Recently, maybe a few days I go, I started receiving random Guild Messages of the Day. I’m in my own guild with just my main and alts, we have no guild message. I also receive them in different languages. Not sure if these are from other actual guilds or some other bug.
Hey Sowee,
We’ve seen a few similar reports from other players and are currently investigating, though haven’t been able to reproduce the issue so far.
I was experiencing that too like week ago, not seen it since then, but right now I’m getting “You are not in a guild” messages which is not true.
I think the latest update has done something unexpected to the chat system and Blizzard are trying to track it down rather than remove the update, which probably had a lot more in it.
I would remove the swear word, circumventing the language filter is against the rules
Oh, I have had this too. I was greeted with the message “Storage Guild” which I never wrote.
I also can’t get the services channel to go away. It keeps coming back when I log back in.
This has been happening since the recent patch.
Have you tried recently? A fix was released for that a few days back and it has solved it for me and i’ve not seen anyone else report it since then.
got like 30 different message from 5 languages, very funny
One of my guildies got this type of spam this morning, characters coming online and going offline, that aren’t in guild but I’ve checked and they are on our connected servers. Multiple messages in different languages so not sure how sfw they are lol. He messaged me thinking guild had been hacked to see if I could fix it.
Yeah, I’ve been having this for a few weeks now. Today was the worst, I think.
[09:32:40] Guild Message of the Day: “Day 34 of The Manor. Raid invites for Wednesday are up on the Discord. If you’re able to come then be sure to sign up! 8pm-11pm server time.”
[09:32:48] Guild Message of the Day: “Bing Chilling”
[09:32:49] [Night Elven Spear] has been added to your appearance collection.
[09:32:51] Rydîc has gone offline.
[09:33:18] [Kogaroth] has earned the achievement [Joining the Khansguard]!
[09:33:40] Guild Message of the Day: “Hej allesammen”
[09:33:41] Changed Channel: [2. General - Valdrakken]
[09:34:02] Guild Message of the Day: “Welcome to Guards Of Hope, we’re happy to see you and hope that you will be happy in the guild, if there’s any question take it up with a Honorbound or higher.”
Same issue here, it also random says you not in a guild in between, except i am and all the characters in there are my own.
It also randomly regranted some guild rep achievements a bit back on multiple days, and actually changing the dates on the achievements despite having them since whenever those got put in.
Sorry for the late reply, yes, it has been fixed.
I’m getting spammed too.
Screenshot from the messages I just got. Blizz please, I don’t want random homophobic messages when I log on.
I am also getting random messages of the day from other guilds, so it has not been fixed yet for sure… Just got one today.
Just got one of these too , at least it was a harmless “welcome to No Pressure” but still completely confused me as I wasn’t in any kind of guild called that
I’ve been getting this as well.
17/04/2024 at 10:55 realm time.
Got my own guild message x2
Got guild message “test”
got another guild message detailing some private sounding guild information.
and a “No player named x is currently playing”
Very weird!
Just as I closed this message i got random guild message lol!
Been getting these as well since yesterday, random guilds I have never been in and in different languages.
I got this today as well. Suddenly “your guild has moved to another realm”.
But our gmotd was still saying our own line.
Then it changed to something Swedish i think.
Then a player went offline that i’ve never heard of and never has been in our guild. So i have no idea why i got the message that that person went offline.
Then it said i was not in a guild (but i am).
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