Reasons to release SSC and TK asap

Just have a day off and go outside, you sound like you need it


They are releasing Phase 2 on August 31 to match New World’s release. You heard it here first.

they were both in 2.0.3

Right now there is about 3-4 hours worth of raid content per week, and sharing 3 tier pieces between 25 people gets disappointing and annoying pretty fast.

There’s only a handful of Classes/specs that use the tier pieces so there isn’t as much competition for them as you make out especially since 2 of them come from a 10 man raid and the majority of BiS items are from Kara and crafting so your argument falls flat on it’s face.

Plus I predict a huge drop off in players once BT has been released as many see it as the “main” raid of TBC…Sunwell is cool and all but by that point many will care more about when WoTLK Classic is coming. It was the same with Classic. So if you release SSC/TK early then you’ll have to release BT/Hyjal early also and the game would be dead in a few months.

Hunter/Warlock/Mage and Rogue/Shaman/Paladin are pretty easy to get sure but the Warrior/Druid/Priest is atrocious. In some guilds those 3 can be half a raid and they have 7 sets total in this one token. H/W/M doesn’t have OS sets, R/S/P have OS sets but there is considerably less of them in the raid so everyone will get it.

No rush. Longer phase 1 = better phase 1.


What’s the big rush for Phase 2 going to achieve ?

What’s the huge need to consume content the moment it’s released, if you are fully geared, level an alt, farm rep, collect every rep mount, play the AH, gold farm, Arena, Casual PvP, loads to do.

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There is plenty of solo content and group content, however there is almost no content for raid groups (i wouldn’t even count Kara as raid group content really because it’s only 10 people) especially now that u can’t even que BGs as a raid. Like i said above it makes the game feel like a multiplayer not massive multiplayer.

For real.

These twits need to get a life. Go travel. Enjoy the seas of women out in the real world. Start playing guitar. Something but wow.

Will be at least two more months of season 1.

Just release everything up to BT already.

Veni, veni, venias - Ne me mori facias.

I’m literally a professional guitarist, 21 years experience and travelled the world doing it. You guys need to get a life just because I want my 2007 game to be a bit more like it was in 2007 so I have more than 35 minutes of gameplay to do with my raid a week.

I could raid in a casual dad gamer guild on retail and have about 5x as much stuff to do, and still have time for work. 6 weeks was enough, SSC/TK were available with the launch of TBC, T4 wasn’t meant to carry the game for months.

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Guitarist, sure. But have you been balls deep in 100+ women yet, like I have?

Na, 100 is a bit too old for me but good on you mate!

Harr Harr.

But seriously, after bathing in over 100 women, I feel like I can soon settle down and be with just one. And then play WoW more like all the other sexless people do.

No need to rush it out. Those that rushed or ‘did things as efficiently as possible’ miss out on most of what the game is about- which is absorbing leisure time and having fun. Then they get to the end and start moaning there is nothing to do, having missed out on most of the core of the game.

Rush if you must (and then tell us all how fast you levelled to 70 and attuned in the most efficient way possible with your tight knit group of guildies), but don’t expect all of us to be on the same wavelength as you. Maybe even look outside that group and lend a hand to people to get dungeons done etc- who knows, you might even find helping others enjoyable and brings you some new friends too.

I realised I was going too fast on my first toon in TBC and stopped playing it, restarted on a couple other servers and am now levelling a few Horde. I’m in no rush to finish the content.

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No logical guild is going to give OS tokens to people if MS needs them.

Either way gearing in TBC is a doodle compared to Classic…do you remember doing MC runs where 15+ melee DPS needed like Brut Blade, QSR, Band of Accuria etc and they all had a lousy drop rate.

At least in TBC you can get alternatives from raids and crafting if needed and tier pieces have a one in three chance of dropping the item you need rather than each classes tier piece having a chance to drop.

As I said it’s not really an issue the OP is just trying to make it one to back up his desire to have the content rushed out because he rushed through the content so fast and is now bored.

I hope they won’t rush it. I done all the P1 content, but i just don’t want another content release with an hotfix or more per day for a month.

I’m still surprise they don’t have annouce P2 for 31 august (New World release),

While I could not care less if it’s released anytime soon or in a few months… this argument of some “some people are not kara attuned”… I do not know… if you are not kara attuned you either have not played at all or just do not intend to raid.

Don’t think P2 will be for another 3-4 months. The main hurdle is aligning arena seasons with tier content. Most people haven’t saved up enough to even get 1 piece of arena gear.