Rearranging and Removing Portals

Don’t you need rep to use the portal from Shattrath to CoT? There shouldn’t be a minimum rep requirement to go to CoT.

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All I want is the portal to Blasted Lands back. :confused:


I think the problem with the Shrine portals is that they create conflict with the story.

Basically, the questing experience in Pandaria tells the story of the land, with the Vale of Eternal Blossoms being this sacred place that’s been closed off from outsiders for ages. And as you complete all the zones you have that final quest in Kun Lai Summit where the Celestials open the gates to the Vale and you get to enter.

That place is sort of meant to be the climax to the story experience, so it’s super confusing if a newbie gets access to it by default, before he has even reached the point in the storyline where the place should be availiable to him.

By designating the portals to the Jade Forest instead, all the confusion and conflict with the storyline is avoided and the Vale can remain as this closed-off, sacred area to people questing through Pandaria.

Normally I would agree, however due to scaling and the ability to fly immediately at lvl 80, the old story progression is meaningless in terms of gameplay.
I also did suggest the Jade Forest Portals to stay near the Cata Portals. Following the story as intended would be still possible.


Jito, please!
You’re going to try and sell ‘story experience’ as an explanation to us when entire storylines get ripped out of the game rather frequently. Yeah, no. :stuck_out_tongue:


Dear devs, I will not “enjoy” the big world of warcraft while flying from one zone to another, because after 12 years of playing I know every corner of it and I prefer to alt-tab even for one-minute flight.


I would if I thought they would do it. They don’t even want to keep the portals as they are, so what do you expect?

As far as trying to understand why Blizzard chose portals to Jade Forest instead of Shrine? Yes.

As far as removal of storylines, then I’ll gladly lead the angry pitchfork-wielding mob on that subject. I hate, detest, and despise Blizzard for removing things like the Destruction of Theramore scenario, the War of Thorns questlines, the Operation Gnomeragan event, and so on. I haaaaaaate when they do that. I know why they do it, but I disagree with it, and I hate it.
I know why they make the portal changes too, but I agree with their reasoning on that area, so yeah. Different subjects :stuck_out_tongue:

All the 110 lvls are in conflict with the story. Kt is dead, ambassadors of the horde arent needed in silvermoon, Loken is dead - i swear ive had his tongue, arthas is dead, Onyxia is dead (2 times), neltharion is dead, Garrosh is dead, Emp shaoao is healing pandaria since years.
Krillax is dead. Guldan is dead and sargeras imprisoned. Ah and remember when you beaten Illidan in BT? now he is an hero!
teleport were the last thing which make conflicts in the game


light hope chappel could have a portal for alliance and horde, could be in stormwind and ogrimar, that would help some, though horde do have it easier to get there than alliance.

though personaly I am not that fuzzed if I have to take flight path, becuse I use flightpaths as a break also, where I can do other stuff for a while, not having to sit infront of the computer waiting hehe.

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That doesn’t mean small measures of ensuring the storyline presents itself as intended are bad.

ofc. and i agree with you. Isnt bad. But really annoyin. and useless.

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Haha what a lame attempt to justify a dumb move.

You think people are as stupid as they were 15 years ago? No hunty, they are not. All this PR gibberish trying to explain how it’s for the benefit of the consumer when you are simply trying to increase a metric for your bosses.

You’re not gonna get more playtime. You will get less, these inconveniences that you are causing over and over drive people away. Funny how everyone sees it apart from you.

You do you hunny, we’lol go now and use products we actually enjoy.

(I’m curious how long will it take for you to revert the change on the forum and remove ability to post once unsubscribed)


You can always set your Hearthstone to Shrine if it’s a place you often go to.

Pointless, bean counting, player baiting decision.
10/10, would shuffle deckchairs on the Titanic again.


ok. but i cant understand why they just dont have created the hall of teleports and that’s it.

As a newish player I would never knew that Cavern of Time even existed if not for the direct portal to it and would missed out a great chunk of content.

And Northern Part of eastern kingdom is the pain for the Horde - without Kharazan portal getting to weekly fishing contest would take forever.


Funny how WoW keeps telling tales about leader making bad decisions against the will of their people, but doing the same.
It’s RP game all right, we’re playing heroes but we’re just puppets in Blizzard’s hands.


Ohhh Classic is going to be a shi.t show on the forums I cannot wait.

I like this change, if I want to get to CoT I’ll take the Uldum portal if I want to get SM I’ll just fly from Iron Forge… no biggie.

Why can’t people just enjoy the game nowadays. Everyone has turned into a speed runner. It seems like in an MMO RPG the mostly solo players are the ones complaining here. What’s wrong with enjoying the world?

The one thing I am disappointed with is how the old continents are mostly useless at max level, that’s a shame.

I commend the Devs for having the backbone to make changes that they want to.

And you been told time and time again not everyone HAS THE REP FOR IT and for all there chars .

No you are blantant liers you have not done so else you wouldnt go ahead with it .