

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I stopped doing Kara on my Horde chars, whoever… thought this was a good idea.

I just boycot instances, Karazhan? Only gets done by my paladin, Hordie especially not I’m not gonna go: Zuldazar > Orgrimmar > UC > fly all the way to karazhan over a dead world with NOTHING TO BLOODY DO IN IT and most importantly ZONES THAT AREN’T EVER UPDATED! Heck even an excuse of too many portals could turn Azerote into Outland 2.0 is invalid since every continent is stuck in a specific time anyhow. If that was true they would have removed Dalaran from Northrend a long time ago yet it’s still there holding of the LK (Arthas/nerzhul)!

Yes I bolded that because the defenders refuse to acknowledge it and pretend longer travel makes it more fun. Like Preach said, oh wait I did but somehow if YT says it isn’t whining: “It’s just to add traveling time without even adding content for us to do, just longer time spent flying or AFK on a flightpath. Just to inconvience you and promote their time played metrics.”. He even used the same example I did. Uldum > CoT can be a good half hour a week extra traveling time alone, 2 hours a month and 24+ hours yearly! Let’s be fair everybody has alts they farm with, if not congratz you won’t lose alot of time, us? The majority, alot of time.


This is the last drop for me to be honest.
New portalroom and cleanup of Orgrimmar portals is ok, but I see no valid reason for removing the portals from Dalaran.

I already where running out of things to do, but running some old content where one of them. Making that less accessible is just plain stupid.

I still have 20’ish days left, but if this arent changed back, I wont be renewing.


I have few days left as well. It was a bad move to comeback for season 2.