Recent Actions Against Exploitative Accounts -- July 2023

To provide more transparency on the actions we take against cheating and exploitation, here is a breakdown on the number of actions that were taken over the last month, July 2023:

Total Exploitative WoW Account Actions in July 2023: 116921

All of these actions were for cheating or exploitation, which primarily result in permanent bans or 6-month suspensions. This number does not include other actions such as those taken on accounts with character name or in-game language violations. We continue to evolve our methods and act against these malicious accounts on a daily basis.

Thank you!


meanwhile on ERA, the same flyhacking bots running strat for the last 5 months straight 24/7 without any bans.


Have you tried hiring ingame GMs to take care of cheaters, bots and hackers?


I really do not trust these numbers lol. In Classic Wrath bots are swarming battlegrounds performing the exact same actions and movements. You can see at least 2 bots every match. I’ve been reporting them for the longest time but not once have I seen a “Thank you for your report” notification. The bots are so obvious as well.

If the numbers are legit then it’s not enough. The anti-cheat needs to be improved a whole lot.


These numbers are fake for sure. I mean, you would see results after months and months of banned accounts but its still the same.

Still seeing the same ppl fly in ERA aswell


Here’s a breakdown:
60k chat mutes for saying a gamer word
40k getting massreported because you pissed off a bot owner/gold farm cartel
16921 bot accounts banned after they made a profit and 16921 new subscriptions for Blizzard!


Oh…why do we have bots? :thinking::pleading_face::smiling_face_with_tear: anyway…I love wow token and levelling boost, this game is so fun because of this wonderful implementation. This is a true classic experience :clown_face::sunglasses::robot:

Pathetic, I report ~10 bots every time do a mining route, I get 1 in-game mail for “actions taken”. Banning 10% of the bots does nothing.


That’s a lie. For the past 5 months?! I mean , I also hate bots, but stop going fully … uncredible to be diplomatic.

That’s not how things works here. This is not a private server. They need logs and other proofs until one is banned, not just see it with your own eyes, because if the “bot” is making an appeal and there is zero evidence other than “naked eye” they will unban the guy.

You are never pleased, no matter the numbers.

Yes, there are bots, but not the same…not for too long.

Anyway, seems most of you have never played WoW before or any other big MMO.

There are ALWAYS bots. In WoW this was ALWAYS a problem. Not just now.

Big game = Many bots and gold sellers because the chance to get profit is high.

Low number game = Few bots, few gold sellers.

No matter how much Blizzard, or any other company is fighting bots, they will always find a way to get back.

Simple as that.

I mean … is right there …

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Do you have a interview going on with Blizzard or something? Its clear that the bots are a major problem in wow these days, especially in Classic. Yes there were bots before but not that much as now. Big game, more bots? You mean: demand is high( people have now more money to spend, more than back than.)

Get some volunteers ingame and fck the bots up. Im sure there are tech people ingame that would like to help out.

Simple as that.


10 characters.

Clearly you have no clue, isn’t it ? Not that much as now? LOL. WoW used to have millions of subs, 10+ to be more precise. So yes, it was a lot worst than now.

No, I mean big game, more bots and yes, the demand is higher, doh?

Again, this is not a private server. Is not how things works. If I use a bot, hack, etc and there is a GM right then and see me and ban me, in 2 days I will sent a “OMG WHY I WAS BANNED??” and they will look, see no evidence and…unban me.

No is not “simple as that”. If it was, then no game had bots problems anymore …

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Great job guys, keep it up!

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So what happens when they just make 116921 new accounts and continue botting like nothing happened? Apart from Blizzard getting a few months of sub money from them?

The gold farmers want legitimate player’s money and Blizzard wants the gold farmer’s sub money. The one getting the short end of the stick are the legitimate players. I’ve literally had some guy from trade chat try to scam me for a google pay card code, and when I talked with him on discord it was some indian/pakistani guy.
The game’s integrity is gone, and its not going to change because Blizzard doesn’t want it to change.


Clearly you have no clue lol.
The botting is a much bigger problem than it was back ago. The demand is now much higher. I mean, take a look at bgs and all the tech there is now to actually bot without getting banned. The tech now is much better to not get noticed. Got banned? No problem, just make a new account because the profit is already in.

Stop defending blizzard

Ever heard of recording programs like OBS Studio?

@Tail, @Jettix: Why? The number is depressingly small, only a handful per server per day… An average of what… 13 to 19 (or thereabouts) actions per day per server?


Unless Blizzard is creating extra layers and allowing only bots on them, making the real bot population much larger than what players see, then those ban numbers should produce visible results. They do not.

Again with this private server nonsense?!?

“Here comes GM. There are 3 suspicious players around. He sees one doing crazy things. Oh, lemme record this guy!! …he says. But then the guy just…disconnects. Oh damn it, he says. Next time! Oh well, back to just…lurking around to maybe catch and record bots…”

See the problem?! If not, just don’t bother replying back.

At least he has to appeal then, which will not be an automated process, because someone will have to take a look at the appeal. This alone would make it a lot more effort to run farm bots and you can easily have the GM ask the alleged bot a question or just teleport them away from their routine to test their behaviour.

If a player does not respond to a DM after being teleported away from their farming location and getting whispers it’s NOT just naked eye either.

If they respond, but don’t respond in a fitting way, it’s also not just the naked eye. It’s really not that hard and not that much effort.

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